![]() WAKE UP! WAKE UP! IT'S YER 'RUN OUT OF JOKES' (... 'BIN A LONG DAY)... Issue 194, Friday 4th December 1998JACK BOOTS-BY-SEA"The crime of the Nazi leaders had squalid beginnings. Once a handful of policeman could have suppressed it. Instead it grew to its dangerous might through the wickedness of a few and the complicity, the cowardice and the laziness of the many."- Daily Express, Nuremberg 1946
"They are parasites who milk the welfare system, shoplift,
pick-pocket, hang around insulting women and run brothels...While Labour
luvvies dribble on that most historic of northern pleasure outposts Blackpool,
we are left with the backdraft of a nations human sewage and NO CASH
to wash it down the drain."
"Most asylum seekers come here for purely selfish reasons
- to escape death." This Saturday (5th) the National Front will once again march through the seaport of Dover riding on the crest of a racist wave that is sweeping though Kent. The fascists are clearly hoping that despite their two pathetic marches over the past year, (only 30 last time), and thanks to the hysteria whipped up by the local press they can get a foothold in the county. The local rags have been accusing asylum seekers from Eastern European countries of everything from shoplifting and mugging to setting up brothels and drug-trafficking. Meanwhile, following the publication of a white paper 'Fairer, Faster, Firmer' New Labour told the world just what it feels about asylum seekers. The paper outlined:
Faster? Asylum seekers will only get five days to submit evidence of being tortured. However, this is a joke as there are waiting lists of two months to see doctors at the Medical Foundation, where you need to go to get confirmation that you've been tortured. Firmer? Shunting people off to sink estates hundreds of miles from legal representatives, vulnerable to racist attack, social isolation, poverty and despair. As John 'O' from the National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns told SchNEWS: "It's firmer and faster but certainly not fairer." So where will that leave people like Azad, a Kurd who in 1993 fled Turkey to the UK to escape torture and persecution? He was persecuted for supporting a banned political party and the rights of the Kurdish people. During 4 years of constant harassment and intimidation by the Turkish authorities he was detained on over 20 occasions. He said " I was subjected to falaka (beating on the soles of the feet which sends very sharp pain up the spine) and was beaten by truncheon and iron stick." He was lucky - he escaped. His father didn't and died under torture. However when he arrived here, he was initially denied asylum. Under these new proposals what chance would Azad have of staying? People escaping persecution are hardly likely to approach the same people for documents so they can flee the country.
"Virtually all the expert groups, from Amnesty International to the Medical
Foundation for the Care and Rehabilitation of the Victims of Torture, argue
that the vast majority of people arriving in the UK and claiming asylum are
genuine refugees. Their views are dismissed...as the ill informed opinions of
middle-class do-gooders." Whenever fascists think people are angry enough to embrace their ideas they will rear their ugly heads and try to muster support. They've already tried this year to recruit farmers, now its back to Kent to play on peoples fears there again. Fears that New Labour are fanning with their racist policies. They might talk about ethical foreign policy and human rights, but when it comes to protecting individuals who resist tyrannical regimes then its 'sorry mate you can't stay here'. There will be a counter demonstration against the NF on Saturday, and transport is going from Brighton. Meet 8 am St.Peter's Church. Tickets £3.50 from the Peace Centre. SchNEWS rang the Dover Express to ask whether they supported the NF march. 'Of course not!' they spluttered. We then asked if any refugees have had their say in their paper? 'We can't find any' they whinged. Funny that, when the rag is claiming the town is 'flooded' with them. CRAP REQUEST OF THE WEEKFrom a letter sent out last week by Hackney Neighbourhood Offices: Transforming Hackney..."Many squatters are coming onto this estate to cause criminal damage to council property while (sic) living rent free at YOUR expense. If you find any squatter breaking into any flat please dial our emergency squatline immediately on: 0800 622872. This is a free confidential line. A team will attend immediately If the squatters are caught in the act they will be arrested by the police for criminal damage". SchNEWS says: please don't waste Hackney Council's time and money by ringing the freephone number in a payphone and leaving it off the hook. Certainly don't even think about ringing them up with hoax squatter sightings. You can instead send donations to the well skint Advisory Service for Squatters who give free legal advice and can tell you a fing or two about Hackney's appalling record on leaving homes empty. ASS : 0171 359 8814 "ONE BIG HAPPY COMPANY"Some of the largest deals in history are taking place lately amid merger mania. The mission of monopolism marches on. This week, the BIGGEST MERGER EVER, has created the mega-oil giant Exxon Mobil, in a $75 billion deal. It will now be the world's largest company with revenue of $182 billion!The poor old oil companies are reeling over the financial collapse in Asia which has cut production. Daniel Yergin author of 'The History of Oil' (SchNEWS is rushing out to buy itself a copy now)also partly blamed a warm winter. Is this due to global warming, partly caused by the burning of fossil fuels like oil? We think we should be told, but Yergin just rabbits on about the billions of people around the world still waiting for their first car. And the likelihood remains that the car will be powered by petroleum products." Meanwhile Exxon Mobil chairman Lee Raymond recenly told SchNEWS "Our day is coming when we will have refined the market until we have a pure market, a pure monopoly, one big happy company." Actually, Lee said this in a wet dream, probably...
SWARMY ARMY"These actions will start a campaign of direct action by farmers against biotechnology, called Operation 'Cremation Monsanto', which will not stop until all the corporate killers like Monsanto, Novartis, Pioneer etc leave the country."- Prof. Nanjunda Swamy, President Karnataka State Farmers Association Farmers in India have come up with the ultimate way to get Monsanto 'orf their land'. In a campaign that will 'fireball' across the country, they are reducing Monsanto's field trials of cotton in the Karnataka area to ashes. Under the leadership of Prof. Swamy, members of the ten million strong farmers union have already burnt down one GM field in front of TV cameras in an open, pre-announced action of civil disobedience - paying the farmer compensantion for his losses! Two more fields will be dealt with this week. In a hard-hitting press release the Farmers Unions state "This is a very good moment to target Monsanto, since it has run out of cash in its megalomaniac attempt to monopolise the life industry in record time. It is going now through a hard time of layoffs and restructuration in a desperate effort to survive, since it cannot pay its bills. We know that stopping biotechnology in India will not be of much help to us if it continues in other countries, since the threats that it poses do not stop at the borders. We think that the...actions... going on in India have the potential not only to kick those corporate killers out of our country: if we play our cards right at global level and co-ordinate... these actions can also pose a major challenge to the survival of these corporations in the stock markets. Who wants to invest in a mountain of ashes or in offices that are constantly being squatted if necessary even destroyed by activists? For these reasons, we are making an international call for direct action against Monsanto and the rest of the biotech gang. This call for action will hopefully inspire all the people who are already doing a brilliant work against biotech to join hands in a quick, effective worldwide effort". And Monsanto are feeling the heat. Recent leaked company memos complain of a hostile reaction by Europeans, despite a mega bucks advertising campaign.
ROAD RAGESecurity is still giving serious Paddington Bear stares to protestors trying to stop the building of the £700 million northern relief road. There's 24 hour security but still open access to the squats and trees. One security guard has defected, telling GMTV he'd been 'on the wrong side of the fence'. Meanwhile, in true surrealist stylee the cops are attending weekly lectures by protestors, with Q and A sessions. Seriously! YOU ARE NEEDED NOW! - and don't forget yer marmalade sarnies. Camp mobiles: 07970 301 978/07971 354045.A camp has been set up to stop clearance work along the Avon Ring Road. The road is due to become Bristol's M25, and is the largest Local Authority scheme in the country. If completed it'll destroy a kilometre of Sustrans premier cyclepath! Directions from KEBELE CAFE, 14, Robertson Road, Easton, Bristol. Tel: 0117 9399469 / Camp mobile: 0797 999 0386 BARRY HORNE UPDATELast Friday, animal rights activists dropped a banner from Brighton Town Hall declaring:'BARRY HORNE ANIMAL RIGHTS ACTIVIST: DYING FOR CHANGE' Barry's health is deteriorating rapidly after 59 days of hunger strike. He wants the Government to set up a Royal Commission on vivisection, fulfilling an election promise. Activists are on permanent 24 hour vigil outside York District Hospital. Horne's condition is past the point of recovery - he has suffered irrecoverable liver damage, his eyesight is irretrievably lost, and concern has been expressed over the condition of his heart. Despite this, the government is refusing to back down. Contact: Animals Betrayed Coalition PO Box 21339, London WC1X 0NJ. Tel: 0181 208 33289 SCHNEWS IN BRIEF
INSIDE SCHNEWSIn 1993 Mark Barnsley was attacked by 15 people outside a Sheffield pub, whilst walking with his 6-week old daughter. He sustained injuries including broken bones. The (ever-reliable) British Justice System took a firm line on people getting beaten up, by finding him guilty on 2 counts of GBH - despite independent witnesses testifying that he was the only person attacked. He was then sentenced to 12 years. Now call this a coincidence, but... having been involved in anarchist politics for 20 years, Mark was on the xmas card lists of both Special Branch and Sheffield Police, and the Inspector in charge of the station that dealt with his prosecution had been involved in his arrest on serious charges in 1984. Send Christmas cards of support to Mark Barnsley WA2897, HMP Sutton, York. Contact: Mark Barnsley Support Group, PO Box 567, Sheffield, S5 0YS.There'll be a Mon 21 Dec - 12-3 pm- picket of the Appeal Court, The Strand, London WC2, (nearest tube Chancery Lane). In 1995, international protests stopped the US government executing political acvtivist Mumia Abu-Jamal., but in October '98 the Pennsylvanian courts ruled against a new trial, so a new death warrant will soon be signed. This in spite of his original trial, for the murder of a cop in 1981, being totally fabricated (a panel of jurists last year ruled that it violated 4 human rights conventions) (see SchNEWS 191). Sat 12th Dec 12-3pm - picket of US Embassy Grosvener Square, London W1 Benefit gig Sat evening (after picket) with Chumbawumba, poet Benjamin Zephania, Alabama 3, Mark Thomas... and more!! @ Mean Fiddler, High Street, Harlesden, London. MERRY XMAS FROM THE RUCAlthough the Good Friday Agreement 'provides for the provision of acceptable policing', the RUC continues to abuse its authority. The UN Committee Against Torture last week condemned the RUC's use of violence during interrogations, unnecessary deployment of fire power to break up confrontations, human-rights violations resulting from 'emergency legislation', and the history of deaths in RUC custody.Earlier this month, a Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) squad smashed their way into a nationalist family home in an illegal raid, apparently searching for arms and explosives. The squad - 16 jeeps of 60 officers , rampaged through the house for over an hour, wrecking property and terrorising and assaulting members of the family. "There was no warrant, no arrests and no explanations." An RUC inspector present refused to give his name. The family later discovered that £585 was missing from a bureau. The family had previously received death threats as well as an RUC raid 2 years ago. The RUC raided the house in a similar incident two years ago, and the family has received death threats. This is just one example of the daily violence which the RUC are administering on a regular basis in their interpretation of "peace"!! FLUORO-FASCISTSCurrently 10% of the UK, the West Midlands and North East England have fluoride, a by- product from the phosphate fertiliser industry, automatically added to their drinking water supply. The Government wants to extend this programme of compulsory mass dental care to the rest of the country, starting with London, Northern Ireland, the North West and West Scotland. The big chemical companies are happy at the idea of ridding themselves of a useless toxic substance (deadlier than lead) and receiving lucrative fees in return for what is, after all, a waste product.Pros
Cons (here's a selection)
AND FINALLYAnd the award in the 'Bah Humbug' category goes to Roxburghshire DSS who docked £50 off Ryan Hooper giro. They said he was unavailable for work after he played at Prince Charles Buckingham Palace birthday bash. The Palace took heart though and sent him £50 to cover his loss. Meanwhile the Simon Jones Memorial Campaign launched its bully boss hotline this week, calling on all down trodden workers of Brighton to ring up and nominate their Christmas Scrooge boss. 01273 298192DISCLAIMERSchNEWS warns all readers only to come from white middle class backgrounds so they can travel all around the world, discover themselves in India, and quickly hop on a plane and head for home if bindis go out of fashion.
Anyone fancy taking over distributing SchNEWS around town? It means you get to
drink in all the pubs on a Friday.
SchNEWS, PO Box 2600, Brighton, BN2 2DX, England
Last updated 12 December 1998 ![]() |