Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 3rd April 2009 | Issue 671

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On the night of March 29th, the prison probation service building of Brighton was attacked with paintbombs and spraypaint signs saying "No War" and "EDO 2". (The HSBC bank next door also suffered smashed windows for good measure.) The actions were taken in solidarity with the 'EDO 2', Robert and Elijah, who are currently jailed for their part in smashing up the EDO factory on January 19th (See SchNEWS 663)

Meanwhile, ITT Corp face a challenge from religious shareholders (holy rollers such as the Dominican Sisters of Hope, the Presbyterian Church (USA), and the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Episcopal Church) to disclose all details of the company's foreign sales of military and weapons-related products and services. The god squad plan to bring the motion at the May 12th ITT AGM - SmashEDO activists will obviously be watching from afar with interest...

Keywords: brighton, edo 2, edo decommissioners, edo-mbm, elijah wood, itt, robert alford, smash edo


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