| Satire
Including Legal/Justice System. See also ID
Cards-Privacy Smash EDO Campaign
Climate Camp Prisons
21st January 2011 | Issue
755 - INTER-NETCU - During the media frenzy around Mark
Kennedy, the police infiltrator who spent seven years undercover
in the UK protest scene, SchNEWS opens up the can of worms that
is the lists of posting made on Indymedia coming from a police internet
14th January 2011 | Issue
754 - AND FINALLY - A controversial new art installation
has not been going down a bomb with German cops in Dresden. Petra
is a lifesize model of a female riot cop in full armour squatting
down, trousers akimbo, relieving herself on the floor. The piss
de resistance is a yellowish pool of liquid puddling at her
feet. Police are extremely pissed off...
11th November 2010 | Issue
747 - LOSING THEIR FACULTIES - Student protests laugh all
the way to Millbank as the windows are taken out of Tory HQ in the
largest student demo in memory kicks off in central London.
23rd July 2010 | Issue
732 - GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER - major whitewash as the
policeman who murdered innocent bystander Ian Thomlinson during
the London G20 protests in April 2009 will not face charges.
10th July 2009 | Issue
683 - BOBBIES ON THE BLEAT - The HMIC (Her Majestys
Inspectorate of Constabulary) report about the policing of the G20
protests - called Adapting To Protest - is more concerned
about public perception of the police rather than the police actions
themselves, which saw one innocent bystander killed and other police
violence - all caught on camera.
10th July 2009 | Issue
683 - BOBBIES ON THE BLEAT - Heres an actual page
from the G20 police report, wrapping up many pages of lucid argument
and rigorous research. But just what is that pile of brown stuff
next to the word conclusion? Under magnification, we
can clearly see that it is in fact a well chosen visual metaphor
to sum up the report. Its all complete horseshit.
1st May 2009 | Issue
674 - SWINE FLU - With Sussex police promising a big contingent
for Smash EDO's Mayday demo in Brighton, it is feared that they
could unleash an outbreak of swine flu.
17th April 2009 | Issue
672 - PATHOLOGICAL LIARS - Ian Thomlinson is killed by police
during the G20 Protests in central London - and he wasn't even on
the demo, he was a newpaper seller trying to escape the police cordon
to get home. Now That's What I Call A Police State!
17th October 2008 | Issue 651-
PEPPERAZZI - Smash EDO's second mass demo, Shut ITT, goes off
with a bang and a cloud of pepper spray...
5th September 2008 | Issue
645 - UNCONVENTIONAL - The Republican Convention in St Pauls
Minnesota saw large protests, and a huge police operation...
5th September 2008 | Issue
5th September 2008 | Issue
6th June 2008 | Issue 634-
IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE - SchNEWS coverage of Smash EDO's
national demo in Brighton on June 4th, the Carnival Against The
Arms Trade. This image depicts a policeman covered in white
28th March 2008 | Issue 626
- VERGE ON THE ROAD - The first leg of the Smash EDO tour over
the last week has taken in Oxford, Bath, Hereford and finished up
at Bristols Kebele social centre. According to movie director
Steve Bishop, The whole things has been massively energised
by Sussex Polices cack-handed attempt at censorship
so cobblers / bollocks to them basically. Venue organisers have
been surprised at the turn outs obviously huge credit has
to go to everyone who organised a screening at short notice.
8th Feb 2008 | Issue
PUNCH - as SchNEWS rounds up the usual suspeces in another crackdown...
Just when they thought that you werent looking,
Neo Labour is have another bash at any piddling law getting in the
way of their crackdown on er terrorists. This time the
Counter Terrorism Bill proposes to introduce a range of new powers
to share (or lose) data, imprison people without charge for longer
periods of time and generally broaden the meaning of the word terrorism
and the polices power to do whatever they want about it.
1st Feb 2008 | Issue
618 -
Sweeping changes
to the legal aid system are going to mean that thousands who find
themselves dragged into the legal system are going to find themselves
without proper legal advice: instead of being offered a solicitor
of your choice, you will now be put onto a 'call centre' not answered
by trained legal advisors, but often ex-police.
1st June 2007 | Issue 590
- Charges dropped as Oxford cops accidently tape themselves -
Fourteen campaigners against the Oxford Animal lab, charged with
various public order offences, walked free on May 30th after revelations
of a police stitch-up. During the trial, a transcript of a dictaphone
tape recorded by the cop's Tactical Advisor on the day was presented
as evidence by the defence. The hour-long tape conclusively shows
that Thames Valley Police are conspiring with Oxford University
to smash the campaign.
4th May 2007 | Issue 586
- As South London policeman Brian Paddick leaves the force...
or was he pushed?
23rd March 2007 | Issue 581
- PUTTING ON THE WRITS - SchNEWS looks at the Prevention Of Harassment
Act 1997 - originally presented as protecting vulnerable people
from stalkers, but being put into use by private interests to create
injunctions stopping protesters. The whole point of the injunctions
is to use the veneer of combating extremism to crackdown on legitimate
protest. These injunctions have no impact on those committed to
illegal courses of action, theyre a way of cracking down on
the most effective protest movement in the UK - Dr Max Gastone.
CRAP ARREST OF THE WEEK COPPER - Here it is - that 'crap
arrest' moment we've been searching for for ten years - courtesy
of a friendly copper at the 2005 Big Green Gathering.
This is a still from a hilarious short film - Click
Here To Download (approx 30 secs, 1.3meg, Quicktime format,
September 2005)
19th August 2005 | Issue 508
- BLAIR FACED LIES - We demand a full and speedy public
inquiry into Jeans murder. We believe that the web of deceit
that was spun by the Metropolitan Police means that Sir Iain Blairs
position is now untenable and he should resign immediately. Furthermore
we believe that it is inconceivable that the Home Office and government
were not aware of these circumstances. They failed not only to counter
the lies in the public domain but actively counselled against Jean
by press releasing details of his visa status on the day of his
funeral - Justice for Jean Charles Menezes campaign
4th May 2001 | Issue 303
- THREE THOUSAND CRAP ARRESTS - After all the media hype and
threats of rubber bullets, about 5,000 anti-capitalist protestors
turned out to play Mayday Monopoly in London. Police did what they
do best, herding people and bashing skulls, but yer suicidal SchNEWS
hacks were still there, dodging the video cameras and truncheon
blows to bring you the true story.
8th November 2002 | Issue 380
- ASSAULT AND PEPPER - Thousands took part in last Thursdays
nationwide day of action against the threat of war on Iraq. In Brighton,
SchNEWS joined in with hundreds of others for the best bit of direct
action on the city streets since the heady days of Reclaim The Streets
parties way back in 1996.
Wholly or predominantly characterised by
the emission of a succession of repetitive beats.
I've Met The Met - And I've Got The Bruises To Prove It. This
old school graphic was used in Issue
5, 12th January 1995, but it's nicked from whoever did it. |

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email: schnews@brighton.co.uk
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