Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 21st May 2010 | Issue 723

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Last Saturday’s weekend of discontent in London enticed the full spectrum of subcultures to the capital, drawing diverse groups of anarchists, pissed-off politicians, eco-hippies, alcoholics and space cadets to raise their various issues with our glorious new leader(s) Clameregg. Protests sparked off all over the city, centring around the Democracy Village in Parliament Square.

Party At The Pumps 2 kicked off when the No Tar Sands Campaign hit a Shell garage in Islington, shutting it down for the afternoon. Around 50 activists unfurled banners proclaiming ‘Closed’ and ‘Danger Keep Out – Shell Hell In Operation’ across the entrances while a samba band partied away on the forecourt. ‘Crime Scene’ tape was wrapped around all the pumps and people leafleted local houses, cafés, car windscreens and passers by. Also present at the protest were campaigners from Shell to Sea who have been fighting the building of a gas pipeline in Rossport, Ireland (see SchNEWS 716), and supporters of the campaign against Shell’s destruction of the Niger delta.

As well ecological disaster, human rights abuses were top of the agenda, with hundreds rallying outside the gates of 10 Downing Street calling for the new government to demand an end to Israel’s oppression of the Palestinian people. A letter signed by supporters was delivered to number 10, asking Clegg to stick by the pledges he made before the election to fight for the rights of Palestinians.

About 2,500 people joined in the ‘Purple Patch’ march outside the Houses of Parliament calling for electoral reform. Waving banners and purple ribbons, activists covered the railings around the building in purple and later delivered a petition to number 10. Mostly present at the march were disenfranchised youth, angry at the under-representation of their views in the current political system.

All of this was viewed from across the street by the Democracy Village at Parliament Square. A fascinatingly bizarre mix of guerilla gardeners, poi-spinning hippies, homeless alcoholics, militant anarchists and people who take orders from their pet rabbit (to name just a few) - came together to plant strawberries and form a new government. The afternoon was full of sunshine, reggae, vegetable planting and the most eclectic open mic session you’ve ever sat through. Despite the comical mix of characters, the common goal was definitely actively working towards a solution to the failings of the current system.

The day’s excitement drew to a close with a candlelit procession through Whitehall, highlighting the ongoing climate emergency. Starting with a service organised by Christian Ecology, the march ended at Old Palace Yard for a night of speed debating, poetry, theatre, arts and crafts, and a climate-themed pub quiz until the dawn broke.
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* Oil Industry/Climate Change Direct Action:,,

* Palestine:

* Electoral Reform:

* Democracy Village:

* Climate Emergency:

Keywords: climate change, democracy village, elections, oil industry, palestine


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