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Radical Bookshops

56a Infoshop 56 Crampton St, London, SE17 56a@safetycat.org www.safetycat.org/56a Books, tea, zines, info, empties, bikes, library, history, action, people.....sometimes cafes...sometimes otherthings...

Avalon 73 Fawcett Rd, Southsea, Hants, PO4 0DB T 02392 293673 F 02392 780444 info@avalonheadshop.co.uk Portsmouth's only head shop. Stock Undercurrents; distribute SchNEWS as well as information on local, national and international campaigns.

Blackcurrent Bookshop 4 Allen Rd, Abington, Northampton NN1 4NE. T 07833 17328 Specialises in radical and independent books, comix, cards, badges, tapes and CDs.

Freedom Book Company 73 Fawcett Rd, Southsea, Hants, PO4 0DB T 023 92780600 F 023 92780444 www.freedombooks.co.uk info@freedombooks.co.uk Massive range of informative drugs related books and magazines (cultivation, legality, effects etc), Undercurrents videos, radical magazines and periodicals. Bookshops/Drugs.

Freedom Press, 84b Whitechapel High St, London, E1 7QX T 020 7247 9249 F 020 7377 9526 freedom@ecn.org www.ecn.org/freedom Anarchist publishers and propagandists since 1886, through our periodicals, books and pamphlets, available from our bookshop or by mail order. Contact us for free sample copy of 'Freedom'.

Green Leaf Bookshop 82 Colston St, Bristol, BS1 5BB. T 0117 921 1369 F 0117 9460001 Radical bookshop. Mail order. Very fast customer order service - from U.S & U.K.

Housmans Bookshop 5 Caledonian Rd, King's Cross, London, N1 9DX T 020 7837 4473 F 020 7178 0444 shop@housmans.idps.co.uk London's oldest radical bookshop, home to the weird & the wonderful, publisher of annual Housmans Peace Diary.

Little Thorn Books 73 Humberstone Gate, Leicester, LE1 1WB. T 0116 251 2002 Leicester radical bookshop.

News From Nowhere Bookshop 96 Bold Street, Liverpool, L1 4HY T 0151 708 7270 www.newsfromnowhere.org.uk Long established, busy radical community bookshop run by a women's co-operative. Books, magazines, world music CDs and more. Open Mon-Sat 10am-5.45pm.

R.E.C.Y.C. 54 Upperthorpe Rd, Sheffield, S6 3EB. T 0114 263 4494 Re-use and second hand, recycling, waste campaigns, newsletter.

Reading International Solidarity Centre (RISC) 35-39 London St, Reading, Berks, RG1 4PS T 0118 9586692/0118 9569800 F 0118 9594357 admin@risc.org.uk www.risc.org.uk Development Education Centre with World Shop selling fair trade products, books and teaching materials, Global Café, community meeting space.

Silvermoon Women's Bookshop at W & G Foyle, 113-119 Charing Cross Road, London WC2H OEB silvermoon@foyles.co.uk www.foyles.co.uk/silvermoon/index.htm Europe's largest women's bookshop selling books by and for women.

Word Power Bookshop 43 West Nicholson St, Edinburgh, EH8 9DB. T 0131 6629112 F as phone books@word-power.co.uk www.word-power.co.uk Scotland's radical bookshop and mail order. Organise Edinburgh Radical Book Fair in May each year.


Independent distributors of anarchist zines, pamphlets and other publications.

Finger_Bang Distro Catalogues can be requested either via email (red_chidgey@yahoo.com) or by post (send a SAE to 29 Wellesley Road, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, CO15 3PW, U.K.) www.gurlpages.com/diyessex/

A small independent distro (distributor) of ladymade goods and d.i.y/political resources. This feminist project aims to showcase women's talent and creativity and inspire, inform, and politically activate/empower individuals. Part of the Essex DIY Collective and are always looking for new things to distribute.

Morgenmuffel Distro PO Box 74 Brighton BN1 4ZQ Morgenmuffel has been going for a few years and is a personal anarchist zine with cartoons and rants published irregularly. Now a distro write zines send three stamps for a zine list.

Active Distribution BM Active, London, WC1N 3XX jon@activedistribution.org www.activedistribution.org Anarchist (DIY) distribution, mailorder, wholesale, stalls etc of a non-profit, Books, Mags, Music, Badges t-shirts etc. Send SAE for a catalogue.

AK Distribution P.O.Box 12766, Edinburgh, EH8 9YE. T 0131 5555165 F 0131 5555215 ak@akedin.demon.co.uk www.akuk.com www.akpress.org Co-operative who distribute & publish a wide range of radical politics: books, mags. audio & t-shirts. Send for free mail-order catalogue.

Godhaven Ink Rooted Media, The Cardigan Centre, 145-149 Cardigan Rd, Leeds, LS6 1LJ T 0113 278 8617 merrick@stones.com www.godhaven.org.uk Publishers of cheap books and zines about direct action and other countercultural stuff. Promoting a feeling of well-being since 1994.

Factsheet 5 PO Box 4660 Arlington, VA 22204, USA. T 703-553-2945 F 703-553-0565 twbounds@pop.mail.rcn.net www.factsheet5.org Comprehensive quarterly guide to zines/alternative publications. Each issue packed with reviews/contact/ordering info for hundreds of independent publications.

Haven Distribution BM Haven, London WC1N 3XX. Publications they've been donated and send to prisoners.

Photon Press 37 The Meadows, Berwick-Upon-Tweed, Northumberland, TD15 1NY. photon.press@virgin.net Publish "Light's List" of 1500 independent press magazines world-wide printing fiction, poetry, art, reviews etc. £2.50 inc. postage.

Re-pressed c/o Leeds EF!, Cornerstone Resource Centre, 16 Sholebroke Avenue, Leeds, LS7 3HB, Non profit anarchist book distribution service providing a selection of books, zines and pamphlets focusing on a critique of the totality. Questioning and critiquing areas such as work, anarcho-orthodoxy, leftist workerism, civilization...in short, searching for a way out of this sterile alienated existance and towards a liberated anarchic future.