By Category
Smash EDO
Climate Camp
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See also Privatisation,
Globalisation, Latin
America, Asylum Seekers, Regimes
6th February 2009 | Issue
665 - SHEIK, BATTLE & RULE - In Somalia the UN/Western-backed
Transitional Federal Government has fled its base in
Baidoa when the Islamist militias of Al Shabab took over took over
the town, with MPs fleeing alongside withdrawing Ethiopian troops.
The UN rubber-stamped government that never was is no more.
5th December 2008 | Issue
658 - SOMALI-ARGH - From Penzance to Puntland as SchNEWS
takes to the high seas of Somali piracy.
22nd Feb 2008 | Issue 621
PLANS - Bush has finished his tour of Africa - where 'aid' was
on offer to those countries ready to tow the line. But even still
- most of the aid money is in the form of contracts to US corporations
for infrastructure programmes and hardly a penny will get to the
people on the ground.
6th October 2006
| Issue 563 -
I DID IT MY ZIMBABWE - Strikes, Striking and Strikers in
Mugabes Zimbabwe - Workers resistance in Zimbabwe
has been on the rise recently, with street demos, trade union action
and new forms of resistance such as the Uhuru Street Soccer
Battles. The ruling elite is attempting to silence opposition
with the usual combination of police brutality and state propaganda.
30th May 2003 |
Issue 407 -
In Iraq, there was a government holding valuable resources
the U.S. could not control. So the U.S. took action. In the Congo,
the U.S. controls the government and the resources, so it doesnt
really matter that millions of Congolese are dying. - Prof.
Didier Gondola, author of The History of Congo (Greenwood
Press 2002).
30th August 2002 | Issue
370 - And Finally... - While 12 million people starve to
death in Africa, McDonalds has just dreamed up a stunningly
sensitive new product--the McAfrica burger. With no apparent sense
of irony, these burgers are currenly on sale at McShit branches
in one of the most expensive and comfortable countries in the West,
10th Nov, 2000 | Issue 282
- SHELL SUIT - I repeat that we all stand before history.
My colleagues and I are not the only ones on trial. Shells
day will surely come for there is no doubt in my mind that the ecological
war that the Company has waged in the Delta will be called to question
and the crimes of that war be duly punished. - Ken Saro-Wiwa
at his trial.


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Phone/Fax: +44 (0)1273 685913
copyright - information for action - copy and distribute!
SATIRE Spoofs 
SchNEWS Worst Britain - produced for the Peace De Resistance book in 2003
(Click Here)
Are You Really Green? - questionnaire produced for the
Big Green Gathering 2007 (not yet available) |