Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 1st October 2010 | Issue 741

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Climate activists shut down a London Shell garage over the weekend with a rooftop occupation and series of mischievous pixie actions.

Members of the “Petroseige Crew” clambered onto the roof of the Camberwell petrol station on Saturday (25th) afternoon. When staff refused to close the garage and continued to serve customers, activists blockaded the forecourt entrance and exit. Red paint was thrown all over one of the pumps.

Eventually, cops arrived to forcibly reopen the site. However, just a few hours later another autonomous imp hit the ‘emergency pump shutoff’ button. A good 20 hours later the site remained closed and activists had called for a ‘party at the pumps’.

The protesters declared the action in solidarity with the people of Rossport in their struggle against Shell (see SchNEWS 733) – see also


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