Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 4th June 2010 | Issue 725

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Despite being gatecrashed by Adur and Worthing's finest, Titnore's (See SchNEWS 714) 4th birthday party went off with an unamplified bang last weekend.

Sergeant Phillips and his heavies turned up in the morning of the occupation's anniversary to inform the protesters that the residents and their police would not tolerate amplified music. To appease the beast they were given a sneak peek of the amps that the camp had scraped together for a few local bands to put on a show, and were told that the inspector was going to make a decision on whether they could go ahead.

Meanwhile, a small blue army was gathering at the nearby Tesco which then spread out to surround the site. The protesters, concerned for their equipment, contacted the police to tell them it was being taken off site. Unfortunately, our boys in blue wouldn't believe it and insisted on the car full of kit being brought round the local nick to prove it. The inspector then asked to be trusted to 'look after' the kit until after the party. He was informed in no uncertain terms at which location he could disembark and was saluted as they left.

Their next imposition was to insist on a guided tour of the woods (with a hat camera installed) to make sure the sound equipment hadn't returned. Their curiosity satisfied, the troops were called off and the party commenced with acoustic accompaniments and (vegan) jelly and ice cream for all.

Keywords: titnore


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