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Home | Friday 4th February 2011 | Issue 757

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When the fine nation of Belarus was given the opportunity to express itself in the much hailed democratic function of ‘free elections’, there were unable to pull it off with the finesse of say, western governments. Alexander Lukashenko, often referred to as Europe’s last dictator, was inaugurated for a fourth term as president in January 2011 after elections held on the 19th December 2010.

Lukashenko has been president of Belarus since 1994. Using a whole load of cunning, with only the occasional resort to violence, and only slightly sponsored by Russian interests, he has managed to remain in power unchallenged.

Since about 2005, however, a few minor tiffs with the Russians and a bit of pesky EU interference, not to mention that darn internet, more voices of dissent are being heard and noticed. So a few protests here, a few arrests there and then, true to form, on the 19th Dec pole, with chutzpah George. W. could only dream of, Lukashenko polled an alleged 87.7%.

This announcement caused a lot of angry people to gather in central Minsk to express their disgust. This triggered the expected police reaction – as they so often do when faced with peaceful protesters worldwide - choosing to kick the shit out of everyone in sight. All usual dirty tricks ensued with 700 arrests and lots of good old-fashioned middle-of-the-night, break into house, bag over head and off to Siberia for 5-15 years we go malarkey. Relatives of those currently incarcerated are unable to contact their family and have no knowledge of where they are held, let alone what the evidence for their charges is. With the government threatening to even take the young children of those arrested into custody, solidarity for the Belarusian prisoners is much needed.

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