| Satire
On Terror
Including 9-11, Afghanistan
invasion, US foreign policy, Iran, Guantanamo. See also
Iraq, Oil,
Bush, Blair
30th July 2010 | Issue
733 - ROBOT WARS - Drones or UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles)
are increasingly becoming the face of modern imperial war. Remotely
piloted Predator, Reaper and now Avenger drones mean that the worlds
great powers can unleash destruction from afar without risking a
single soldiers life.
5th February 2010 | Issue
708 - EYEWITNESS AFGHANISTAN - A now the news from war-torn
Afghanistan as SchNEWS talks to Brightonian Al Jazeera journalist
Medyan Dairieh recently returned from the country.
17th July 2009 | Issue
684 - GOOD PLAN, 'STAN - As the body count mounts, we look
at the unwinnable war in Afghanistan, and the Obama chapter of the
'War Of Terror'.
30th January 2009 | Issue 664
- President Obama is inaugurated - is it the dawn of a new age
or more of the same with a more appealing face? Call us cynical
but the evidence is the latter.
30th January 2009 | Issue
664 - INSIDE GUANTANAMO - Moazzam Begg, British ex-detainee
of Guantanamo, said that Guantanamo was like the Hilton
compared to other places in which he was incarcerated.
In his first week in office, President Obama made moves to close
down Guantanamo - which is great, apart from the fact that it's
the tip of the iceberg, and there are many - even less visible -
places where suspected terrorists are being renditioned tortured
outside public scrutiny.
31st October 2008 | Issue 653
- With the US election next week, we wonder what is the
contents of the folder Obama is holding, as he embraces fellow candidate
John McCain?
12th September 2008 | Issue
646 - TWIN OBSESSIONS - On the anniversary of 9-11, we turn
all the conspiracy theories into a whole game for the bored family...
13th June 2008 | Issue 635-
COCK 'N' KABUL STORY - 'Reconstruction' in Afghanistan has amounted
to contracts with the cash falling mostly into the pockets of US
corporations in the 'war' industry.
29th September 2006 | Issue 562
- MAKING A BOMB - Corporations and governments use war to gain
power, access to resources and markets, and for domestic propaganda
ultimately its just a means to an end. |
8th September 2006 | Issue 559
- TRUTH-ACHE - Its the big fight over the truth.
In the blue corner we have the US governments official version
of 9-11 events and in all the other corners we have proponents of
various conspiracy theories. But in these days of governments
caught telling outright lies about WMDs etc, and a massive groundswell
of cynicism about any official pronouncement - just what is a conspiracy
theory? What happens when common sense is hijacked and
the fringe goes mainstream? |
17th Feb 2006 | Issue 532-
4th November 2005 | Issue 519
- IRAN-MONGERS - The push by the UK, France and Germany
to refer Iran to the UN Security Council, while rooted in the language
of diplomacy, is really nothing less than an act of war. -
Scott Ritter; former Chief UN Weapons-inspector in Iraq. |
19th August 2005 | Issue 508
- BLAIR FACED LIES - We demand a full and speedy public
inquiry into Jeans murder. We believe that the web of deceit
that was spun by the Metropolitan Police means that Sir Iain Blairs
position is now untenable and he should resign immediately. Furthermore
we believe that it is inconceivable that the Home Office and government
were not aware of these circumstances. They failed not only to counter
the lies in the public domain but actively counselled against Jean
by press releasing details of his visa status on the day of his funeral
- Justice for Jean campaign |
13th May 2005 | Issue 497
GULAGS - The best hope for peace in our world is the
expansion of freedom in all the world. - George Bush,
2nd Inaugural Speech. There are now some 2.2 million prisoners in
the land of the free, nearly twice as many as in 1990, giving it
the biggest prison population in the world and one of the highest
proportions of the population in jail, alongside other freedom loving
countries like North Korea
22nd April
2005 | Issue 494
- Its politically sensitive, but its going
to happen, sneered Commander-in-chief of US Space command,
Joseph W. Ashy Were going to fight from space and were
going to fight into space.
Star Wars is back - and this time it's for real...
28th January 2005 | Issue 482
- Seeds are the software - and we have the seeds.
- Anonymous corporate seed company executive. With agriculture providing
the main source of income for two and a half billion people the
effects of biotechnology are immense. Farmers across the world are
being locked into a cycle of dependency on biotechnology companies,
who of course just want to help them to feed the world.
19th March 2004 | Issue 446
- TOTAL PAZ TAKE - It began with the bombing of Spanish commuter
trains and the deliberate slaughter of 200 people - one hundred
hours later and the government of Jose Maria Aznar had lost an election
they were predicted to win. Aznar had attempted to connect the bombings
to the Basque separatist group ETA, knowing that if the attack were
linked to al-Qaida, it would be seen as their revenge for
the Spamish Govts support of the war in Iraq, which 90% of
the population was against...
29th August 2003 | Issue 420
- AGRI-VULTURES - Battle lines being drawn, accusations flying,
corporations spewing propaganda, humanity threatened it seems
alls going according to plan for the WTO Ministerial Meeting
that begins in less than two weeks in Cancun, Mexico.
24th Jan 2003 | Issue 389
The idea that terrorism is a third world import carried in
by non-white people has become the widely accepted excuse for increasingly
repressive border policies throughout the global north... A border
panic has been carefully constructed so that the terrorists
are always seen as existing outside of our society.
- Nandita Sharma, Green Pepper magazine, Autumn 2002
6th December 2002 | Issue
384 - KISSINGER OF DEATH - Human rights champion Henry Kissinger
is to head an independent commission to investigate
the attacks on 9-11. Who better to investigate it than the man behind
untold amounts of state-sponsored terrorism and wanted across the
world as a war criminal! A proven liar has been assigned the task
of finding the truth. Brilliant!
11th October 2002 | Issue 376
- DOCU-MENTAL - The Bush Administration has released its new National
Security Strategy. A document whose contents list included agenda
items such as the obviously ironic, Champion Aspirations for
Human Dignity, the arrogant, Ignite a New Era of Global
Economic Growth through Free Markets and Free Trade, and the
downright scary Develop Agendas for Cooperative Action with
the Other Main Centers of Global Power. |
13th September 2002 | Issue
372 - SILENT BUT DEADLY - On the first anniversary of 9-11,
we recall that other September 11 - 1973 - socialist President Allende
of Chile was murdered in a coup led by CIA backed dictator, General
Pinochet. Which reminds us of all the other war crimes and genocide
the US has waged before and since 9-11.
17th May 2002 | Issue 355
- AMERICAN WET DREAM - It will be the ordinary Iraqi people
who will again suffer if President Bush and his cronies use their
so-called war on terrorism to start bombing a country, that has
already been bombed back to the dark ages. The Pentagons medium
case scenario is that a war on Iraq could kill more than 10,000
civilians. But this could be even worse if, as journalist John Pilger
puts it, the Americans implement their current strategy of
total war and target Iraqs electricity and water.


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