| Satire
Uncategorised graphics on a range of topics...
18th November 2010 | Issue
the same the question the rest of the nation is asking: Who Gives
A Shit?
17th September 2010 | Issue
739 - The pope tours Britain amid the child abuse scandals
tearing through the Catholic church.
11th June 2010 | Issue
726 - We don't do sport - but incessant repeats of 1966
'...they think it's all over - it is now...' can only mean one thing:
it's the World Cup.
27th November 2009 | Issue
701 - BUY BUY CRUEL WORLD - It's Buy Nothing Day, and no
better time than to order a complete set of SchNEWS annuals for
only £9.99...
3rd July 2009 | Issue
682 - Michael Jackson RIP - SchNEWS' moving tribute to the
king of pop...
6th March 2009 |
Issue 667 - FOOLS RUSH IN - Momentum is building up for
protests against the G20 Summit next month in London. With four
horsemen of the apocalypse about to descend on the city of London,
we're worried about the fifth...
20th June 2008 | Issue 636-
ALONG FOR FLUORIDE - The UK government is intent on expanding
the fluoridisation of drinking water, but yet all medical evidence
is clearly against this 'forced mass medication'. So why are they
doing it?
16th May 2008 | Issue 632-
SECTS AND THE CITY - As police crack down on protesters at London
anti-Scientlogy demo...
15th Feb 2008 | Issue 620
- this is not a bad horror b-movie script: there is a monster
slick of degrading plastic matter which floats just under the surface
of the Pacific Ocean. No plastic doesn't 'biodegrade', it simply
breaks down to smaller particles - which are toxic to marine life.
26th Oct 2007 | Issue
608 - Sheep on a farm in conspiracy shocker!
5th Oct 2007 |
Issue 605 - PARLIA-MENT-AL
- A-to-B march banned as UK Junta cracks down in show of solidarity
with Burmese Government...
9th February 2007
| Issue 575 -
THE TIDE IS NIGH - As climate chaos looms and action
is needed, who you gonna call?
24th November 2006
| Issue 570 -
KISS OF DEBT - Its Buy Nothing Day this Saturday
(25th November), but with £1,300,000,000,000 of consumer debt
in the UK, it would appear that the zombies in the malls arent
20th October 2006
| Issue 565 -
BLACK BOOK BLOC - As another Anarchist Bookfair comes
9th June 2006 | Issue
547 -
PRICKS AND MORTAR - Placing an even greater burden on
dwindling water supplies, bureaucrats have come up with a scheme
to build another 200,000 new houses in the South East by 2020, with
government white-coats showing their dry wit by claiming that the
new builds will only need an increase of 0.1% of water usage. Either
way this plan is madness considering there are currently 84,000
empty properties in the South East, and almost 730,000 nationally.
24th March 2006 |
Issue 537 -
GAUL TO ARMS - Last Saturday over a million took to the
streets across France, coming just two days after 300,000 had done
the same nationally. This week 70 campuses have been partially or
totally shut down and some 800 high schools are also striking. In
some places the youth of the suburbs whose rioting spread across
the country last October (see SchNEWS
520) have joined forces with students.
20th Jan 2006 | Issue 528
- George Galloway
does anything for Big Brother...
13th Jan 2006 | Issue 527
- NUFF RESPECT - Big up the respec agenda - ASBO
massive in da house. The Respect agenda whats it
all about? Could it be an attempt to head off the Tories in the
headlong rush to the right? In fact its a cobbled together
manifesto of rehashed ideas which exposes the neo-Labour project
as the kneejerk crackdown conservatism it actually is.
25th November 2005 | Issue
522 - OVER-REACTING - Just when you thought it could
get no worse, Neo Labour goes nuclear. The whispering campaign around
the push for nuclear power has been gaining momentum since last
year. Until then Britains nuclear programme seemed to have
been largely written off as the costly and dangerous failure it
was. Nobody even knows how to safely decommission the power stations
already built or store the radioactive waste already produced. Britains
nuclear power programme was historically dogged with safety issues,
radioactive contamination and massive overspend.
13th Jan 2006 | Issue
496 - X-Orcism - The charade has come full circle
again. Every four years this sham of democracy bids us to choose,
to take our part in the decision-making process. X marks the spot.
11th March 2005 |
Issue 488 -
BURN AND BREAD - The rubbish from the Brighton area is
currently being landfilled near Newhaven. Now, with this filling
up, plans are for a massive incinerator in Newhaven, belching out
heavy metals and toxic gasses.
5th March 2004 | Issue 444
- MINER SURGERY - On March 1st, 1984, Margaret Thatcher announced
the closure of Cortonwood colliery in Yorkshire - signaling her
governments determination to ram through a massive programme
of pit closures and destroy the power of the National Union of Mineworkers
(NUM). Miners had no choice but to fight, or see their lives and
communities devastated. The longest major industrial battle in British
history had begun - a battle that still defines the political landscape
of today.
20th February 2004
| Issue 442 -
It's a race to the bottom as supermarkets control food distribution
in Britain...
13th June 2003 |
Issue 410 -
Its the largest electronic monitoring station in the
world. The Big Brother of all global spy installations, its
gigantic golf balls listening in on our every word. The Menwith
Hill spy base near Harrogate in North Yorkshire, is run by Americas
National Security Agency (NSA), part of their global network of
spy bases, which monitors the worlds communications and relays
information back to NSA HQ at Fort Meade in Maryland, USA.


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