"Definitely one of the best party and protest sites to come out of the UK. Updated weekly,
brilliantly written, bleakly humourous, and essential reading for anyone who gives
a shit. And we all should."
- Radiohead
Other Reviews
Other Reviews

Here's links to take you straight to those long-forgotten recesses of this site which might otherwise be impossible to find. This site is under (re)construction: more will be added to this section soon.
Book And Film Reviews - 2005-2009 - SchNEWS tries its hand at book and film reviews.
Of The World - August 2002 - nearly all the extra articles especially
written for the book - including colour pics - plus some of the
satire, subverts and cartoons.
Resistance - Sept 2001 - in September 2001 - before 9-11 - SchNEWS published a pamphlet about
Globalise Resistance - the Socialist Worker Party (SWP) 'front'
group who were muscling in on the burgeoning global anti-capitalist
movement. The text in full is reproduced, plus there's PDF copies
to download, plus 'Vampire Alert' - another pamphlet about the same
subject on PDF.
Gandalf 6 Trial - Nov 1998 - read about the trial from 1997-98 where
six people - five people who wrote for the radical magazine Green
Anarchist plus the press officer for the ALF (hence GAndALF 6) were
arrested and charged with 'conspiracy to incite criminal damage'
for reporting direct action.

Papers - 1999 - Don't ask us how we got hold of these - "This
booklet is an account of the 1999 Bilderberg Meeting and is distributed
only to participants of this and past conferences and to prospective
participants of future conferences. It represents a summary of
the panellists' opening remarks for each session, and of the
comments and interventions in the subsequent discussion."
Features - 2008-2011 - An online-outlet to publish articles which were longer than the 1200-odd word limit of a SchNEWS front page.
Satire - A repository of satirical graphics and other comedy material produced by SchNEWS.
About Us - Aug 2006 - a view from SchNEWS central at the end of the Metway office years.
About Justice? - 2000 - who is or was Justice?, the group that started SchNEWS...
SchNEWS 4th Birthday - Dec 1998 - the SchNEWS crew pause for breath after a fourth year...
Fifth Birthday Shocker! - Dec 1999 - Five years on and we're still here. - SchNEWS reflects on 1999...
Six Years And We Still Won't Shut Up - Jan 2001 - SchNEWS celebrated its sixth birthday with a slap-up three floor party in Brighton...
Seventh Heaven - Jan 2002 - SchNEWS turns seven.
Word In The Trees - article from The Guardian 6th January
1997 by Alex Bellos about SchNEWS
For Our Next Act - article written by SchNEWS writer Pete
Styles published in Red Pepper September 1997 reappraising the achievements
of direct action.
Thought Crime Calendar 2005 - Dec 2004 - cartoonist Nick Watson produced a calendar with all proceeds going to SchNEWS.
Putting On The Ritz - March 2011 - SchNEWS emergency bulletin on the M26 anti-austerity demos in London.
June 18th Links - June 1999 - Links and info in the lead-up to J18 - June 18th 1999
The City - June 1999 - a four page satirical cartoon covering the events
of J18 - June 18th 1999 in London, drawn by Pete Loveday using text
from SchNEWS 217 (in PDF form
- 1000kb).
DISSENT! G8 - July 2005 - information for those going to Scotland for the G8 Summit in 2005..

At Ten National Tour 2004 - April 2004 - dates and details
10th Birthday - October 2004 - details of book launch, massive
joint 10th party with Innerfield sound system at the Coronet, Sth London, as well
as the one-day conference held at the Camden Centre called 'How
Direct Action Can Save The World' during the European Social Forum
in London going on at the time.