![]() WAKE UP! WAKE UP! IT'S YER AXE WIELDING... Issue 206, Friday 26th March 1999FORESTS FOR THE CHOP"The agreement reflects an economic agenda which prioritises unsustainable corporate profit-making over the maintenance of healthy ecosystems."- Friends Of The Earth What would your solution be if SchNEWS told you that an area larger than Mexico had been deforested between 1980 and 1995? More forest protection? Don't be daft. Last week negotiations took place in Geneva at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) to kick off a wood trade free-for-all which would effectively trash what's left of the world's forests. So who is behind all this? Surprise, surprise, it's the good 'ole apple pie United States, strongly supported by their paper and wood product industries! They're pushing for a WTO agreement, which could strip the world's remaining natural forests of any existing protection, while boosting consumption of forest products and increasing logging. SchNEWS wasn't surprised to hear the US Trade Representative at the W.T.O talks in Geneva, Charlene Barshefsky, used to be a lobbyist for the Canadian Timber Industry. This little story (and SchNEWS readers might be going all deja vu about these trade agreements) started in 1995 when negotiations between GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) and APEC (Asian Pacific Economic Co-operation Forum) failed, and the WTO was asked to join a forest products free trade agreement. A quick look at deforestation rates in APEC countries is enough to raise a few concerned eyebrows between 1990 and 1995 the annual deforestation rate of APEC countries was more than twice the world average. Doesn't really inspire confidence eh? Peru, Russia and Vietnam joined APEC in 1998 worrying as Russia has the most remaining frontier forests of all the world's countries; Peru the fourth most; meanwhile, Vietnam's frontier forests are the third most threatened in the world. The Forest Industry reckons that protection laws reduce their profits, this is reason enough for them to push the WTO to pass new laws removing such petty obstacles to their progress. WTO have been described as having 'uniquely powerful tools' and are obviously not afraid to use them! The Director General said "We are writing the constitution of a single global economy". Minor inconveniences that may arise from this attitude include the probable importation of destructive pests on wood products. One such pest is the Asia long-horned beetle which has killed thousands of trees across the United States since it was imported on untreated logs and packaging material. Another probable bummer is that the removal of tariffs will mean no distinction between wood products that are harvested by sustainable methods and the logging of old-growth and endangered trees. Basically, Joe public will have no way of knowing whether they are buying the last remaining rainforest or not. As per usual the worlds press are falling over themselves to tell us about this charming little agreement- and it could be law by November when the WTO meet in Seattle. So what can we do about it?As the WTO obviously consider our world's forests a resource to be plundered, we can only suggest a spot of direct action-go and plant some trees!
Recommended reading: "Profit Over People" by Noam Chomsky. SCARY STATISTICS
CRAP ARRESTS OF THE WEEKFor walking around with your hands in your pockets. Conrad Samuels was walking along a street in East London when he was told by a police officer to take his hands out his pockets. He refused. On being where he was going, he replied " This is a free country and I can walk where I like." Oh no you can't - your nicked.For walking on a flower bed! A supporter of the Movement Against the Monarchy (MA'M) was in Basildon, Essex trying to disrupt a visit by the Queen, when they were nicked. However, after the cops couldn't match the footprint, they were later released without charge.
MR. LIBERAL JOINS THE BANKERS"The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." ... according to the world view of Dr Pat Robinson, a right wing extremist with whom the Royal Bank of Scotland has just announced a business link. Over 100 people recently demonstrated outside the Edinburgh branch. You can tell them what you think about Mr.Reasonable by ringing 0131 442 7777.ERT GO HOMEEver heard of the the European Round Table of Industrialists(ERT)? Thought not. Well, these are the people (made up of various multinational bosses) that pushed the European Commission to adopt the Trans European Networks (TENs) project.The aim of TENs is to expand and build new roads, high-speed railroads and airports. As you would suspect TENs gets the thumbs up from the road and industry lobby, but has been described by others interested in a rather more sustainable future, as an 'environmental nightmare'. A SEED Europe have organised a Transport Action Day on the 27th March. This will co-incide with the offical meting of EU Transport Minsisters.Actions are promised all over Europe. For a Transport action pack contact Frank van Schaik, c/o A SEED Europe, Postbus 92066, 1090 AB Amsterdam, Netherlands. Tel + 31-20-668-2236 email: frank@aseed.antenna.nl BUNKER MENTALITYThe eviction of the protest camp at Crystal Palace (see SchNEWS 203) ended on Monday, with two people Animal and Ken, spending 19 days in an underground bunker! The Grade II listed park could soon be home to a £56 million, 20 screen multiplex cinema with nine bars/restaurants, various retail outlets with concrete ramps leading cars up to the largest roof-top carpark in Britain. According to local papers, an extra million pounds has been spent by Bromley Council on the eviction.One of the bunker residents, Animal, is currently in remand awaiting sentencing relating to the Manchester 2nd runway campaign. Send love letters, magazines, cards etc. to Eleanor Hutson, SX2145, HMP Newhall, Dialwood, Flockton, Wakefield, WF4 4AX Crystal Palace campaign 0181 693 8200 ON THE BUSESBritain's first toll motorway came another step nearer completion this week, when the High Court refused to allow the protestors' legal challenge to go ahead. The Birmingham Northern Relief Road would be a 27 mile, 3 lane motorway bypassing Birmingham to the North, would devastate local wildlife and communities, and would do little to reduce congestion. This is all bit ironic, considering it happened around the same time that Prescott announced more incentives to increase bus use, and boasted that 15% of his weekly journeys were by bus. Well done John , you must be really roughing it, only using your chauffeur driven cars 85% of the time!BENEFIT NIGHT FOR JUNE 18THFilms from RECLAIM THE STREETS and UNDERCURRENTSBANGIN' TECHNO AND JUNGLE @ Cuba Club, Brighton, Tues 6th April from 7pm-2am
What's June 18th 1999?An
International day of direct action
aimed at the heart of theglobal economy - the financial and banking centres
across the globe. Info: 0171 281 4621 SCHNEWS IN BRIEF
INSIDE SCHNEWS"What I realised after the end of this case is that I never, or almost never, have been involved in a trial which has ended in a conviction where I am certain, or almost certain, that the defendents are wholly innocent, and are wholly wrongly convicted." - defence solicitor Gareth Peirce.Samar Ali and Jawad Botmeh, two Palestinians accused of bombing the Israeli Embassy and Balfour House in London in 1994, are still protesting their innocence. Both are being held as Class A (highest security) prisoners on twenty year sentences, after which they will face deportation. The two were convicted in 1996 on circumstantial evidence only. Since their conviction, more evidence showing the unfairness of the trial has come to light. In November 1997 it was revealed in the Mail on Sunday that MI5 had received a warning prior to the bombing which was ignored. The source of the warning pointed in a different direction to Samar and Jawad but this evidence has never been made public. In 1998 Paul Foot revealed in Private Eye that another MI5 official had cast more doubt on their convictions. There is also evidence that the jury were exposed to biased journalism and TV documentaries. An appeal date has now been set but the defence is being refused access to even more important evidence which could be important to the outcome of the case. A campaign for justice for the two was launched in 1997 and are calling people to picket the appeal on 29th March at the Royal Court of Justice, Strand, London WC2 . Contact BM FOSA, London WC1N 3XX or http://www.freesaj.org.uk/ SQUATS GOING ONHackney Squat Evictions are continuing without court orders. Using the elctricty board and the police, the council has been evicting people on suspicion of having illegally supplied electricity and smashing meters and toilets to make buildings uninhabitable. Protesters who occupied the Estates Management offices last Friday were told they couldn't speak to the man responsible for the evictions, as no-one knew which of his TWO houses he was at! When they did get to speak to someone they were told that the council would do 'everything legal' to keep squatters out of Hackney's thousands of empty properties, as part of their 'zero tolerance' policy. No-one could tell the protesters whether the council also had a 'zero tolerance' policy on homelessness.AND FINALLYThanks to increasing work hours and the 24 hour society Britain is becoming a nation of 'border line retards' - according to the British Sleep Foundation.So SchNEWS reckons this is as good a call as any, for people to get involved in the World Phone in Sick Day on April 6th. For this action, all you have to do is get on the blower, give some excuse for not turning up for work. The brains behind the day, Decadent Action - the consumer terrorist organisation - are out to bring down capitalism by feeding it until it bursts. This involves a campaign of luxury living funded by shoplifting, credit and the DSS, all intended to push the country into hyper-inflation. According to the Decadent ones, phoning in sick is fast becoming "a genuine alternative to the organised strike."
Check 'em out at BM Decadence, London WC1N 3XX. England. DISCLAIMERSchNEWS apologises to all our readers for going on about those nasty people at World Trade Organisation and their dirty little free trade agreements. Hey, we know sarcasm is more our style. We won't let it happen again. Honest.
SchNEWS, PO Box 2600, Brighton, BN2 2DX, England
Last updated 20 April 1999 ![]() ![]() |