![]() WAKE UP! WAKE UP! IT'S YER POST BANG... Issue 190, Friday 6th November 1998PIES FLY IN FREE-TRADE FURYArguably one of the world's most powerful men, Renato Ruggeiro, Director of the World Trade Organisation, received two cream pies in the face last Friday by anonymous activists from the Biotic Baking Brigade (B.B.B.) Ruggiero, in London to attend a conference on 'Trade Investment and the Environment' had just been hit by this double-whammy, when from somewhere behind him, whipped cream came squirting all over his bald head.The WTO is one of the lesser-known UN agencies, but it has a bold mission; in Ruggiero's words, they have been 'writing the constitution of a single global economy'. As the organisation's first boss, he is charged with the job of knocking aside any obstacles to the corporatations clamouring to rip out the resources from beneath the feet of peoples of all nations. Any problems with that? Campaign groups were welcome to discuss them with him at the London conference, for the once-in-a-lifetime, bargain knock-down price of £440. 'We're practically giving the tickets away!' cried organisers the Royal Institute of International Affairs. 'We must be mad!' (actually, they didn't say those things).
GASPSYou might have thought Ruggiero mad if you'd heard him outline his vision of how the environment will be saved by unshackled economic growth. All pie in the sky - but minutes later, outside the conference at Chatham House, he had egg, quite literally, on his face. 'This is a present from the dispossesed!' cried one of the activists, handy with a flan or two, before vanishing into the west London crowds. Gasps went up as the Ruggiero stumbled blindly back into the building, leaving his cream-spattered spectacles out on the pavement.A BBB spokesperson active in the UK told SchNEWS: "Ruggiero has been singled out by our crack team of pie-throwers armed with the latest in low intensity lemon custard device technology. Today we sent a sticky message to Ruggiero and his global elite. No token amendments to international investment frameworks that give all rights to corporations and none to people, are acceptable: they must be scrapped." TOFUHe is the first to feel the power of the pie in the UK, but only the latest in a recent world-wide spate of pieings. Last Tuesday, genetic engineering supremo Robert Shapiro, head of Monsanto, got a pie in the face San Francisco (that one was made of tofu, kids) in the same month as did economist Milton Friedman, that infamous sucker of corporate cock.All over the place activists have been taking a leaf out of Delia Smith's book, relieving powerful figures of their dignity and making them eat, in a very real sense, humble pie. Head of Microsoft Bill Gates famously became the first victim, and since then intrepid entarteurs* have been becoming increasingly bold in pursuit of their ultimate aim: to put a pie in the face of the Pope. The General Command of the Biotic Baking Brigade (GC-BBB) have recently issued a communiqué following an emergency session, announcing two new global campaigns. The 'Pie Snowball' is a 'call to arms for revolutionary bakers across the world' and incites an 'autonomous, diffuse pastry uprising'. The idea is for one entarteur in every region to make the first throw, so inspiring others to do the same. PIE2KThe second offensive, developed by a joint task force of disaffected computer nerds and GC-BBB military advisors, has been code-named 'Pie2K'. This targets the computer industry execs and consultants whose short-sighted pursuit of profit has allowed the Millenium bug to arise, and will send a shower of pies across Silicon Valley.The communiqué reads; 'Just Do It! We are all pie-throwing anarchists. There's an oven on every street and cooking materials in every home.' Let the games commence.... * Entarteur, n. One who throws pies. [F, coined by Belgian Noel Godin of the Pattisserie Brigade Internationale] - SchNEWS VocabWatch
PINOCHETSomewhere in the Palace of Westminster, a committee of Law Lords continues to deliberate over whether Chile's former dictator, General Pinochet, should be handed over to Spain for trial, or let off the hook. Helped into power by the US, this man could still be brought to account for mindbending atrocities we may barely glimpse in the faces of some of the Chilean people now holding vigil outside Parliament. If these people don't experience justice, we can none of us expect justice in the New World Order....The Lords' conclusion is not now due until Monday at the earliest, and Chilean exile groups together with families of torture victims, are organising protests.
CRAP ARREST OF THE WEEKFOR MISTAKEN IDENTITY.Catalan activist Adolfo Montolin approached some Barcelona cops at a railway station and asked "Can I have two with cheese please?" The rozzers in their newly designed uniforms that make them look like workers from a local sandwich bar chain were not amused and dragged him off. He was charged with assaulting a police officer and the old Francoesque law of 'showing disrespect to someone in authority' was wheeled out as well. Yer SchNEWS man-on-the-spot tried to ask if these were the original vegan police - but the language barrier got in the way. The trial continues... LEG ITWe know New Labour are threatening to crack down on pupils who bunk off school, but in Newry, Northern Ireland things seem to be getting a little out of hand. One lad was playing truant when two RUC men in an armoured car spotted him. The lad legged it, chased in hot pursuit by one copper while the other heavily armed constable radioed for reinforcements. The boy headed towards a housing estate, where seven RUC vehicles searched for an hour. He was eventually found by his uncle hiding in a wardrobe in his uncle' house, shaking and frightened. As Republican News points out "Where would we be without this fine force?"SCHNEWS IN BRIEF
BESETTEDOn Monday, 19 people were convicted of that well known law 'besetting' , and received sentences averaging 100 hours community service.They had been arrested during a'trick or treat' action on Hallowe'en 1997 at the offices of HJ Banks,the despised open cast mining company (see SchNEWS 139). 'Besetting' - to watch or beset a house or premises with a view to prevent them from going about their lawful business - a common law offence until 1992, when it was made a statutory offence. It is an anti-trade union, anti-picketing offence and SchNEWS reckons it could be the first time it has been used against activists in this way. Go on clever clogs, prove us wrong.INSIDE SCHNEWS"I am sorry that this court did not rule on the right side of history. But I am not surprised. Every time our nation has come to a fork in the road with regard to race, it has chosen to take the path of compromise and betrayal...a court cannot make an innocent man guilty. Any ruling founded on injustice is not justice. The righteous fight for life, liberty, and for justice can only continue."- Mumia Abu-Jamal Last Thursday the Pennsylvania Supreme Court signed away the life of Mumia Abul Jamal by denying him the right for a new trial. Mumia, a journalist and member of the radical black ecological group has been on death row for the fifteen years for a crime he did not commit. Protests are being organised as we speak and SchNEWS will keep you informed.
AND FINALLYSchNEWS has some sad and sorry news to offer to its readers (cue violins...) Sir Paul Condon, Main man of the Met, said last week that he has been living like "a pauper for 30 years as a public servant." Apparently his paltry £95,000 a year job just isn't even enough to buy himself a new car. New recruits to the Met are on a starting salary of only £16,000, yet Sir Poorl says this is almost "invitation to malpractice...if you are serious about integrity you must make sure there is is a reasonable level of pay and conditions..". Right, we get it Poorl.. so the Stephen Lawrence murder investigation wouldnt have been such a corrupt shambles if coppers were paid more so they didn't need to be bribed. So. Oi.You claiming the sick when we don't think you are...You working in that cafe for £3 an hour cash in hand to top up yer £40 per week giro....NO!! Thats corruption, but its ok, at least the Met understands you were 'invited' by your circumstances!DISCLAIMERSchNEWS warns all readers not to have pie-in-the-sky ideas. Hey, get real, your stupid pranks won't change a thing. So why not just sit at home, watch tv, go on endless (cream-cake) shopping sprees and then you will feel content (and probably quite sick). Honest gov.
SchNEWS, PO Box 2600, Brighton, BN2 2DX, England
Last updated 9 November 1998 @nti copyright - information for action - copy and distribute! SchNEWS Web Team (schnews-web@brighton.co.uk) |