Published in Brighton by Justice? - Brighton's Direct Action collective Issue 172/173, Friday 24 June 1998INFORMATION FOR ACTION - YER SUMMER FESTIES, ACTIONS, & CAMPS INSIDESTONEHENGE WHITEWASHED!"They are turning an important historic and spiritual site into a theme park for tourists, a playground for the rich."- Matt, traveller, Brighton English Heritage's opening of Stonehenge on summer solstice, to a limited number of people, has been branded a "stage managed stunt" by people campaigning to bring back free access to the Stones. Two busloads of invited guests were driven from Salisbury to witness the sunrise at the Stones, but the reality for people without a ticket was that the four mile exclusion zone remained as usual. Many groups are opposed to the issuing of tickets to a limited number of people. A spokesperson for the Stonehenge Campaign said, "Tickets will never be acceptable to the campaign. It is felt that tickets include those 'in the know' and exclude anyone who does not know the right people, didn't know in time, aren't together enough to apply, or simply got up that morning and decided to go to the Stones." Ever since 1986 the exclusion zone has been in force to stop the Stonehenge Free Festival from taking place. This year around five hundred cops kept watch but still 40 people managed to into get the field opposite the Hillstone, before they were chased out. Meanwhile King Arthur Pendragon was arrested with 12 other people under the "trespassory assembly" sections of the Criminal Justice Act. The Stonehenge People's Free Festival began life in 1974 and grew and grew until in 1985 the powers-that-be decided enough was enough. That year a large convoy of travellers vehicles on their way to the Festival were blocked by the police. Trapped, they swung their vehicles into a field, crashing through a hedge. What happened next has gone down in traveller folklore as The Battle of the Beanfield. The police, out of control, started attacking people and vehicles. By the end 420 people had been arrested. and their homes had been systematically looted, smashed and burnt. One ITN reporter described the scene. "All of us [journalists] were shocked by what we saw: police tactics which seemed to break new grounds in the scale and the intensity of its violence. We saw police throw hammers, stones and other missiles through the windscreens of advancing vehicles; a woman dragged away by her hair; young men beaten over the head with truncheons as they tried to surrender; police using sledgehammers to smash up the interiors of the hippies' coaches." The Battle of the Beanfield was the beginning of the clampdown for the free festival/traveller scene culminating in the draconian Criminal Justice Act. The next year a four mile exclusion zone was placed round the stones for a five day period during the summer solstice - and will continue to be every year until it is challenged. Stonehenge Campaign Newsletter: Quarterly update, comprehensive contacts listing inc all the Free Information Network (FINS). Send SAE+donation to c/o 99 Torriano Avenue London NW5 2RX. Operation Solstice: Documentary on the Battle of the Beanfield, P.O. Box 10834, 44 Tottenham Lane, London, N8 OAW £10 + SAE The Last of the Hippies: Booklet about Wally Hope, one of the main people who got the Stonehenge Festival going - and met with a very suspicious ending £1 + SAE from DS4A, Box 8, 82 Colston St., Bristol, BS1 5BB.
POLICE RESCUE ARMY SHOCKER!There were red faces and laughter all round at last Saturdays spectacular Salisbury Reclaim The Streets (RTS) when protesters bumped into two stalled army tanks on a ring-road roundabout. Dozens of people were quick to take advantage clambering aboard until the soldiers, who had tried to kick and push them off, gave up and accepted their humiliating defeat. Never has there been such a photo opportunity as echoes of Tianemen Sq. came to the sleepy English town.The good vibe posse danced and cavorted on the tanks while others discussed with the young soldiers the error of their ways in choosing such a career, i.e. killing someone. Huge jams built-up as the police not knowing whether to laugh or cry took a while to get into gear and clear those naughty hippies and punks off the tanks. Earlier 2-300 people had had a 'walkabout' of Salisbury city centre for a couple of hours squeezing down narrow streets turning corner after corner as the crowds of shoppers cheered and laughed along with the happy group of RTS'ers, as riot vans were easily outpaced. After the demo had got "tanked-up" people decided to go for an escorted stroll out into the countryside, passing a family funday motorshow (sic) towards Old Sarum Fort where people were told by a loud-hailer on a passing police-car that "Your leaders have arranged a party venue-please follow us!" Finally meandering down country roads brought all to a chilled-out traveller's site in beautiful surroundings where it was agreed a fantastic day had been had & that the omens looked good for Stonehenge in the millennium. DIY culture does it again.
CRAP ARREST OF THE WEEKFor using a kidney self-dialysis machine!A man on his way to a demo at Hillgrove Farm (where cats are bred for vivisection) had his car searched and was then arrested. The police claimed the boxes in his car were "cat boxes" and would be used to take liberated cats from the farm (It should be noted on the day of the demo, to liberate any cats people would have had to get through a ring of riot police, mounted police, police dogs, a 12 foot high metal fence as well as be invisible to all the surveillance equipment like the police helicopter and video cameras on 60 foot watch towers!). The police wouldn't believe the boxes contained self-dialysis equipment which the man needs to use four times a day, even though 'dialysis' was written all over them! Before being taken to Oxford police station he was kept in a police van for two and a half hours, then thirty minutes before he was due to use the equipment he was thrown out of Oxford nick. It then took him another two and a half hours to get back to his car - and his vital self dialysis equipment!
MEAN GITS OF THE WEEKA Brighton man who lost all his belongings in a housefire at the weekend has had his application for a crisis loan turned down. The DSS told him he wasn't legible cos he still had the clothes on his back!PARTY & PROTESTJULY
AND THERE'S MORE...For a much more in depth listing (including lots of folk festies if you're into that) read FESTIVAL EYE, BCM 2002, LONDON,WC1 3XX 01568 760492 www.festivaleye.com For a list of Free Information Networks contact STONEHENGE CAMPAIGN, www.geocities.com/SoHo/9000/stonego.htm
FREE PARTY GUIDELINESDespite the best efforts of the authorities, people are still putting on free parties up and down the country. Here's a few do's and dont's just in case you stumble wide-eyed across one.
CRITICAL MASS BIKE RIDESThe term 'Critical Mass' is used by Scientists to describe the point at which a whole mess of stuff reaches the critical moment when it is so dense something's gotta give. Activists use the term to describe the point at which there are so many cyclists gathered on one road that they have reached "Critical Mass" and the car is no longer king!First Saturday of every month: HULL opposite Train station 5 pm / Victoria Square, BIRMINGHAM Noon Second Friday: WEST LONDON, Shephereds Bush Green 6pm Third Friday: Bargate, SOUTHAMPTON 6 pm Fourth Friday: NOTTINGHAM Market Square 5.15 pm Last Saturday: Byres Rd/Univ Ave GLASGOW 2 pm Last Friday: LONDON 5 pm under Waterloo Bridge by National Film Theatre, SHEFFIELD meet British Rail 5 pm, GUILDFORD Meet British Rail station 5.15 pm, The mound EDINBURGH 5 pm, and St.Peters Sq, MANCHESTER 5 pm. PROTEST CAMPSALVIS FACTORY PEACE CAMP, COVENTRYAgainst company that sells Scorpion tanks to Indonesia. Northview, Walsgrave, Coventry Tel: 01926 338805 or 0336 774113 pager 07666 734373
ST. MARY'S CHURCHYARD, SOUTHAMPTON WOMENS' PEACE CAMPSALDERMASTONCamp held on second weekend of each month. c/o 33 Heron Road, Bristol BS5 OLT Tel: 0117 939 3746.
SELLAFIELD ASPE VALLEYSituated in the French Pyrenees, it's one of the most beautiful and unspoilt valleys and home to the last few Brown Bears in the Pyrenees. However, work has been started for a motorway which will devastate most of the valley. La Goutte d'Eau has been the action centre there for ten years and is now facing eviction anytime from the end of July till September.They're having a festival July 11th-14th and are asking people to stay and camp there afterwards. Go on - show them how to dig tunnels, dive diggers and climb trees, but beware of the full-on French Riot Police: La Goutte d'Eau, F-64490 Cette-Eygun (50miles south-west of Pau, on the N134), Tel 0033 59347883MANCHESTER AIRPORTA new camp has just been set up at Manchester Airport in order to prevent Arthurswood being felled. The wood is mainly beech trees all of which apparently obstruct the satellite and radar reception on Runway 2! The land is owned by the National Trust who it is rumoured received a large donation and an entire farm for their co-operation. An injunction is being sought in an emergency session of the High Court to prevent the trees being felled. Directions to the camp go to the A538, turn left on to the Altrincham road, follow that for less than 100 yards and turn right off it onto the small road towards the the Moathouse Hotel. Almost immediately there is a bridlepath on your right hand side follow this from there its obvious. Contact 07775 602954ASHTON COURTThe sign on the entrance toAshton Court Park says "You are visiting a beautiful and peaceful park.Help keep it that way so that everyone can enjoy it." So what do North Somerset Council do? They give planning permission for the extension of PoineerAggregates'Durnford Quarry into 20 acres of the park!So how come a park given in 1959 to the people of Bristol, under the condition 'that no part of it should be set aside for works which detract from its value as a recreation ground or prejudice the enjoyment of the people' is gonna be park excavated for minerals? The quarrying will destroy a wildflower meadow containing rare flowers as well as nesting skylarks, foraging bats and badgers and Pioneer plan to spend£1 million on 'translocation' - scooping up the topsoil and moving it somewhere more convenient. So people decided to set up a camp in nearby woods. However, the protestors point out the campaign "is not about hippies in the woods getting sentimental over a bunch of flowers. It is about local people fighting for their open space, it is about the continued unnecessary extraction of non renewable resources, our undemocratic planning system.....It is about changing the world - but also about a beautiful, living, colourful, open space in a spectacular position and defending it because we love it and it is ours." Why not visit - even stay - on the way back from Glastonbury? For directions ring site mobiles and 0467 430 211 07970 423 834 www.gn.apc.org/cycling/ashtoncourt BANGORAn urgent "Awrooga - eviction imminent" has been put out by protesters who have set up camp at the Brewery Fields in Bangor, North Wales to stop the trashing of common land.People have been campaigning for five years to stop "a local haven for both wildlife and people... bordered by ancient woodland" from being built on, and the recent eviction of one of the camps have been dubbed as "torture-tactics" by protesters, eight of whom were hospitalised. One women Jenny told of how "they pressured me behind the ears hurting me badly. My hearing slackened out as if voices were from a distance, though they were shouting in my ear to unlock...they knelt on my calf muscles forcefully... then my back thigh muscles, shooting unbearable pain up my leg, still pushing my pressure points. Then they twisted my left arm behind my back, bending my wrist. They put on a quick-cuff. Bending, tightening and twisting, I had to give in. The pain was excruciating. I unlocked screaming with pain." A Chief Inspector has said they are happy with their use of "reasonable force" - and are prepared to do it again. But Brewery Fields campaigners reckon they will only get away with such tactics again if the campaign remains "small and neglected". One camp resident told SchNEWS "Obviously these tactic's have implications for protests round the country - if other police forces think they can save a couple of grant by torturing us out rather than using cutting gear - hen they will The more people here the harder for them, the more publicity-the less likely they are to act like dick-heads!" Contact: Save Brewery Fields Campaign office, c/o Greenhouse, 1 Trevelyan Terrace, Bangor Gwnnedd 01248 335821 Site mobile, 0836 563 980 e-mail sup04a@bangor.ac.uk SCHNEWS ANNUALThe sexy SchNEWS Annual features issues 101-150 plus top photos, special articles, cartoons and a comprehensive contacts list - the Yellow Pages of direct action. It's yoursfor£6 +84p SAE to the usual address (see end).CAMPSFIELD 9 TRIAL COLLAPSESThe nine asylum seekers put on trial for alleged rioting and violent disorder at the Campsfield Detention Centre, have all had their charges dropped. The Court found the testimony given by the guards of the private security firm Group 4, was unreliable, with the companies own CCTV tapes contradicting the guards versions of events - with one guard with his hands around the neck of one of the detainees and an accusation that a detainee smashed up a telephone being shown to be false when a guard is shown on video smashing the phone!. The collapse of the trial is yet another in a long line of embarrassments to Group 4 and the Home Office, and highlights the outrageous way asylum seekers are treated on their arrival to the UK.Labour Immigration Minister Mike O'Brien claimed that £175,000 worth of damage had been done to the detention centre "in acts of madness." It is, presumably, an act of sanity to welcome people fleeing repressive dictatorships by treating them as criminals and incarcerating them in places like Campsfield. Amnesty International found that 82 % of asylum seekers were detained immediately upon arrival to the UK. The decision to detain is taken by civil servants, in the absence of lawyers, people are not charged or brought before a magistrate, and there is no limit on how long they can be held. As for Campsfield, even the Chief Inspector of Prisons, Sir David Ramsbottom, who visited the detention centre following the uprising, condemned the place as, "a shambles", in a report. Out of the nine had been imprisoned for ten months awaiting trial, two have now been granted refugee status, one is currently in a psychiatric hospital, while another has been granted temporary admission. Sadly five of them have been moved to Rochester Prison in Kent and are now, after racist abuse, imprisonment, false accusations and the threat of ten year prison sentences, very likely to be deported. Send letters of support to: Stanley Nwaidike TC1057 E-wing, Sambou Marong TC1005 D-wing, John Quaquah TC1056 E- wing, Enahoro Esemuze TC1063 E-wing, Harrison Tubman TC1064, all at HMP Rochester, Kent ME1 3QS
FUR SHOP CAMPAIGN GOES NATIONALThe campaign to close down the delightful Philip Hockley fur shop in London continues... and is aiming for National support. Previous peaceful demonstrations have led to a number of arrests for obstruction -which have been thrown out of court. However following the court ruling the Police decided a change in tactics was needed to deal with Anti fur campaigners... On Sat 9 May demonstrators decided to a have a pint or two in the pub around the corner from the fur shop and individually nip out with leaflets for passers-by. With video camera and mobile phone arrests were recorded and the next demonstrator called up to distribute leaflets. Eight arrests later the shop closed for the day. Everyone was arrested "to prevent a breach of the peace" and released after the shop was closed without being charged! Two days later and two more activists were arrested handing out leaflets, charged with obstruction (despite one of them already being acquitted of the same charge just days before for doing exactly the same thing!) The police tried to impose bail conditions of not going near the fur shop but the activists refused to except this and were held overnight to appear in court the next morning.The campaign continues and needs more people to keep the pressure up, this isn't just about animal rights but the basic right to free assembly and peaceful protest! So get demonstrating at Philip Hockley fur shop, 20 Conduit St, London W1. For more information phone London Animal Aid on 0171 2783068.
KOSOVAA Kosovan living in Brighton is arranging to send warm clothing to the victims of the fighting. It must be hardcore material as the winter (which starts in September), reaches sub-zero. Stuff like old puffa jackets, heavy knit jumpers, thermals, fishing socks and hiking boots are ideal. The collection point for the time being is: Orest c/o The New Kensington Pub, Kensington Gdns, Brighton, E. Sussex 01273 681 907 You've the chance to stop women and children dying. Take it!FOOTBALL SHORTS
INSIDE SCHNEWSNative American activist Leonard Peltier was jailed in 1976 for the deaths of two FBI agents. He was involved in the movement to protect the Black Hills area of South Dakota against uranium mining, when a fire-fight occurred between the FBI and activists on the Pine Ridge Reservation. 2 FBI and 1 Lakota were killed. The death of the Lakota was never investigated. There is no direct evidence that Peltier is guilty; in fact extensive trawling of FBI files have only revealed that the case against him is based on perjury, coercion of witnesses, fabrication of the murder weapon and the withholding of evidence. Leonard still remains in prison, guilty of only protecting the land and its people, but despite spending over twenty years inside, the authorities still see him as such a threat, they deny him parole.He currently needs some serious medical attention and supporters are asking people to write to the prison to ask that Leonard gets access to outside medical treatment. Write to Warden Page True, Leavenworth Prison, Leavenworth, Kansas, KS66048; and contact: Leonard Peltier Defence Committee, PO Box 583, Lawrence, Kansas 66044 or drop him a line, prison number 89637-132, PO Box 1000, Leavenworth, Kansas, 66048. La lucha continua! SCHWOOPSIn the last issue (#171, front page, column three) we repeated some text from an article by George Monbiot. In our usual late night rush, we forget to say who wrote it. Now you know. (Sorry George!)AND FINALLYWe've been sent a copy of a DSS internal memo which we found hilarious. On a Wednesday afternoon Police were called to a benefits office to remove a drunk. As officers were removing him, another police car arrived and seeing the first car stopped to see if any help was needed. On entering the building, they saw someone they wanted in the office and arrested him. Another police car driving passed, seeing the 2 cars outside, stopped and, on entering, saw someone they too wanted to arrest. Yet another passing police car, seeing the first three, entered the benefits office. As they did so two customers hurled abuse at them, the police followed them inside and cautioned them. Due to the fact that four police cars were parked outside, a passing riot van stopped to give assistance, thinking a full-scale riot was going on. On entering, one of its officers also saw someone he wanted to arrest; his mate decides to have a go and is also arrested. There are now 4 cars, 1 van, 5 customers and 9 policemen all doing their own thing in our office. By now other guilty customers are getting the wind up and are leaving left, right and centre. A customer in room 4, having a go at the supervisor, dashes out and falls over a woman PC. Shock on his face, he asks if the Law are here for him, not waiting, he makes a rapid exit. So the total outcome of the action - 4 cars, 1 riot van, 9 police, 5 arrests 8 legging it, 1 problem customer gone and 13 blank tickets.DISCLAIMERThe SchNEWS warns all readers not to attend any illegal gatherings or take part in any criminal activities. Always stay within the law. In fact, please just sit in, watch TV, and go on endless shopping sprees filling your house and lives with endless consumer crap... you will then be content. Honest.
SchNEWS, PO Box 2600, Brighton, BN2 2DX, England
Last updated 6 July 1998 @nti copyright - information for action - copy and distribute! SchNEWS Web Team (schnews-web@brighton.co.uk) |