Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 13th November 2009 | Issue 699

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The convergence space for SMASH NATO is now open – ready for three days of action against the NATO meeting in Edinburgh. After months of mobilising and planning, today the NATO Welcoming Committee set up the Smash NATO Convergence Space in Edinburgh. The space will act as a base for activists resisting the NATO Parliamentary Assembly meeting in the city from Friday. The address is Bristo Hall, upstairs from the Forest Cafe, on Bristo Place.

It’ll open Friday at 10am and will provide legal support, a medics space, an Indymedia Centre, punk gigs, information regarding Friday’s mass demo and food. For people coming from out of town who need accommodation turn up at the convergence centre or email or phone (07500163480). As much notice as possible is preferable!

* See


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