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Home | Friday 11th June 2010 | Issue 726

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Over 200 people took to Midsummer Common, Cambridge last Saturday (5th), in defiance of the Cambridgeshire Police’s party pooping wrangling that led to the cancellation of Strawberry Fair (see SchNEWS 715).

The turnout was much less than Strawberry’s usual numbers but the event was a jolly and peaceful affair, even with the provoking presence of the bluecoats on board. The revellers (as spotted by the cops) were getting involved in some raucous action such as hoolahooping, plate spinning, juggling and, wait for it, dancing! Well spotted Mr Bobby! Manpower deployed for the event broke out at about the same rate as if they had let the event go on unhindered. Tax payers money well spent then.

* For pics see

Keywords: cambridge, festivals


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