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Home | Friday 1st July 2011 | Issue 777

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On Tuesday (28th) Sheikh Raed Salah was arrested in London, having been invited by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign to speak at a meeting. Sheikh Raed leads the Islamic Movement in Israel - the largest movement for Palestinians in Israel - and has been the subject of criticism from the pro-Israel lobby. The sheikh has been banned from the UK and is now expected to be deported as a result of this pressure. This ban came as a surprise to Raed who had strolled in via Heathrow airport only 3 days earlier.

Despite being described as a hate preacher by sections of the UK media, Sheikh Raed has repeatedly distanced himself from racism and anti-Semitism. What prompted the ban or even when it came into effect has not been revealed. Given that the main engagement of the Sheikh’s tour was in the houses of parliament, we wonder which of her colleagues Home Secretary Teresa May feared would be radicalised by hearing him speak.


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