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Published in Brighton by Justice? - Brighton's Direct Action collective ISSUE 320, FRIDAY 31st August, 2001 "In numerous important votes European Parliamentarians have bowed to industry pressure. In its campaigning for international trade and investment deregulation, the EC works very closely with large European corporations and their lobby groups." -Olivier Hoedeman of Corporate Europe Observatory. Yesterday the European Central Bank unveiled the shiny new Euro coin in Brussels. The Euro is set to replace the existing currencies of eleven EU countries (excluding Sweden and Britain) at the beginning of next year. Baron Daniel Janssen, a member of the powerful corporate lobbyists, the European Roundtable of Industrialists (ERT), describes what is taking place as a "double revolution." First you've got sweeping privatization and deregulation, second is the transfer of decision-making "to a more modern and internationally minded" structure. That's business-friendly to the rest of us. This is a business 'revolution'. Good for the shareholders but not so good for the people who are living in countries banging on the EU door. For these countries, entry into the single market and the Euro is already creating massive upheaval. For starters aspiring countries must incorporate more than 20,000 directives and regulations, unchanged, into their legal frameworks (yawn). Once they've joined, their businesses must compete with Western European firms so it's likely that large redundancies will follow. In Poland 27% of the population still work on farms, the majority of which are small family set ups. Joining the EU could spell disaster for them, as the country is flooded with cheap, heavily subsidised and mechanised agricultural imports from Western Europe. The entry of Poland to the EU will undoubtedly "favour large conventional farms and methods" says Jadwiga Lopata from the European Centre for Ecological Agriculture and Tourism. Lopata feels this would also "uproot small farmers and create further unemployment, migration to unhealthy overcrowded cities, and to the destruction of the rural culture and way of life." POLEAXED Borders are politically drawn, and the shape of Poland itself is a clear example of this. At the end of WW2, borders in Eastern Europe were moved according to reparations and other factors: areas which were once Germany are now within Poland, and bits of old Poland are now the Ukraine. Poland was part of the former Soviet bloc and so its trading was orientated towards its eastern neighbours. The natural movement of people meant that many Ukranian, Russian and Belorussians made their homes there. But now because the militarised Fortress Europe frontier has moved east, Poland must switch its ties to the West. Once, citizens from all ex-Soviet countries had free access to Poland but now they must fit the regulations of the draconian Valid Foreigners Law. These new 'aliens' must now show that they have the funds to visit, or have a 'sponsor' - or they must apply for asylum. The trade that has gone on freely over these borders for generations will now become a 'black market', and won't to be tolerated by border authorities. Traders from Belorussia have begun throwing stones at Polish cars at the border, in protest against the blockade. You'd think that there was something in this for Poland wouldn't you? All this hard work on Polands part - such as devoting considerable amounts of money militarising their eastern border (and extending their military budget if they want to be part of NATO) - and bugger-all support from the EU for the social problems it's creating. As mass intensive farming obliterates small scale farming structures and small businesses are closed off from the markets they have historically been dealing with to the east, employment options will dwindle. In May the EU member states decided on a seven year ban on work permits for workers of 'candidate states.' Meaning many won't even have a chance to 'get on their bikes' to get work. This will leave Polish workers just as the EU wants 'em - on their knees- sitting targets for the imposition of EU infrastructure. As an anti-EU campaigner commented, "They are becoming 'colonies' of western European interests, having to open up land tenure and natural and productive resources to market dynamics." * Recommended reading 'Diverse Voices of Struggle in Western Europe - Restructuring and Resistance' edited by Kolya Abramsky. For more details email or get copies for £11 from AK Distribution 0131 555 5166 POSITIVE SchNEWS The European Centre for Ecological Agriculture and Tourism-Poland are coming up with some of the solutions to the threats their rural economy faces in the next few years. The Centre doesn't want Poland to go down the road of unsustainable large-scale agribusiness, what spokesperson Jadwiga Lopata describes as a "sunset industry." Instead, "Poland has a unique opportunity to become a world leader in the 'sunrise industry' of organic farming." One way of helping and encouraging farmers to go organic is through eco-tourism, which helps farmers earn an income when they are converting to organic. As Jadwiga says, "Unlike agribusiness and its spin-offs, eco-farming and eco-tourism are broadly-based and overwhelmingly positive for society and the environment." Due to poverty, most small Polish farms use relatively little chemical pesticides and fertilizers, so the transition to organic isn't even that difficult. "People in Poland, both consumers and farmers can decide not to follow the EU development model and not to make the same mistakes of over-specialisation and over-intensification, Instead they can skip the EU phase and try to look for a model of sustainable development of the country." European Centre for Ecological Agriculture and Tourism-Poland, 34-146 Stryszow 156, woj. Malopolskie, Poland Tel +48 33 8797114 * The TransAtlantic Business Dialogue (TABD) is having their annual corporate knees up in Stockholm, Sweden, 11-12 October. TABD is made up of the 100 most powerful chief executives whose mission is to "remove obstacles to trade" between the EU and US. According to US officials up to 80 per cent of TABD's recommendations have been turned into official policy. For details of protests planned: CRAPSKI ARREST OF THE WEEK For handing out a newspaper... A Polish man was nicked for 'inciting people to criminal acts' after he handed out copies of radical paper "Shipyard worker". The paper attacked the rich financiers who run the shipyard with articles about workers rights.
CAMP FIRE STORY In what may be a first in this country, a protest camp has been set up against the Crymlyn Burrows incinerator due to be built near Swansea. Local people from Stop The Incinerator Campaign (StIC) have occupied the site in protest against the dangerous health effects that the incinerator will have on the area. We currently produce 28 million tonnes of waste a year in this country, an amount which is constantly rising. Of this we only recycle a measly 9% (compared to over 50% in other European countries). The government is giving lip service to reducing and recycling waste whilst giving out private contracts to companies to burn waste in incinerators. Over 70 new incinerators are currently on the burner. In Swansea the local council has used Blair type spin and have renamed the incinerator a "materials recovery and energy centre". An artist's impression of the site didn't even include the 40m high chimney! When asked about this, the chief executive of the council came over all Mr.Magoo* like saying "It's an artist's impression"; maybe he's under the impression that cancer causing dioxins that will emerge from the chimney will only have "microscopic" health implications (another quality council quote). The council's arrogance has been astounding, not even consulting residents of Swansea Eastside a few hundred yards from the proposed site, locals responded with demonstrations, lobbying, direct action and a month ago the setting up of the camp. The campaign group have now managed to persuade Sue Essex , the environment minister at the Welsh Assembly to consider revoking the planning permission. They'd appreciate support, so visit them or send postcards to Crowleys Campsite, The Incinerator protest, Fabian Way, Swansea. For more info on incinerators contact Communities Against Toxics, PO Box 29, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH66 3TX. 0151 339 5473. *SchNEWS Vocab watch: Mr.Magoo - a particularly blind cartoon chararcter who older readers will remember. STONEDPORT Next month sees another attempt at opening a Marijuana coffee shop in this country in 'the Amsterdam of the North', a.k.a. Stockport. Lets hope it lasts longer than the '73' cafe that opened a few years back in Brighton. Nicknamed 73, cos that's how many minutes it lasted!! The imaginatively named "The Dutch Experience" is being opened by weed activists, Colin Davies and Ol Van Schaik. Colin is famous for giving a weed bouquet to the Queen and allegedly 'sharing a spliff with a HRH'. Colin, who has severe back injuries has set up the British Medical Marijuana Cooperative, which provides pot to a growing number of patients and hopes to provide low-cost marijuana to medical users, subsidised by sales to recreational users. To register with the co-operative you need a letter of diagnosis from a Doctor/Consultant. After verification patients are asked to agree to a code of conduct. The drug must not be resold and must be used in private. Inside SchNEWS Lee Himlin has been sentenced to 15 months in prison for sabotaging quarrying equipment at the 9 Ladies Quarry. Due to time Lee has spent on remand he is expected out in October. Drop him a line Lee Himlin EX7748, HMP Perry Road, Sherwood, N65 3AG. SchNEWS in brief
OFF OUR HATCH A group of Roma gypsies are facing eviction from a caravan site they own at Hatch in Bedfordshire. The council are spending a whooping £230,000 on evictions, which would more than pay for the modifications required for the site to get planning permission. This is not an isolated example, Romas have repeatedly been subject to this sort of abuse in this country. There's a rally and barbecue against the intended closure of the caravan park, meet 11am, Tuesday 4th Sept at the site. Info Friends and Family of Travellers 01273 234777 UP IN ARMS The assembly point for the 'Fiesta of Life Against Death' against the DSEi Arms Fair is 12 noon on the 11th September, Tidal Basin Road, London E16. "Come in costumes. Think pink and silver. Bring drums, instruments, food and water to share, props, puppets, banners, circus skills, your blue suede shoes and your love of life." New flyer and booklet avaliable to download at DSEi training day: Legal briefing, non-violence training and Wombles workshop for anyone going to DSEi actions. Sunday 2nd , 12-4pm, St Ann's Church Hall, Berwick Rd, Newham. Info: 020 7281 0297.
Timber Wars On 24th May 1990 two Earth First! activists involved in a campaign to protect Pacific forests from unsustainable logging practices, were blown up by a car bomb. The driver Judi Bari suffered a broken spine, smashed pelvis and a paralysed foot, Darryl Cherney in the passenger seat received lesser injuries. The FBI claimed the two activists blew themselves up with their own bomb, lied about where the bomb was placed, conducted a media smear campaign and ignored the fact that Judi and other Earth First! activists had received anonymous death threats - apparently from logging supporters. Judi and Darryl were never prosecuted. A year after the bombing they filed civil charges against the FBI for conspiracy to interfere with the right to organise politically, false arrest, unlawful search and seizure, and denying equal protection of the law. For ten years the FBI have stalled the case, during which time Judi died of breast cancer, but the case will finally come to court on October 1st. Details of the bombing, attempted frame up, the trail and how to help can be seen at Check out Bari's 1994 book Timber Wars. A compilation of her articles, essays and speeches, including her first person account of the car bombing and its aftermath. Available in most bookshops, published by Common Courage Press, ISBN 1-56751-026-4. 26 of the Best A rally this Sunday commerates the longest ever strike in history - 26 years!! In 1914 Tom and Kitty Higdon were sacked for sticking up for rights of agricultural workers, in response they set up their own Strike school on the Village Green!! Rejecting the notion that education was just about knowing your place in society and respecting 'the betters', they preached radical themes of freedom and justice. 66 kids attended lessons on the green, leaving only 6 kids behind in the council school. The authorities were none too pleased and took the Victorian attitude, 'if you can't beat them, flog'em'. Parents were fined and even had land taken off them. In response Trade Unionists came to the Strike school to show their support. The school continued until 1939 when Tom died. The site is now an educational Museum. ...and finally... | ||||
It was certaintly not yer usual football entertainment. Three men and a woman dance naked on stage holding onto sparklers in an unusual fashion. Next up is Timmy the hypnotist who using his 'sexual prowess' persuades a woman to chop off her leg with an electric angle grinder. Luckily for her she's wearing metal knickers. Welcome to the alternative world cup. And at least at this World Cup, England came out on top. In fact England couldn't lose as 1in 12 (Bradford) beat Easton Cowboys (Bristol) 2-1. In a field in Dorset, 2000 people had gathered with invitations to teams across the world. Champons of the first tournament, Diepkloof FC from South Africa couldn't take part this time as they've gone all professional. The Alternative vision aims to promote camaradie, fair play, creche facilities, and socialising by getting the team players to perform at the above mentioned Saturday night Cabaret. Past ventures for the Easton Cowboys include touring the Zapista held zones, playing Cricket against the infamous Compton Homies in Californa and creating the 'Nobody Republic' in the last Council election. Next years venue is Antwerp so get fit for your booze, fags, football and creche. disclaimer Cor-blimley-theyre-practically-giving-them-away book offer
In the UK you can get 2, 3, 4 & 5 for £20 inc. postage. In addition to 50 issues of SchNEWS, each book contains articles, photos, cartoons, subverts, a yellow pages list of contacts, comedy etc. All the above books are available from the Brighton Peace Centre, saving postage yer tight gits. Subscribe to SchNEWS: Send 1st Class stamps (e.g. 10 for next 9 issues) or donations (payable to Justice?). Or £15 for a year's subscription, or the SchNEWS supporter's rate, £1 a week. Ask for "originals" if you plan to copy and distribute. SchNEWS is post-free to prisoners. You can also pick SchNEWS up at the Brighton Peace and Environment Centre at 43 Gardner Street, Brighton. SchNEWS, PO Box 2600, Brighton, BN2 2DX, England Last updated 31st August, 2001