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Home | Friday 29th May 2009 | Issue 677

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A group of European medics are now into the second week of a hunger strike in protest at being denied permission by Egyptian authorities to cross the Rafah border into Gaza in order to provide desperately needed medical support.

We are aid workers here for humanitarian work. We are not politicians, even our demonstration here is not a political one, it is a desperate act for people who have come for humanitarian purposes and have been denied entry,” said British doctor Omar Al-Mankoosh. Some of the medics have been at the border since early May while others have now been there for more than 50 days.

Meanwhile the ‘Hope’ aid convoy, consisting of around 40 trucks of medical supplies finally gained admission to Gaza after initially being refused permission. After being stranded at the border for several days the Egyptian authorities finally relented, albeit only admitting 22 of the 100 strong party to accompany the trucks.


Keywords: egypt, gaza, hunger strike, international aid, palestine


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