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GRAPHICS Issues 621-640


See also graphics from issues 351-400, 401-450, 451-480, 481-500, 501-520, 521-540, 541-560, 561-580, 581-600, 601-620, 621-640, 641-660, 661-
The Wembley protest camp against the privatised 'City Academy' school is down but not out
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18th July 2008 | Issue 640 - DOWN, WEMBLEY WAY - Despite the protest camp in the shadows of the Wembley stadium being evicted, protests against the privatised 'City Academy' school continues...

G8 Summit 2008, Hokkaido, Japan
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4th July 2008 | Issue 638- EMPIRE OF THE VANITIES - It's G8 Summit circus time again, this time meeting in Japan. For ten years the G8 - and the US-led Neo-Con empire - has been a big target for protests and anti-capitalist politics. But is the G8 really the unstoppable threat it appeared to be during the height of the summit-hopping years? The power blocks are shifting...

Look Who's Stalking - starring Nicolas Soames
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27th June 2008 | Issue 637- HOUNDED - Fox hunting has been banned in Britain - hasn't it? Yes it has but it still goes on, as blood-thirsty toffs assert their 'rights' - as the 'ruling class' - to be above the law. Now, they are taking out high court injunctions - under Protection Against Harassment Laws - on those who are monitoring the hunts.

Fluoride - just grin and bear it
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20th June 2008 | Issue 636- ALONG FOR FLUORIDE - The UK government is intent on expanding the fluoridisation of drinking water, but yet all medical evidence is clearly against this 'forced mass medication'. So why are they doing it?

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13th June 2008 | Issue 635- COCK 'N' KABUL STORY - 'Reconstruction' in Afghanistan has amounted to contracts with the cash falling mostly into the pockets of US corporations in the 'war' industry.

Sussex Police unveil glossy new look
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6th June 2008 | Issue 634- IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE - SchNEWS coverage of Smash EDO's national demo in Brighton on June 4th, the Carnival Against The Arms Trade. This image depicts a policeman covered in white paint...

University Challenge
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23rd May 2008 | Issue 633- SELF DEFENCE - As Sussex Uni students, part of the Smash EDO campaign to close down the Brighton bomb parts factory EDO-MBM, are denied legal aid for imprisonable charges by the judge on the grounds that “they are intelligent enough to represent themselves”.

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16th May 2008 | Issue 632- SECTS AND THE CITY - As police crack down on protesters at London anti-Scientlogy demo...

Sects And The City
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16th May 2008 | Issue 632- SECTS AND THE CITY - As police crack down on protesters at London anti-Scientlogy demo...

Heckler & Koch - A Lethal Combination
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9th May 2008 | Issue 631- HECKLER AT THE BACK - Weapons corporation Heckler & Koch are finding that their gun storage warehouse in Nottingham is becoming a target for anti-arms trade campaigners...

The real winner of the London Mayoral Elections
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2nd May 2008 | Issue 630- As the country goes to the polls in local elections, the question was who was going to win the London mayoral election...

Cheneyland - the new funpark in Baghdad
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2nd May 2008 | Issue 630- And Finally... US venture capitalists are to set up a Disneyland-styled funpark in central Baghdad next the the US controlled Green Zone - crass opportunistic US Imperialism or just plain old bad taste?

Hydro-electric dam in Guatemala
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18th April 2008 | Issue 629 - MAYAN THE FORCE BE WITH YOU - As isolated Mayan communities in Guatemala fight against an enormous hydro-electric dam on their land...

As protests overshadow London procession of Olympic torch
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11th April 2008 | Issue 628 - As protests against China's human rights record and occupation of Tibet overshadow the Olympic torch procession through London...

As Plane Stupid uncover their mole - public school prat Toby Kendall
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Issue 628 - And Finally - As Plane Stupid uncover their mole - James Bond wannabe and public school prat Toby Kendall...

For the full hilarious account of this botched infiltration click here

Gordon Brown - the biggest fool on 'Fossil Fools Day'.
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4th April 2008 | Issue 627 - ONLY FUELS & HORSEPLAY - Despite a national day of action against Climate Change on 'Fossil Fools Day', Gordon Brown was still the biggest clown.

Sussex Police Film Promotion Agency
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28th March 2008 | Issue 626 - VERGE ON THE ROAD - The first leg of the Smash EDO tour over the last week has taken in Oxford, Bath, Hereford and finished up at Bristol’s Kebele social centre. According to movie director Steve Bishop, “The whole things has been massively energised by Sussex Police’s cack-handed attempt at censorship – so cobblers / bollocks to them basically. Venue organisers have been surprised at the turn outs – obviously huge credit has to go to everyone who organised a screening at short notice.”

As Terminal Five At Heathrow Opens
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28th March 2008 | Issue 626 - TERMINAL DISASTER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT - Yesterday was the start of another inglorious chapter in the story of air travel as Heathrow Terminal 5 (T5) officially opened. After the whopping £4.3 billion spent on essentially a better-lit new cattle shed, it should have been a red letter day for British Airways. But the only red on show was that of hundreds of ‘Flashmob’ protesters who – having previously milling around the check-in areas looking innocuous - simultaneously ripped off their over-garments to reveal matching red t-shirts emblazoned with the simple message, “STOP AIRPORT EXPANSION”.

On The Verge gets a U rating by Sussex Police - Unsuitable for all
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21st March 2008 | Issue 625 - SHOWSTOPPERS - As Police seek to axe anti-arms trade movie - Yet another below the belt blow to civil liberties was struck by the Sussex Plod this Monday. The long-awaited world premier of SchMOVIES ‘On The Verge’- the cinematic debut of the Smash Edo campaign - was cancelled after police intervention. In the days that followed, across the country venues due to show the film on the forthcoming tour have received visits from the police and licensing authorities keen to stop screenings.

Smash EDO Karaoke Four are acquiited
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14th March 2008 | Issue 624 - NO TIME FOR LOSERS - As Karaoke Four are acquitted - Another mighty cock up this week for Sussex Police - as yet again the crown prosecution (CPS) has been forced to drop a Smash EDO court case. This time it’s the ‘Karaoke Four’ – who famously were arrested after a window-rattling rendition of ‘We Are The Champions’ during the Smash EDO ‘Bad Karaoke’ demo in October 2007

Toffs ignore the Fox Hunting Ban
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7th March 2008 | Issue 623 - BUNCH OF HUNTS - “It’s pretty much business as usual hunt sabbing in the fields of rural England, three years after the hunting ban came into force - if you can call it a ban; week in week out we see hunts chasing and killing foxes in direct violation of the ban.” - H.S.A. Press Officer

Svalbard global seed vault
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29th Feb 2008 | Issue 622 - NO STRAIN NO GAIN - "Seeds are the very beginning of the food chain. He, who controls the seeds, controls the food supply and thus controls the people." - Dominique Guillet, Kokopelli.

Last week, in France, the independent seed-saving and selling Association Kokopelli were fined €35,000 - Their crime was selling traditional and rare seed varieties which weren’t on the official EU-approved list – and therefore illegal to sell.

The Good Life go to the local seed swaps
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Another way of getting around seed restriction laws are seed swaps – which in recent years have sprouted up and down the country. People freely share seeds for another year’s growing – a co-operative way of maintaining genetic diversity, as well as exchanging knowledge. Most are around February/early March - see

Trashzilla - the monster from the trash vortex
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22nd Feb 2008 | Issue 621 - THE BEST AID PLANS - Bush has finished his tour of Africa - where 'aid' was on offer to those countries ready to tow the line. But even still - most of the aid money is in the form of contracts to US corporations for infrastructure programmes and hardly a penny will get to the people on the ground.


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Graphics from previous 20 issues



SchNEWS, c/o Community Base, 113 Queens Rd, Brighton, BN1 3XG, England
Phone: +44 (0)1273 685913

@nti copyright - information for action - copy and distribute!



Jolly Roger Press
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Jolly Roger Press -
SchNEWS's take on an anarchist publishing house catalogue produced for the Anarchist Bookfair, Issue 608 - October 2007 (Download PDF - 2 pages A4 - 970kb)

Blair Mugshot
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Blair Charge Sheet
- as Blair leaves, we look at his record - Issue 594, June 2007 (Click Here)

Rave Casualty Support Group
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Barrio Social Centre - What's On Guide - SchNEWS looks at a typical British social centre. Issue 573 - Jan 2007. (Download PDF - 1 page A4 - 220kb)

Upper Crust - from the spoof festival guide
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Spoof Festival Guide
- close to the bone parody of UK festival scene produced for Big Green Gathering, Issue 553 - August 2006. (Download PDF - 2.2meg)

Winston get a mohawk - Mayday 2000
SchNEWS Worst Britain
- produced for the Peace De Resistance book in 2003 (Click Here)

Washing Up Section 6
Washing Up Section 6 - spoof of a squatter's Section 6 notice. (Download A4 page, PDF, 6kb)

Are You Really Green? - questionnaire produced for the Big Green Gathering 2007 (not yet available)