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The weekly newsletter from Justice? - Brighton's direct action collective

Issue 621 Articles:

The Best Aid Plans

Crap Arrest of the Week

The Ugle Ruckling

Party & Protest

Dow Syndrome

Coup de Foie Gras

Pitch Your Message

On Top of the World

...And Finally...


Home | Friday 22nd February 2008 | Issue 621

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Last Tuesday (12th), two activists invaded the pitch at a football game between Burnley and QPR. Against the relentless march of corporatism in sport? Er no – the banner they unfurled simply said ‘Campbell Causes Leukaemia’ – still guessing what they were on about? It was in fact referring to Blair’s one time top media spin merchant Alistair Campbell, a big Burnley supporter – who was in the crowd.

It seems that since his retirement from mainstream politics, Campbell’s do-gooder side led him to become chairman of Fundraising for Leukaemia Research. Perhaps it's to make up for the fact that the leukaemia rate has dramtically risen in Iraq - caused by all those depleted-uranium tipped “smart” bombs dropped by the UK and US, which Campbell the foul-mouthed ‘minister for propaganda’ tried to justify at the time.

Despite the bottle to run out during a league football match, which is to be applauded, maybe the protesters should take a leaf from the master spin-doctor's book and make sure their message is pitched correctly for the audience.

* See



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