By Category
Smash EDO
Climate Camp
| Satire
- Food
Includes fast food, food miles, food security, seeds
see also Genetically Modified Food,
16th October 2009 Issue
695 - AND FINALLY ...As farmers take their protest about
dairy pricing to Brussels, where they milk it for all its
29th Feb 2008 | Issue 622
NO GAIN - "Seeds are the vry beginning of the food chain.
He, who controls the seeds, controls the food supply and thus controls
the people." - Dominique Guillet, Kokopelli.
Last week, in France, the independent seed-saving and selling Association
Kokopelli were fined €35,000 - Their crime was selling traditional
and rare seed varieties which werent on the official EU-approved
list and therefore illegal to sell.
Another way of getting around seed restriction laws are seed swaps
which in recent years have sprouted up and down the country.
People freely share seeds for another years growing
a co-operative way of maintaining genetic diversity, as well as
exchanging knowledge. Most are around February/early March - see
2nd September 2005 | Issue
510 - AIR STRIKES - The story of the Gate Gourmet workers
at Heathrow - sacked as the company tried to impose low-pay contracts
on them, is both a story about corporations squeezing workers in
the 'outsourcing' game, as well as the way trade unions in Britain
since Thatcher are the weakest in Europe.
16th April 2005 | Issue 493
- TESCOPOLY - Where does the money come from to pay Tesco
Boss, Terry Leahy? From producers and consumers; the cheaper he
can buy from producers and the more he can get from consumers the
more money he has for his shareholders and of course for himself.
- John Turner, Lincolnshire Farmer
18th February 2005 | Issue
485 - BURGER CHAINED - 20 years since the first ever Day
of Action against McDonalds, things are looking up for
would be leaflet distributors. This weeks European courts
ruling that the McLibel defendants did not get a fair
trial because of McDonalds vastly superior financial resources
has led to a flurry of discussion about whether activists will be
able to get legal aid from the government if theyre sued by
big business.
30th August 2002 | Issue
370 - And Finally... - While 12 million people starve to
death in Africa, McDonalds has just dreamed up a stunningly
sensitive new product--the McAfrica burger. With no apparent sense
of irony, these burgers are currenly on sale at McShit branches
in one of the most expensive and comfortable countries in the West,
12th July 2002 | Issue 364
- LAST SUPPER - In 1996 world leaders met at the World Food
Summit to talk about how they might be able to reduce world hunger,
a time when there were 800 million starving people. They made commitments
to halve world hunger by 2015. Last month, nearly 6 years later,
the follow on summit took place in Rome.
17th November 2000 | Issue
283 - FLIGHT OF FANCIES - Have you ever thought about
where your food comes from? Even a simple meal may have travelled
the globe before arriving on your plate, with potatoes from Egypt,
apples from New Zealand, and beans from Kenya. Aircraft fuel isnt
taxed and costs just 17 pence a litre, making these multinational
meals cheaper than food produced in our own country, affecting not
only the climate but also this countrys farming industry.


c/o Community Base, 113 Queens Rd, Brighton, BN1 3XG, England
Phone/Fax: +44 (0)1273 685913
copyright - information for action - copy and distribute!

SchNEWS Worst Britain - produced for the Peace De Resistance book
in 2003 (Click
Are You Really Green? - questionnaire produced
for the Big Green Gathering 2007 (not yet available)