| Satire
Includes protests
against EU laws - including ecomonic and immigration policies, the
effect of financial crisis on EU countries and austerity measures.
8th October 2010 | Issue
742 - FRONTIER LAW - The No Borders camp in Brussels took
its protest against harsh European asylum laws to the EU capital
- and were met by shocking police violence, leading to 500 being
'preventatively' arrested, and 14 being seriously injured.
1st October 2010 | Issue
741 - UNREST FOR THE WICKED - Mass protests and strikes
have broken out across the whole of Europe this week as the reality
of already imposed and still pending austerity cuts becomes clear.
Across the EU, rallies were held in thirteen capital cities and
in Spain a general strike saw millions take action.
24th September 2010 | Issue
740 - BRUSSELS SPROUTS CAMP - No Borders Camp 2010 in Brussels
kicks off this Saturday (25th) til the 3rd October, and plenty are
converging on that part of the continent in an effort to create
a world where no one is illegal. Among the objectives of the camp
are the denouncing of European migration policy; and showing the
links between this policy and the structures of capitalism and repression.
21st May 2010 | Issue
723 - ALL THAT ROMAINS... - Welcome to the age of austerity.
Romania has erupted in protests as harsh measures continue to grow
and waves of discontent flood Europe.
7th May 2010 | Issue
721 - GREECE KICKS OFF (AGAIN) - Greece eplodes as austerity
cuts bite hard...
30th April 2010 | Issue
720 - CRASH OF THE TITANS - Riots again in Greece as IMF
imposed wage cuts hit the country...
26th February 2010 | Issue
711 - GREEK FIRE - Greece has once again been rocked by
protests, strikes and civil unrest. This time in response to a series
of swinging government cutbacks aimed at bringing the country into
line with neo-liberal dogma and reducing its budget deficit.
16th October 2009 Issue
695 - AND FINALLY ...As farmers take their protest about
dairy pricing to Brussels, where they milk it for all its
27th Oct 2006 | Issue 566
- as the right wing tabloids stir up xenophobia - and miss information
- as Bulgarians and Romanians join the movement of labour across
24th March 2006 | Issue 537
- Riots break out across France, and the French people reject
the constraints the EU is putting on them...
25th Oct 2002 | Issue 378
- The EU's Nice Treaty is all about fast-tracking everything
towards privatisation...
2nd Aug 2002 | Issue 366
- BORDERLINE CASE - In a group of actions spanning ten days
(19-28 July), people from all over Europe hooked up with migrants
without papers to reclaim the city of Strasbourg, on the French/German
border for the No Border action camp...
15th Dec 2000 | Issue 287 -
NICE BUT NAUGHTY - Up to 70,000 demonstrators rallied last week
on the streets of Nice before the European Union summit. At the
same time as a charter of fundamental rights was being discussed
counter-summit meetings were being cancelled or raided while others
fought battles with police...


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