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Home | 19th April 1996 | Issue 70


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Where will you be having fun in the sun in '96? The tree camps at Newbury might be gone but if you wanna party and protest there's plenty more sites to see and work to be done....


There be fun and frolics on Beltane at Fairmile, the so-called 'university for road protestors'. Followed by eviction? Apparently security and those nosey-parkers Brays Detective Agency have been booked for the beginning of May. Although Fairmile is probably safe for the time being (kids on site mean eviction procedures are more lengthy) Allercombe and the Trollheim hill-fort will be under threat immediately. 01404 815729


Despite the recent eviction of Daisy Nook, two news camps have been set up - one at Daisy Nook and another at Audenshaw (buses from Piccadilly, Manchester- 219/220/221) A campaigner told SchNEWS local support has been excellent".

However May 1st could see the possible eviction of a privately owned long-standing caravan park-up site for Showman's Guild travellers. No altemative site has been offered. Burns security were told by contractors to control their thugs! 0161 628 4727


Beautiful homeland of outlaws, pixies and the Green Man. Soon to be turned into a major trunk road linking the A1 and M1, including 5 major industrial developments en route. Robin Hood is mighty pissed off and invites you all (apart from the 1% who 'own' 75% of our land, thank you) to a mass action from 23rd April to 1st May, with the emphasis on FUN! Meet mid-day at Forest Fields Recreation Park, which is 7 miles from Nottingham City Centre. Unite and celebrate the start of summer! 0171 582 3474 The Land is Ours 01865 722016.


Barely three weeks after the last clearance work at Newbury was completed, the forces of sustainability are on the attack. A new "Diggers" camp has been set up on the site of the old Gotan camp. This time there are no treehouses or walkways, but there is, amongst other things, a very big hole. Residents are cagey about what this is, but apparently they are trying to grow the world's biggest carrot (It is not known yet whether the organic smell coming from this story is bullshit or manure to grow the carrot, and as far as the mystery of the hole is concerned, SchNEWS is looking into it!)

One objective of the camp is to create a market garden. John Terry, one of the Diggers said: "The community hopes to embrace all those opposing the Newbury Bypass. We plant seeds of hope, and reject the wanton destruction of the Department of Transport Just as our seeds will grow, opposition to the by-pass grows. The action for today's Diggers mirrors that of their forebears in seeking to establish a just, equitable and sustainable future for the people of this land."'

Get involved! Sunday 21st April.
Meet 2pm by the Gotan Camp, Wantage Road (B4494), beside (what was) Snelsmore. Bring tools and seeds.
Third Battle office 01635 45544
Info-line 01635 550552

STOP PRESS: Oopps! The authorities seem to have a gone a little over budget with the Newbury By-Pass. Originally they thought 1/2 million would put paid to the protests - instead its cost a staggering £10 million so far!


Preliminary work is set to begin on a ten-lane motorway thru' the south of Glasgow. One of the campaigners told SchNEWS "The campaign has now gone hard-core and a camp is to be setup soon". 0141 424 1797


It's been quiet down in Kent with a lot of people active at Newbury. Weekly actions continue and there's a camp at Convicts Wood which is crying out for bodies (!).01227 463368

* There are plans for a new camp at Selar in SouthWales, the proposed home of the largest open-cast mine in Europe. 01639 720 884

* Don't forget the Land is Ours urban land occupation somewhere in London on May 5th. More details on 01865 722016

* One to watch for the summer - The Rank Organisation are planning to build a 432 acre holiday village in the ancient Lyminge forest an area of Outstanding Beauty near Folkestone, Kent.


Two recent government decisions clearly showed that their rhetoric on transport policy is exactly that. Whilst giving the go-ahead for a five or six lane M25 widening, they scrapped the £2.7b London Cross-Rail scheme. Proposals for the M25 mean cutting a huge swathe through the Metropolitan greenbelt between Thorpe and Colnbrook, near Staines (Junctions 12-15). As usual, SSSI's are under threat (two), a Bronze Age settlement, and a couple of ancient monuments or two - all must GO.

Meanwhile the Cross-Rail project, conceived in 1988, has so far cost £140 million, money now effectively down the drain forever. Conversely, there is a fantastic new government transport solution in the pipeline. Transport minister Steven Norris is to chair a working party to develop a National Policy on walking! There has been a 16% drop in the amount we walk in the last three years. This policy is then sorely needed, as if these trends continue, in 12 YEARS TIME NO ONE WILL WALK ANYWHERE! If you have forgotten how to walk, then ring the DoT Feet First Helpline. (0171 271 5000).

crap arrest of the week

Forward thinking Kent Cops have taken to nicking people's instruments! An impromptu musical demo at Dover Port wound up coppers so bad that they made off with one mans drum!

July 13th The 3rd London Reclaim the Streets Extravaganza - 'Festival of Resistance' - promises to be a biggie. details: 0171 281 4621

"If the world were to end tomorrow, I would still plant an apple tree today"


The main contract has still not been signed, but COSTAIN are by far the most likely firm to clinch the deal. Here are the phone numbers of some of the people involved:

* Highways Agency: Broadway, Broad Street, Birmingham B15 1BL. Switchboard: 0121 275 8000 / 275 8237 / 275 8392. Fax: 0121 275 8184 / 275 8424.

Direct Lines to the Newbury Team: Steve Rowsell, (Project Director) 0121 275 8007. Other team lines: (all 0121 275) 8273 / 8008/ 8131.

* Costain: Costain House, Nicholson's walk. Maidenhead, Berkshire. SL6 1LN. Switchboard: 01628 842444. Fax: 01628 74477.

*Roger Jones, Contracts Director 01628 842285, or Stephen Hall 01628 842325. If these switchboards, faxes and post boxes were jammed solid for the next few weeks, they couldn't get much work done on the contract. Contact the contractors -today and every day. Some handy hints:

*Ring and demand that they justify the bypass.

*Ring and say nothing/ feign a wrong number/ talk in a foreign language/ propose marriage/ pretend to be a colleague etc.

*Fax them something surreal.

*Place adverts in free-ad mags and local papers, offering bargain goods or tempting services with their phone numbers attached.

*Send them junk mail, book clubs, porn catalogues etc.



In December, three Stoke Newington officers were acquitted of perverting the cause of justice and perjury in two separate trials. This saw the end of the Met's 'Operation Jackpot' which had investigated allegations of drug dealing and theft by Stoke Newington PCs.

Forty-five police officers were investigated by 'Operation Jackpot' between Dec 88 and Nov 92. Only one officer, DC Lewadowski, was convicted, on charges of theft. Not one officer was charged with a drugs offence, despite an acceptance in court that Lewadowski had earned up to £2,000 a week supplying drugs, and official recognition by senior Met officers that Stoke Newington police officers had been engaged in supplying drugs. The Police Federation have set aside £1M to fight allegations of corruption and are suing the Guardian and Time Out for printing stories about the case.

It now transpires, in an unrelated further matter, that one of the acquitted officers faces proceedings for allegedly smuggling £2.5 million worth of cannabis into the country in collusion with his father-in-law. Ooops!

* The family of Brian Douglas. who died after his skull was smashed during a struggle with police, plan to bring a private prosecution after being told that no officers are to be charged with his death. He died five days after being arrested on suspicion of being under the influence of drink and drugs.


And now for a new feature to show that it's not all bad SchNEWS out there - send us your clips so we can say NICE ONE!

* The first 9 miles of the National Cycle Network have opened! The £180 million project will create designated cycle ways, bike lanes on roads and other measures for pedal-powered vehicles linking Inverness to Cornwall via Belfast! "Only 6,491 miles to go!" said Lucy Thorp of Sustrans.


The King's Cross Women's Centre in Camden was recently evicted from its premises by wait for it ...a Housing Association! It wanted the centre to pay a commercial rent of £6,000 a year. The Association commented "We do not think it is our job to pay for voluntary organisations" and attacked the role of the centre for housing political views. What, like taking out the first private rape prosecution and successfully changing some of the rape laws? Meanwhile, the council have offered the Women's Centre one of their 105 empty commercial properties if they go through the grants procedures and apply for a property at the next meeting. This is not until June, so they have a long time to wait. Call 'em on 0171 624 3577


The trial of 3 Lincoln people accused of refusing to leave a roof during a road building protest was halted when magistrates walked out! The bench declared that 'the interests of justice [were] not being served' after exploding at defence lawyers cross-examining the police in a test-case of section 69 of the CJA. "Suddenly the chief magistrate told us all to stand up and gave us a bollocking, "solicitor Nick Wise told SchNEWS. "The next minute they just walked out of the courtroom. My questioning was totally fair - she just lost it." The protesters, from the Brayford Road Action Group, cheered and shouted at the departing wigs: "We don't need you anyway!". A re-trial is set for May 7th.


A Brighton RTS defendant has been bound over to 'be nice for a year'. Police dropped charges in exchange for a binding over order. The prosecution placed great emphasis on the defendants supposed political views rather than on what he was accused of doing. It's guilt by what you think now, rather than what you do! The arresting officer admitted during the proceedings that the policing of RTS was a shambles and contributed to the disorder of the day.

Did you see this man get nicked at RTS? Well known man-about-town Tony Rebel-Green was found guilty under Section 5 of the Public Order Act. He is appealing against the sentence and desperately needs witnesses who saw him get nicked.

Inside SchNEWS

SIMON SUNDERLAND, Sheffield graffiti artist, was jailed for five years in March (See SchNEWS 65) for brightening up Sheffield's billboards. Please send messages of support to: Simon Sunderland RR1591, HMP Everthorpe, E Wing, Brough, N. Humbs HU15 1RA. A support group has been set up to campaign for his release. Contact: Free Simon Sunderland Campaign, c/o 18 Wentworth Road, Jump, Barnsley S74 0JY.

Party & Protest

Sat 20th: March and Rally Shamrock Farm Meet 1pm Preston Park 01273 691628 - Last year this was Brighton's biggest action attracting around 1000 people shutting down Boots, McDonalds and Burger King. Rally at the Level followed by indoor market, video show and food at the Unemployed Centre.

*** 22nd-26th Chernobyl Week - events to remember 10th anniversary. Contact Faslane Peace Camp 01436 820 991 /Youth CND 0171 607 2302

*** 24th-25th Brighton Critical Mass bods arrested in Jan in Brighton Magistrates Court 9:45am

*** 26th-7th May Magical Beltane Camp, Somerset. Contact RG Gang, 96 Church Road, Redflelds Bristol.

*** 26th-6th May Rainbow Circle Beltane Celebration - 01373 831020

*** 26th Bracknell Environmental Fair, South Hill Part Bracknell, Berks. 12-5pm

*** 27th Cardiff Bay Barrow Action celebrates 2 years of CJA resistance 0171 281 4621

*** 27th-6th May Beltane Gathering in Kent 01603 661038

*** 28th Anti election Alliance meeting to discuss Class War aims and methods 1.30-5.30pm Conway Halt Red Lion Square, Holborn, London

*** 29th Trial of Garforth opencast protestors 0113 262 9365

*** 1st May Give Shell Hell Day - boycott Shell products and service stations.

and Finally

Getting yer kit off to save the planet is definitely in for '96! January, and Angel bares all as the motor industry 'celebrates' 100 years of the car at Coventry Cathedral. Next, one brave clap climbs up a tree, strips off and covers himself in grease in a bid to stop the bailiffs evicting him at Newbury. Brrr! And this week nine activist from the Lloyds and Midlands Boycott Campaign disrupt Lloyds AGM in protest over the bank's 3rd World debt policies. Stripping off at intervals they ran around with slogans painted on backs, breasts and buttocks such as 'Here's my ethical streak - where's yours?" and 'Expose the naked truth'. Meanwhile, a Viz comic reader wants to get in on the naked fun. He writes: "I am planning to celebrate 100 years of the motorcar in my bedroom on April 10th at 2.30 in the afternoon. If any women want to come along and protest by taking their clothes off please feel free to do so."!


The SchNEWS warns all readers not to attend any illegal gatherings or take part in any criminal activities. Always stay within the law. In fact please just sit in, watch TV and go on endless Xmas shopping sprees filling your home and lives with endless consumer crap. you will then feel content. Honest.

Subscribe! Keep SchNEWS free! Just send 1st class stamps (eg 20 for 20 issues) or donations (payable to Justice?) Mark 'Original' if you plan to copy: SchNEWS c/o on-the-fiddle PO Box 2600 Brighton East Sussex BN2 2DX. SchNEWS is free to prisoners tel/fax: (01273) 685913. email: e-SchNEWS:

NEW! SchNEWS fortnightly get-togethers next Wednesday 24th April 7:30pm ring office for venue - please come if you wanna help.

Nic Gargani, of Lewes reACTion, died in suspicious circumstances on Wednesday this week. He will be missed by all who knew and loved him.


SchNEWS, PO Box 2600, Brighton, BN2 0EF, England
Phone/Fax: +44 (0)1273 685913

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