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Home | Friday 20th March 2009 | Issue 669

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Almost exactly six years since Israeli forces killed American International Solidarity Movement (ISM) activist Rachel Corrie in Rafah, Gaza (SchNEWS 397), another US activist is fighting for his life after being shot in the head by the IDF during a demo against the Separation Wall in the West Bank village of Ni’lin. Tristan Anderson was shot at close range by a tear gas cannister fired from the new Ruger rifle, designed to shoot a ‘less lethal’ 130gram gas cannister 500 metres. He was shot at from 60 metres away by a soldier who aimed directly at his head.

After his ambulance was made to wait for 15 minutes at a checkpoint, he was taken to Tel Hashomer hospital. Unconscious for several days, he is now in a life threatening condition, recovering from a brain operation that involved removing part of his frontal lobe damaged by cranial bone splinters. His family and girlfriend are at his side, and have said: “We are deeply grateful for the love and support pouring in from Tristan’s friends and fellow activists around the world. It is moving to see how many people care for Tristan and are moved by his work championing social justice issues.

Tristan was demonstrating against the building of the Wall in Ni’lin, which will cut the village of the Ni’lin off from one quarter of its land if completed. Four people have been killed at Ni’lin demonstrations - the youngest being 10-year-old Ahmed Mousa, shot in the forehead with live ammunition.

* For more on the current situation and the continued fight for justice for Rachel Corrie, see the Gaza ISM site at

Keywords: idf, ism, ni'lin, palestine, rachel corrie, rafah, tristan anderson, west bank


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