| M For Media
Malarkey main page | Schedule
| Programme
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Attending | Intro Blurb | Updated
11th May 2007
Callout for all to come down to Brighton for...
M For Media Malarkey
- the SchNEWS Alternative Media Gathering 2007
May 11-13th 2007
Cowley Club, 12 London Rd, Brighton, BN1 4JA
You are invited to SchNEWS' first multi-media-activist gathering.
As well as a coming together of those already involved in web, video,
print, photography, and radio in alternative/independent media
as well as activists who use this media - this event will also be
for new people wanting to get involved. Starting on Friday evening
and going through to Sunday evening, there will be a range of discussions,
hands-on practical workshops in the various media, as well as stalls
and screenings throughout the weekend to showcase what's currently
being produced. Many of the films being screened are brand new,
and will be presented here for the first time.
Download programme (pdf, 560kb)
- click here
To see the schedule - as it stands - see
For a map and directions to the Cowley Club - click
The event is being held on a budget of zero. We will be providing
food and charging to cover costs, but please give a donation when
the hat is passed around.
If you need accommodation in Brighton, and you haven't had
it confirmed from us, please contact now. While we're doing
our best, make sure you've got a sleeping bag etc. If you
live in Brighton and could put people up, please contact now
FOOD - there will be vegan food served during the weekend
in the Cowley Club.
CRECHE - will be running Saturday 10am-6pm, Sunday 11am-5pm
- but please contact now so we've got an idea of numbers.
LAPTOPS - if you are bringing a laptop which you want to
connect to the video projector for a display/screening/talk please
bring your stuff also on CD, just incase it goes pear shaped.
For more logistical/organisational details click
For more info email schnews@brighton.co.uk
tel 01273 685 913
Here is the current schedule - watch
for updates...
(the timing of some sessions overlap because there will be two
discussion spaces plus video projection room). If you have arranged
to do a workshop, but it doesn't appear - please email us now.
Click here
for full list of Collectives attending.
7pm - welcoming shenanigans, sorting accommodation,
creche, equipment etc
7-10pm - Stalls and screenings
V for Video Activist. The video arm of SchNEWS.
Short campaign and direct-action films from 2006/2007.
8-9pm - Reel News 7 The latest eclectic worldwide
round up of actions/events from the London based video magazine
10-11am - Crystal Balls
opening blurb, go-round, forum/discussion about the role and
future of alternative media. As organisers, people from SchNEWS
will describe what we hope to get from the weekend, while everyone
will be welcome to voice opinions about what are the key discussion
points. |
Screenings - films featured during the weekend
will also be repeated at various times, as well as other unannounced
short films inbetween, and films which people have brought
along. Film listings will be posted up on the day.
11am-12pm - Radio - Pennie
Quinton will talk about making Indy Global Reports for Resonance
FM 104.4 and radio production in Palestine for IMEMC.org
(The international Middle East Media Centre), as well as grass
roots journalism in conflict zones.. |
11am-1pm - Photography
indepth practical workshop in photojournalism looking at use
of digital cameras, photography skills, editing and preparing
photos on computer and online publishing. |
12-1pm - P for Peer2Peer
talk about the beginning of the end for mainstream media, with
high quality people2people TV over the web. How can we make
the current dotcom boom into a media revolution? |
1-2pm - Lunch |
2pm-4pm - Sourcery - Discussion
addressing all media: what can we learn from journalistic and
investigative research methods. This will be a chaired, open
discussion featuring people with a range of tactics and approaches
including a covert campaign-based researcher, corporate research
from Corporate
Watch, and journalists involved in investigative and
localised research.
2.30-3.15pm - Talk and Q&A
session with Ben & Becca from S2S - who made the
film Taking
Liberties - about detailed film/video research - how to
source information, copyright, and cataloguing it. |
3.15-4pm - IndyPhonics
- discussing ideas for an Indymedia Audiobook Project. As
well as reading and recording books published under free license,
looking into ways of making the feature content of Indymedia
websites possible to listen to. |
4-5pm - Mobile
Indymedia - setting up remote media hubs for an event
such as the G8 protest in Scotland in 2005, or last year's Climate
Camp, as well as the role of Indymedia as part of - or as a
'service provider' for - the protests. |
5-6pm -
Indymedia - a discussion of the future of Indymedia,
and what some of the regional groups have planned, as well as
a general discussion open to all about how Indymedia relates
to other alternative media. |
6pm onwards - buffet food |
. |
- The Future of DIY TV - Some of VISIONonTVs
shows plus the best and worst of internet shows from around
the globe |
SCREENING - 6.45-8.15pm - Camcorder
Guerillas The Scottish film collective screen
two new films: Salud Y Solidaridad (Health
and Solidarity) - Zapitista film to raise money for a Health
clinic in Mexico, and Those Left Behind - Asylum
film focussing on the traumatic effect on local residents after
the forced removal of a family in Scotland |
SCREENING - 8.15-9pm - Revolt
Video Collective - the second video compilation from
the Ireland based film collective. With the current news from
Rossport. |
9pm - Live Music - surprise
special guest pisstaking singer-songwriter.
11am-12pm - Sex It Up
A critical look at flyers/leaflets and other print media evaluating
what works best, from a design and content point of view. |
Screenings - films
featured during the weekend will also be repeated at various
times, as well as other unannounced short films inbetween, and
films which people have brought along. Film listings will be
posted up on the day. |
12pm-12.30pm - Desktop
Publishing (DTP) practical workshop looking at page layout,
design and software |
12-1pm - Video Outreach without
YouTube - VISIONonTV
show you how to encode and upload screening quality video over
the web to 100,000s of people. |
12pm-1pm - Setting up a community
radio station, from OX4FM, an Oxford-based group who have
grown out of sound systems and pirate radio in the area. |
1-2pm - Lunch |
2pm-3pm - Promoting Campaigns
- activists involved in such campaigns as the Titnore Woods
protest camp, Smash EDO, and others will talk about how they
have generated the publicity needed to raise awareness about
the issue in their local communities and beyond - including
making their own media, using the usual alternative medias,
as well as the mainstream. |
SCREENING - 3pm-3.30pm - 'Community
Action' - made by residents associations in Haringey, about
how ordinary people in a London borough are organising to empower
their communities to improve their lives and the environment. |
3.30pm-4.30pm - Mobilising Communities - following
on from the screening of 'Community Action' people
from Haringey will talk about ways they work within a broader
community, which will follow onto a discussion open to all
about everyone's experiences with reaching outside political
4.30-5.30pm - Closing discussion - feedback about
all the sessions, and plans for the future. Is alternative
media getting out to enough people outside the bubble, or
are we just an inhouse information service for those in the
5.30pm onwards - buffet food |
SCREENING - 6-7pm Undercurrents
- Eco Village Pioneers - latest film about how people have
come together to build their own homes, grow their own food
and create their own sustainable commmunties |
SCREENING - 7-8pm - Cine
Rebelde - Reclaim Power - Voices from
last year's camp for climate action, in preparation for the
camp this year with a talk about this year's Camp
for Climate Action |
SCREENING - 8-9pm - Rice'N'Peas
Films - Bang Bang In Da Manor -a hard hitting documentry
film on gun crime in the black community, described as one of
the most disturbing documentarys made in Britain. |
SCREENING - 9-10pm - rolling
short film compilation - bring your films to be screened here. |
* Undercurrents
will be recording a live TV programme over the weekend to be webcast
Keep checking this webpage for updates.
- Information for action!