| Satire
Including No Borders, Immigration Detention Centres,
deportations and the plight of asylum seekers in Britain.
17th December 2010 | Issue
752 - XMAS GREETINGS from SchNEWS...
8th October 2010 | Issue
742 - FRONTIER LAW - The No Borders camp in Brussels took
its protest against harsh European asylum laws to the EU capital
- and were met by shocking police violence, leading to 500 being
'preventatively' arrested, and 14 being seriously injured.
24th September 2010 | Issue
740 - BRUSSELS SPROUTS CAMP - No Borders Camp 2010 in Brussels
kicks off this Saturday (25th) til the 3rd October, and plenty are
converging on that part of the continent in an effort to create
a world where no one is illegal. Among the objectives of the camp
are the denouncing of European migration policy; and showing the
links between this policy and the structures of capitalism and repression.
24th September 2009 | Issue
692 - JUNGLIST MISSIVE - Jungle Mania as Calais' refugee
camps are violently evicted and trashed by French police.
22nd May 2009 | Issue
676 - FINAL FRONTIERS - A humanitarian crisis caused by
British immigration policy is taking place just over the channel
in Calais. Thousands of people in search of a new life in the area
are risking their lives to enter the UK and are only surviving with
the illegal solidarity of local people. The situation
has worsened dramatically since the forced closure of the Red Crosss
Sangatte centre.
20th March 2009 | Issue
669 - STAND UP TO DETENTION - Home Secretary Jacqui Smith
has opened the latest addition to UK plcs capacity for locking
people up, Brook House - the largest immigration detention centre
yet - with space for 426 prisoners. 2,500 people are currently locked
up in 13 British immigration prisons and the government want to
be able lock up another 1,500.
6th July 2007 | Issue 595
- The Home Office is seeking tips from the fashion designers when
it comes to designing enforcement officer uniforms - so it's out
with the navy blue and in with softer tones...
26th May 2006 | Issue 545
- SNATCH-22 - SchNEWS Reids Between The Lies About Refugees...
26th May 2006 | Issue 545
- SNATCH-22 -
SchNEWS Reids Between The Lies About Refugees...
31st March 2006 | Issue 538
- SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO? - Immigration injustices of
barbed-wire Britain...
31st March 2006 | Issue 538
- SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO? - Immigration injustices of
barbed-wire Britain...
2nd Dec 2005 | Issue 523
- AMIR - ACLE - Swift intervention by Brighton campaigners last
week prevented the deportation of a asylum seeker, Iranian journalist
Amir Hassan...
24th Jan 2003 | Issue 389
The idea that terrorism is a third world import carried in
by non-white people has become the widely accepted excuse for increasingly
repressive border policies throughout the global north... A border
panic has been carefully constructed so that the terrorists
are always seen as existing outside of our society.
- Nandita Sharma, Green Pepper magazine, Autumn 2002
29th March 2002 | Issue 348
Last month the Yarls Wood Detention Centre in Bedfordshire
burned in a fire. The centre for detaining asylum seekers
the equivalent to a category B prison surrounded by razor wire -
opened in November 2001, cost £100 million and is run by Group
4. But ever since it opened there's been constant protests about
conditions. In January nearly all the detainees, went on hunger
strike for 24 hours, while on the afternoon of 14th February, the
day the fire started, trouble flared after a woman was handcuffed
so she could be taken to hospital. At some point later a fire started.
Its not clear where, although many detainees believe it started
in the reception area to which they have no access. Shocking stories
from those who were inside on the day are only now emerging.
29th August 1997 | Issue 132-
HOSTILE HOSTEL - Asylum prisoners show their anger - "Campsfield
is not a prison, it's a hostel regime" - Group 4 spokesman
Last week, 200 asylum seekers at the Campsfield detention centre
near Oxford staged a full scale protest which caused an estimated
£100,000 worth of property damage. Several parts of the building
were completely destroyed. The 13 hour 'riot' began after one person
was removed to a prison without warning, a move campaigners believe
was designed to punish troublemakers. Over a quarter of detainees
were involved in the protest.


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email: schnews@brighton.co.uk
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