![]() WAKE UP! WAKE UP! IT'S YER EVER GROWING... Issue 225, Friday 27th August 1999SEEDY BUSINESSCorporations want to control our food from the seed to the spoon, effectively privatising our future food security. We need to resist them and reclaim our food and our environment back into common ownership. Joyce Hambling, Womens Environmental Network We are seeing an unprecedented consolidation of control of food in the hands of a tiny elite of corporate directors and senior executives. - John Madeley, UK Food Group Activists whove been busy de-contaminating genetic crops sites will be rubbing shoulders with yer more traditional allotment growers at an alternative conference next month in Cambridge. The three day event titled Seeds of Resistance, will be running counter to another event, same time, same town. The counter-conference is for people to share ideas in the fight against the global agri-business monster and the development of positive alternatives, while blowing a big raspberry at the corporate bastards down the road. So just who is down the road? A range of sinister lobbying organisations, like the International Seed Federation, the ISTA and various other CLFAs (thats Confusing Four Letter Acronyms...) who are getting together for the World Seed Conference, where the worlds biggest seed corporations are meeting to discuss the globalisation of the economy, development of new techniques, regulatory evolution(!), and the increasing impact of environmental concerns. The heavily greenwashed blurb for this corporate shindig notes that irrespective of technical merits, promising innovations can prompt suspicion. No, really? Just 10 corporations including Du Pont, Monsanto, Novartis, Astria/Zeneca and
Aventis now control 32% of the commercial seed market - and the figure is rising
all the time. Those very same bio-tech giants that are trying to get us all
to eat genetically modified food, have been steadily buying up all your favourite
garden seed companies. Because, as Alfonso Romo Garza, owner of one of those
corporationsEmpressa La Moderna put it Seeds are software.
And we have the seeds As Bob Sherman from the UKs main organic gardening organisation the Henry Doubleday Research Association (HDRA) points out The risk of concentrating so much commercial power into the hands of one corporate empire is that we then become subject to the dreams and aspirations of a very few people. Do they care about biodiversity? Not as much, I suspect, as they do about profit. Or, as Robert Fraley from Monsanto puts it more bluntly What you are seeing is not just a consolidation of seed companies, its really a consolidation of the entire food chain. And SchNEWS reckons people should find that hard to swallow. * Seeds of Resistance runs from 6 - 8th September in Cambridge. More info from WEN, 87 Worship St., London, EC2A 2BE Tel 0171 247 3327 www.gn.apc.org/wen *One man who will be attending both conferences is the highly respected Pat Mooney, from the Rural Advancement Foundation International. A passionate defender of biodiversity, he has worked for over a decade to make big businesses accountable. Check out RAFIs excellent website www.rafi.org *Hungry for Power the impact of transnational corporations on food security is an excellent publication from the UK Food Group, PO Box 100, London, SE1 7RT Tel 0171 523 2369 www.ukfg.org.uk Heres some people fighting the global seed-swallowing monsterThere are quite a few seed exchanges around the countries offering unusual
or outlawed vegetable seeds. The most well known is the HDRA Heritage Seed Library,
Ryton Organic Gardens, Coventry, CV8 3LG Tel 01203 303517 www.hdra.org.uk.
(send a large SAE and ask for a copy of their catalogue). * The Permaculture Association produce an excellent magazine that provides solutions for sustainable living publish an Earth Repair catalogue Hyden House Ltd., The Sustainability Centre, East Moon, HampshireTel 01703-823322 www.btinternet.com/~permaculture.uk/ A resource guide including the above organisations and a whole lot more will be available at Seeds of Resistance or get copies from WEN. Seeds Of HopeSeptember is Free Cannabis Month and events have been lined-up and down the
country SchNEWS highlighs include Cannabis Prisoners Day.(9th): National Cannabis
Action Conference at Norwich.(10/11) Living with the Enemy BBC 2,
9pm Watch the shadow conservative minister for the family (hes twenty
two and still lives with his mum) freak out about the Exodus Collective (Weds
15th). Healer of the Nations march and one day cannabis festival
at Stockwood Park, Luton. Organised by the Campaign Against Narcotic Abuse
Because of Ignorance in Society (C.A.N.A.B.I.S), (Sat 18th) Smokey Bears
Picnic, Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, London. High noon onwards. (Sat 25) Smokey
Bears Picnic, Norwich. Chapelfield Gardens, Norwich. High noon.(Sun 26) Free
Cannabis Month Info Lines: 0171 637 7467 / 01605 625 780 Listings update www.schmoo.co.uk/free99.htm
PS Cannabis Prohibition costs the British tax payers £1 billion a year
to enforce QUOTE OF THE WEEKFrom James Caan, Holywood star & Godfather hard man: Actors are full of self importance. They make a film and think theyre curing cancer...We serve less purpose to the community than a garbage collector. How true. Wot no crap arrest? Then send us some yer dodgy bastards!! SchWOOPS
PULP FRICTIONCommercial logging poses by far the greatest danger to frontier forests The World Resources Institute If you think activists in Britain get a hard time then check out the prospects for activists in Mexico. Mexicos vast forest resources came up for grabs when the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) removed restrictions on foreign investment in communal land, which contain 80% of the countrys forests. Within eighteen months, 15 U.S. logging companies moved in. In May 1995, Boise Cascade joined the party, targeting the state of Guerrero where the local Governor was eventually forced to resign after the state police ambushed and killed 17 small farmers who had protested against logging. When the logging in the Guerrero region started to affect water supplies, local farmers, led by a poor campesino, Rodolpho Montiel , set up Ecologistas de la Sierra de Petatln. The activists blocked roads, hijacked trucks, unloaded logs and returned them to the communities. In early 1998, Boise Cascade suspended its contracts. An incredible victory for the campesinos against one of the worlds largest transnational timber corporations, who was blatantly colluding with a repressive government. said an American Lands Alliance spokesperson. However, local beneficiaries of Boise started to show up at meetings armed and threatening Rodolpho. Eventually, on May 2nd, Mexican soldiers entered the village, shooting and killing one unarmed campesino. Rodolpho was arrested and subsequently beaten, tortured with electric shock and put in prison. Immediately after Rodolfos arrest (on trumped up drugs n guns charges ), Boise Cascade tried to start logging again, but activists once again stopped them. Rodolpho is now in solitary confinement Coyucade Catalan prison, Guerrero. There is a national campaign in Mexico to free Rodolfo and the other defenders of the forest jailed with him. Not only is Rodolfo Montiel innocent, but his being denied adequate medical treatment, food, and water is a violation of his basic human rights and he should be freed immediately. Sign on to the letter by emailing Pat Rasmussen prasmussen@igc.org Donations to: RodolfoMontiel Defense Fund c/o American Lands Alliance, 726 7th St. SE Washington DC. Boise Cascade are one of the largest US wood companies, whove been busy closing down their sawmills in Idaho, and looking south to where labour is cheap and environmental laws weak. * In Brazil , they are merging with Klabin, , the largest producer of wood pulp products in Latin America, so they can get their hands on over 200,000 hectares of pine and eucalyptus forests. * In Ilque, Chile, Boise intend to produce one million cubic metres of woodchip annually, using native forests. They are currently being sued after they trashed Conchales de Ilque, an archaeological monument. Despite Ilque being a traditional fishing town, Cascade has constructed a port on the towns cleanest bay. Cascades president kindly reassured locals that the plant would provide Ilque with telephones, jobs and better roads - ample compensation for the loss of their livelihood and environment! SchNEWS In BriefThis Saturday (28th) its on yer bikes Brighton for a Critical Mass. Fed up of abuse from car drivers, pedestrians and the Evening Anus? Then join the wheels for a leisurely pedal through our town for a picnic lunch somewhere. meet 12 noon, Montpelier Cresc, by the bottle bank. bring fizzy pop and sarnies, dress as fancy as yer like. ** Fancy building some sustainable conomies? Then get along to a Conference at the Centre for Alternative Technology Sept 3-5th,: Info: 01654-702400 ATA@cleanslate.force9.co.uk. ** Worthing Green Fair Sat 4th Sept Field of Hope, Beach House Green, Worthing Seafront. Music & merriment until 11pm inc. healing garden, café area and stalls including good old SchNEWS so come and buy our books and have a chat. ** Sept 8th, The Right to Protest Legal Forum Legal Observer Steering Group. Interested in developing a legal observation group? Then turn up and get involved. Artists Room, Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Sq., London. 6.30-8pm. ** Sat 11th Reclaim the Streets Norwich, Norfolk, 1pm Bus Station Entrance, Queens Road. Holding up the Traffic to Liberate the Streets ** Sept 11-12th Working Class Politics Conference. A weekend of ideas and discussion, such as, Solidarity Through Football, Drugs and working class. £3 /£1.50. @ Crown Inn, Bridgewater, Somerset. Info: 01278-450562. ** Sept 12 - 18 Groen Front! (Green Front!) ACTION CAMP Action week against Trans European Network (TENs) railfreight Betuveline, through the deepest (if that exists!) and greenest part of Holland. e-mail grgroenfr@dds.nl ** Sept 22nd The Land Is Ours Autumn Gathering 99 at The Reddings (AKA
Flying Pig Farm), Stockend Lane, Edge NR. Stroud, Gloucestershire. Land Occupation
after Gathering. 01865 722016/0961 460171. www.oneworld.org
Psstt! Wanna shooter?Any arms dealers out there should get down to the Defence Systems & Equipment International exhibition on September 14 17th. All paid for by the taxpayer to the tune of £1/4 million. Luvverly. The UK is the worlds second largest arms exporter and just loves being generous little dictators. Recently 500,000 H&K assault rifles were sold to Turkey to repress the Kurds. While the international community calls for restraint in the increasing violence between Pakistan and India, the Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) has revealed that the UK has been supplying arms to both sides for years. Despite, and contrary, to Robin Cooks ethical foreign policy pledge over 500 arms export licences were signed to India and 128 licences to Pakistan in New Labours first year of power. When will this government start to match its rhetoric with actions asks Rachel Harford from CAAT It is guilty of fuelling the very conflicts and repression it condemns. The sale of arms to developing countries also contradicts the governments goal of reducing poverty, by diverting poor countries scarce national resources from luxuries like clean drinking water to necessities like guns. The exhibition is being held on two sites, Chertsy in Surrey and
London Docklands. CAAT will be protesting throughout starting with a peace
train from Waterloo to Virginia Waterss station in Chertsy followed
by a march to the gates of the exhibition on the 14th. On the 15th there will
be protest at the Docklands site. Campaign Against Arms Trade, 11 Goodwin St.,
Finsbury Park, London, N4 3HQ Tel 0171 281 0297 www.caat.demon.co.uk WHAT A LOAD OF HUNTS !