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Nearly two months after it began, Occupy Brighton has bowed out following a gale that blew most of the camp down. Cold and rain had whittled down the camp to a handful of the most hardcore, and when the gale blew in there just weren't enough hands on deck to hold down the tents, and so the occupiers made the decision to call it a day.

As well as being an experiment in direct democracy and decision making by consensus, Occupy Brighton had become a favourite hangout for Brighton's homeless community, who appreciated having somewhere to hang out somewhere where they weren't going to get moved on. The combination of high minded idealism and special brew was never an easy mix, and, post gale, many of the original organisers felt that the camp had lived out its natural lifespan. This didn't go down well with some the Occupy residents, who responded by er, trying to burn the site down. Luckily SchNEWS' trusty marquee, which has seen every war since the First World War and every protest camp since Newbury (honest!) escaped with only a minor singeing.

See @occupy_brighton

There is 1 comment on this story...
Added By: REMOVE - 17th December 2011 @ 8:49 AM
Really sad to read in the argus newspaper,and the comments were even sadder,whats happened to the people of this ountry,theirs little compassion for your fellow-men,and women.These poeple were making a stand,for our freedoms and our very basic rights,which GOVERMENT WISHERSTO STAMP ON,BOTH MR.Wange Gumbrell,and MR .John Dace should feel ashamedof them selfs for such outbursts (for their argus views,i pray for them and hope they dont lose their job or their home, but they have lost something which is more inportant,they have lost their hearts.
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