| Satire
never a truer word spoken in jest...
Collected here are the many graphics produced by SchNEWS,
as featured in the top corner of each issue over the years, as well
as other originally produced spoofs and satire. All these images
are copyleft - free to use for non-profit use - and in fact many
have been nicked and used by campaign groups, other magazines as
well as flyposted and used on independent record covers. By all
means use them - and drop us a line when you do.
A collection of SchNEWS' best graphics from the past
decade, presented in a full colour pocket-sized book. Covering issues
from climate change to vivisection, police repression to resource
wars, these graphics manage to raise a grin out of some deadly serious
matters, all the while never watering down the uncompromising anarcho-green
message of SchNEWS. This is a diverse range of images both in form
and content with detourned or subverted images, fake ads, mixed
metaphors, wafer-thin gags and more. Order yours now - £6.50
incl P&P, available online through this website. 96 pages, 120x168mm,
full colour, ISBN 978-09529748-9-5 For
more click here
8th July 2011 | Issue
778 - IT'S ALL OVER - As Rupert Makepeace finally pulls
the pin on that beacon of quality journalism, SchNEWS Of The World.
1st July 2011 | Issue
777 - LIBYA: ANTI-NATO CLASSES - The Euro-American
attack on Libya has nothing to do with protecting anyone; only the
terminally naive believe such nonsense. It is the Wests response
to popular uprisings in strategic, resource-rich regions of the
world and the beginning of a war of attrition against the new imperial
rival, China. - John Pilger.
24th June 2011 | Issue
776 - SFAIR AND SQUARE: R.I.P. BRIAN HAW - One man protest,
Brian Haw, who occupied Parliament Square for a decade as a symbol
of peace and a vigil at parliament's doorstep against the acts of
genocide it regularly commits, sadly dies of cancer.
3rd June 2011 | Issue
774 - NOT PLAYING WORKFARE - The new Work Programme part
of the Welfare Reform Bill, currently going through the House of
Lords, would force those on unemployment benefits to work up to
30 hours a week in places like Poundland to earn their JSA. This
works out as equivalent to £2.25 an hour for those over 25,
and a measly £1.78 an hour for those younger.
27th May 2011 | Issue
773 - NO SPAIN, NO GAIN - We've got the Arab Spring
what about a European summer? It's a week since thousands of pro-democracy
demonstrators pitched up in central Madrid (see SchNEWS
772) - and revolution fever is spreading across Europe like
nits in a playground.
20th May 2011 | Issue
772 - AND FINALLY - Can there be any worse nightmare than
being hunted down by the capitalist incarnation of cartoon characters
from your childhood? SchNEWS has received a 'cease and desist' letter
from the current owners of the Mr Men brand, Chorion Ltd over
this graphic from December 2005.
13th May 2011 | Issue
771 - FRACKING HELL - As shockwaves about the nuclear industry
reverberate around the world after Fukishima, he comes another ecocidal
hell - fracking: recovering natural gas by blowing up underground
shale rocks, releasing noxious chemicals and resulting in radioactive
waste water.
6th May 2011 | Issue
770 - BAA BAA BLACK BLOCK - Operation Brontide swung into
full force last week, coincidentally just before the Royal wedding.
Cops claim to be after 276 people for offences including violent
disorder and criminal damage committed during the March for the
Alternative on 26th March (see SchNEWS
29th April 2011 | Issue
769 - STOKING THE FIRES - Riots in the Stokes Croft area
of Bristol after police raid squat and anti-Tesco protesters.
15th April 2011 | Issue
767 - TAKING LIBYA-TIES - An eyewitness account of events
in Libya gives an insight into the real agenda behind the NATO involvement
as the rebels fight Gadaffi's army. "According to what I saw
on the ground, I cant believe that NATO is looking to get
rid of Gaddafi unless they find a suitable replacement." -
Medyan Daireh, Al Jazeera journalist.
15th April 2011 | Issue
767 - TAKING LIBYA-TIES - An eyewitness account of events
in Libya gives an insight into the real agenda behind the NATO involvement
as the rebels fight Gadaffi's army. "According to what I saw
on the ground, I cant believe that NATO is looking to get
rid of Gaddafi unless they find a suitable replacement." -
Medyan Daireh, Al Jazeera journalist.
8th April 2011 | Issue
766 - WHO GIVES A SHIT? - Some people are cashing in on
the royal wedding with gratuitous, opportunistic, unofficial merchandise.
Er - including SchNEWS... see
1st April 2011 | Issue
765 - M26: RITZ SPIRIT - HUNDREDS of anti-royal
anarchists ran riot across central London yesterday, turning a peaceful
demonstration about spending cuts into a class war - Sunday
18th March 2011 | Issue
763 - NUCLEAR POWER: GOING CRITICAL - The terrifying situation
in Japan has rekindled the debate over nuclear power around the
world. While in the US, Obama has reaffirmed his support for nuclear
power to protect the massive investment his administration has made
in the industry, over in Germany and Switzerland the governments
have jammed the brakes on plans to build and replace nuclear plants.
11th March 2011 | Issue
762 - PROFIT HUNGRY - Sharp rises globally in food prices
is not because of famine or pestilence, but rather a reflection
of the way staple foods are commodities in a crumbling financial
4th March 2011 | Issue
761 - PENNY FOR THE GUY ROPES - The Camp For Climate Action
is disbanded as SchNEWS puts its two-bobs worth into the debate...
25th February 2011 | Issue
760 - CAMERON WAVES ARMS ABOUT - Cameron flies to the Middle
East after Mubarak resigns - to offer his support to the burgeoning
revolution? Er, not exactly, he went the biggest arms fair in the
Middle East, at Abu Dhabi, to flog British arms to dictatorships
in the region who are solid customers for weaponry.
18th February 2011 | Issue
759 - MIDDLE EASTERN PROMISE- Egyptian dissidents (along
with the masses) celebrated on Friday as Hosni Mubarak finally threw
in the towel after the mass protests in Cairos Tahrir Square
and across the country refused to abate...
11th February 2011 | Issue
758 - THE WITHDRAWAL METHOD - As noisy protests continued
against tax avoidance by big business and cuts in education and
benefits another, altogether quieter, national campaign took off
this week at our most unsung of public services: the libraries.
4th February 2011 | Issue
757 - CUT TO THE QUICK- Thousands take to the streets of
London and Manchester in the latest national demonstrations against
the cuts sweeps the country...
21st January 2011 | Issue
756 - MUBARAK'S AGAINST THE WALL - From Tunisia to Yemen,
Arab streets are in revolt as the old order trembles...
28th January 2011 | Issue
756 - INTER-NETCU - During the media frenzy around Mark
Kennedy, the police infiltrator who spent seven years undercover
in the UK protest scene, SchNEWS opens up the can of worms that
is the lists of posting made on Indymedia coming from a police internet
14th January 2011 | Issue
754 - FIGHT THEM ON THE BEECHES - The Tory's new Public
Bodies Bill for the Forestry Commission is essentially a plan to
flog off the family silver and privatise forests up and down the
country. The sale is intended to raise £2bn - less than half
of one years tax avoidance by Vodafone.
14th January 2011 | Issue
754 - AND FINALLY - A controversial new art installation
has not been going down a bomb with German cops in Dresden. Petra
is a lifesize model of a female riot cop in full armour squatting
down, trousers akimbo, relieving herself on the floor. The piss
de resistance is a yellowish pool of liquid puddling at her
feet. Police are extremely pissed off...
7th January 2011 | Issue
753 - AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR from SchNEWS...
17th December 2010 | Issue
752 - XMAS GREETINGS from SchNEWS...
17th December 2010 | Issue
752 - THE WELL UNFAIR STATE - Tuition fees got you riled
up? Wait til you get a handle on what our Tory chums have
got planned next - a massive demolition (sorry, overhaul) of the
existing benefits system. With all benefits and tax credits being
rolled into one system, the screws are gonna get tightened.
10th December 2010 | Issue
751 - CRUDE BUT REFINED - MPs huddle in Parliament to decide
on the future of education, while protests rage outside. Charles
and Camilla's Rolls Royce is attacked by anti-cuts protesters.
10th December 2010 | Issue
751 - WIKILEAKS: HACKTION STATIONS - Despite founder Julian
Assange being arrested in the UK this week, the Wikileaks website
itself has proved harder to conquer, and a mass direct hacktion
campaign of unprecedented size has booted itself up to help fight
3rd December 2010 | Issue
750 - WIKILEAKS - The Wikileaks furore develops and it becomes
the topic of a media frenzy, rather than the facts it has confirmed
or uncovered.
25th November 2010 | Issue
749 - NEW KIDS ON THE BLACK BLOCK - Thousands of Britain's
schoolchildren and students walk out of their classrooms and take
to the streets in a second wave of student-led protests against
the savage education cuts.
18th November 2010 | Issue
the same the question the rest of the nation is asking: Who Gives
A Shit?
11th November 2010 | Issue
747 - LOSING THEIR FACULTIES - Student protests laugh all
the way to Millbank as the windows are taken out of Tory HQ in the
largest student demo in memory kicks off in central London.
4th November 2010 | Issue
746 - THE VODAFONE-Y WAR - In the past week as many as 21
Vodafone stores have been hit with direct action. The phone giant
have become a widespread target for the national anti-cuts campaign
following their multi-billion government-sanctioned tax-dodging
29th October 2010 | Issue
745 - FIRST CUT'S NOT THE DEEPEST - As the Con-Dem coalition
announce massive cuts, the first rumblings of mass protests across
the country are heard...
22nd October 2010 | Issue
744 - CRUDE BUT REFINED - Utmost secrecy, activist goodie
bags and sheer determination shut down the Corydon oil refinery
in Essex - the UKs busiest oil refinery - last week in one
of the most well-planned actions the climate justice movement has
seen so far - Crude Awakening.
15th October 2010 | Issue
743 - HAMMERING HOME THE POINT - The ITTs Hammertime
Smash EDO demo in Brighton on Wednesday (13th) ended with over fifty
arrests, after police made it clear they were going to protect the
arms makers at any cost.
8th October 2010 | Issue
742 - FRONTIER LAW - The No Borders camp in Brussels took
its protest against harsh European asylum laws to the EU capital
- and were met by shocking police violence, leading to 500 being
'preventatively' arrested, and 14 being seriously injured.
1st October 2010 | Issue
741 - UNREST FOR THE WICKED - Mass protests and strikes
have broken out across the whole of Europe this week as the reality
of already imposed and still pending austerity cuts becomes clear.
Across the EU, rallies were held in thirteen capital cities and
in Spain a general strike saw millions take action.
24th September 2010 | Issue
740 - BRUSSELS SPROUTS CAMP - No Borders Camp 2010 in Brussels
kicks off this Saturday (25th) til the 3rd October, and plenty are
converging on that part of the continent in an effort to create
a world where no one is illegal. Among the objectives of the camp
are the denouncing of European migration policy; and showing the
links between this policy and the structures of capitalism and repression.
17th September 2010 | Issue
739 - The pope tours Britain amid the child abuse scandals
tearing through the Catholic church.
3rd September 2010 | Issue
737 - MEIN KAMPF? - The Blair autobiography comes out -
full of, as expected, lies and fantasies justifying all his diabolical
and murderous actions masquerading as a 'hey guys' self-effacing
leader on a crusade to 'well, you know' right the wrongs of the
world. A Journey or is it Mein Kampf?
20th August 2010 | Issue
735 - HIGH PRESSURE FRONT - Climate Climate Camp Cymru in
South Wales ends - having had to change sites midway through due
to an eviction - and then climate campaigners took at site in Edinburgh
to begin the Scottish Climate Camp.
6th August 2010 | Issue
734 - GRASSROOTS STRUGGLE - Yet another independent festival
has been cancelled after a concerted campaign by bureaucrats, nimbys
and police. This time it's the Grassroots Feastival, which was a
small volunteer-run event due to take place in Cambridgeshire in
early September.
30th July 2010 | Issue
733 - ROBOT WARS - Drones or UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles)
are increasingly becoming the face of modern imperial war. Remotely
piloted Predator, Reaper and now Avenger drones mean that the worlds
great powers can unleash destruction from afar without risking a
single soldiers life.
23rd July 2010 | Issue
732 - GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER - major whitewash as the
policeman who murdered innocent bystander Ian Thomlinson during
the London G20 protests in April 2009 will not face charges.
16th July 2010 | Issue
731 - AGAINST THE GRAIN - The EU are copping out of regulations
and approving changes to the rules that may break the deadlock which
has prevented any significant cultivation of GM crops in Europe.
9th July 2010 | Issue
730 - THE HOLE TRUTH - There is still plenty of ire left
in Ireland as campaigners ready themselves for another summer of
action against Shell and their plans to despoil the coast of County
Mayo with a new gas pipeline (see SchNEWS 719). The project is already
a decade late and three times over budget; pretty impressive for
a small community fighting one of the biggest multinationals in
the world.
2nd July 2010 | Issue
- The EDO Decommissioners trial ends in Hove Crown Court with
all defendants getting unanimous acquittals. Could it be all over
for EDO/ITT in Brighton?
25th June 2010 | Issue
728 - THE TORIES THREATEN CUTS - but there's something a
bit suspicious about George Osborne's rubbery complexion and lack
of emotion as he raises the spectre of massive cuts...
18th June 2010 | Issue
727 - RAVING MADNESS - The UK Teknival over Mayday in Wales
was busted by police and gear confiscated in another attack on fre
parties and festivals in Britain.
11th June 2010 | Issue
726 - We don't do sport - but incessant repeats of 1966
'...they think it's all over - it is now...' can only mean one thing:
it's the World Cup.
28th May 2010 | Issue
724 - BP OIL SPILL IN GULF OF MEXICO - for more click
28th May 2010 | Issue
724 - BP OIL SPILL IN GULF OF MEXICO - a slick operation.
For more click
21st May 2010 | Issue
723 - ALL THAT ROMAINS... - Welcome to the age of austerity.
Romania has erupted in protests as harsh measures continue to grow
and waves of discontent flood Europe.
14th May 2010 | Issue
722 - NOT A CLEGG TO STAND ON - As Britain's aristocracy
proper regain control of Downing Street in the form of posh-boy
double act of Cameron and Clegg.
14th May 2010 | Issue
722 - THE TORIES WIN - Move over And & Dec - here comes
Cam & Clegg
7th May 2010 | Issue
721 - GREECE KICKS OFF (AGAIN) - Greece eplodes as austerity
cuts bite hard...
30th April 2010 | Issue
720 - CRASH OF THE TITANS - Riots again in Greece as IMF
imposed wage cuts hit the country...
23rd April 2010 | Issue
publicity posters are providing great fodder for spoofs. A whole
website is devoted to spoofs of this one (cllick
here), so we thought we'd join in the fun...
16th April 2010 | Issue
718 - BRITISH GENERAL ELECTION - David Cameron is a caring
conservative - until he is elected. We know the routine.
9nd April 2010 | Issue
parliament wouldn't be such a bad thing...
2nd April 2010 | Issue
716 - SAND STORMS - BP have decided they are beyond pretending
they're beyond petroleum as they get stuck into the extra-dirty
extraction of tar sands for oil in Canada.
2nd April 2010 | Issue
716 - UN-IRVING - After protests against fascist holocaust-denying
loony David Irving stopped his talk in Brighton from happening,
he claimed it was the work of hired heavies. Which gave us an idea...
26th March 2010 | Issue
715 - A TWIST OF FETE - In what is fast becoming a summer
tradition, yet another gathering has fallen victim to party-pooping
police tactics. Strawberry Fair in Cambridge - the UKs last
free open-air festival - has been cancelled under police pressure.
19th March 2010 | Issue
714 - TIT TOP - Well blimey. Against all the odds it looks
like Titnore Woods has been saved from the developers evil
19th March 2010 | Issue
714 - NETAN-YAHOO SUCKS - The inverse law of political spiel
states that, in order to get to the truth, simply reverse any statement
made by any politician. So, when Obama says Theres no
crisis in Israel-US relations you know something weird is
going down.
12th March 2010 | Issue
713 - SUSSEX, LIES AND VIDEOTAPE - Following last weeks
Stop The Cuts demonstration and occupation of the senior
managements offices (see SchNEWS
712) six Sussex University students had been suspended and excluded
from campus.
5th March 2010 | Issue
712 - SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS - Students at Sussex University
came into violent conflict with riot cops on Wednesday (3rd March
2010) as they occupied the executive nerve centre of their university.
26th February 2010 | Issue
711 - GREEK FIRE - Greece has once again been rocked by
protests, strikes and civil unrest. This time in response to a series
of swinging government cutbacks aimed at bringing the country into
line with neo-liberal dogma and reducing its budget deficit.
12th February 2010 | Issue
(8th Feb 2010), two teams of activists blockaded the gates of Cargoflora
and Carmel Agrexco in protest at the importation of flowers from
occupied Palestine. Several of the blockaders were severely assaulted
by staff at the Cargoflora depot.
5th February 2010 | Issue
708 - EYEWITNESS AFGHANISTAN - A now the news from war-torn
Afghanistan as SchNEWS talks to Brightonian Al Jazeera journalist
Medyan Dairieh recently returned from the country.
5th February 2010 | Issue
708 - BLAIR FACED CHEEK - As Blair smirked and simpered
his way through his evidence at the Chilcot Inquiry, in a masterful
display of outright bullshitting and bare-faced lies.
29th January 2010 | Issue
707 - LANARKY IN ACTION - Early Monday morning bailiffs
and police under the auspices of the National Eviction Team began
the long expected eviction of Mainshill Solidarity camp.
29th January 2010 | Issue
707 - CITIZENS ARREST OF THE WEEK - You probably wouldnt
need much encouragement to try and perform a citizens arrest
on Britains greatest living War Criminal, Tony Bliar. But,
just in case you are the kind of money-grabbing mercenary who does,
someone has had the genius idea of offering hard cash to anyone
who can collar the mad vicar.
22nd January 2010 | Issue
706 - HAITI: THE AFTERSHOCK DOCTRINE - As the rescue effort
winds down and the body count piles up, SchNEWS takes a look at
why this earthquake hit so many so hard, and how the international
aid effort is being subverted by military and corporate power.
15th January 2010 | Issue
705 - WILD AT HEART - As the Smash EDO campaign announces
location for the Remember Gaza demo - Brighton's Wild Park.
Back to top
Graphics from 2009


c/o Community Base, 113 Queens Rd, Brighton, BN1 3XG, England
Phone: +44 (0)1273 685913
email: mail@schnews.org.uk
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