Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 7th January 2011 | Issue 753

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On Dec 29th, a 23-year-old man from South Carolina became a late contender for Casualty of Their Own Stupidity 2010. He was run down by an SUV after running headlong across a busy freeway...while attempting to play real life ‘Frogger’. It seems he and his mates had been discussing the classic 80’s coin op video game where you attempt to hop your frog across increasingly busy roads in order to make it to the relative safety of a thin cyan-pixelled strip – or, river (presumably to spawn and live a happy life fat on bonus points) - and he thought, yeah, why not? Shouted, “Go” and dashed out in front of the oncoming traffic. To be instantly splatted by an SUV – a shame, given they wouldn’t have featured in the original game.

And, sadly, he didn’t go to the trouble of obtaining an actual frog suit which would have been much funnier. Still, we’ve all spent time running around nightclubs trying to recreate Pac-Man and we never bothered to wear a big yellow spherical suit. (Smiley-face T-shirts don’t count.)

The man was taken to hospital where his condition was described as ‘stable’, although he just keeps saying they should take him back to the road cos he’s still got two lives left.


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