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Home | Friday 16th September 2011 | Issue 788

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We weren’t sure about posting a link to this bit of Israeli propaganda, but once you’ve seen the two issues of the technicolor Marvel pastiche of a comic that is ‘Captain Israel’ and ‘Captain Israel vs  the evil serpent of Boycott Divestment and Sanctions’ you’ll be left wondering if this is actually an elaborate prank by pro-Palestine activists. So mental it’s actually impossible to spoof, the far right (not to mention far out) Israeli “Stand With Us” campaign have commissioned  the blue uniformed, star of David shielded zionist superhero that defeats criticism of Israel with his ‘IsraelLight’.

Unfortunately there are only two issues so far (plus a teaser of ‘The Battle of the Century’ as Captain Israel gets the better of his arch-enemy Foreskin Man – no, really), but once you’ve read them you’ll be wanting more.

However, it’s impossible to spoof without just helping them produce issue 3. We’re hoping that they’ll go up against his mortal enemy, the embassy-climbing, flag tearing, Amazing Flagman of Carlos Latuff’s imaginings.


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