Home | Friday 5th February 2010 | Issue 708

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The eviction of Mainshill Solidarity Camp (see SchNEWS 697) finished last Friday, after five days of resistance. A total of 45 people were arrested. The last day was a little confusing for the bailiffs as they discovered the last person in the tunnel didn’t exist, but there was still an unseen protester lurking in the woods. He was forced out when the bulldozers started felling trees all around him. They also arrested someone for taking photographs.

Bailiffs often put speed before safety. They cut a walkway with someone stood on it and lowered people from trees with lock-ons still attached. Some people were injured while being cut out of lock-ons.

The eviction has been a massive financial burden, bad publicity for Scottish Coal and delayed work on site. Scottish Coal were apparently hoping the camp would be deserted during the freezing winter, but they obviously haven’t experienced that warm glow you get from resisting corporate greed within a supportive and lively community (and a good wood burner).
One Mainshiller told SchNEWS, “The experience and inspiration we’ve gained will fuel further resistance to new coal in Scotland, building on the alliances we’ve been developing. We must stop open casting coal now for any chance at creating a sustainable future.”

*see www.coalactionscotland.noflag.org.uk


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