| Friday 20th June 2008 | Issue
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Links: Along For Fluoride | Never
Mind The Balluch | Demolition Derby | Notts
Landing | Bush Whacking | Jockson
Five | Campsfled | Party
& Protest | And Finally ALONG
ADDITIVE If you knew that someone was putting poison into your water
supply, what would you do? Call the authorities? Well dont bother cos its
the government wots doing it! If you live in the West Midlands or
the North East, the chances are that you already have a fluoridated water supply
- and comments earlier this year from Health Secretary Alan Johnson made it clear
that he is keen to see this toxic industrial waste added to everyone elses
water as soon as possible. Why? He believes that it is a key means of tackling
tooth decay despite the fact that no scientific evidence bears this
out, and much other evidence has emerged linking fluoride ingestion to bone deficiencies,
cancer, joint pain, skin rash, damage to thyroid glands and even IQ deficits. So
whats going on? Well, Alan Johnston has swallowed the arguments put forward
by the dental and pharmaceutical lobbying groups, all of which have been exported
here from the US where, since the 1940s, they have managed to get over 70% of
water fluoridated. Its just science they say fluoride was shown in
the mid-1930s to have a beneficial effect on the incidence of childrens
tooth decay, so why not add it at source and protect everyones teeth without
them having to do a thing? But this mass medication argument has more holes
in than my sugar-addled teeth. Number one is obviously, er, mass medication? Unknown
dosage level (everyones water consumption is different) and without the
patients consent? Since when was that normal practice? You dont forcefeed
people aspirin because one of them may be experiencing a headache... its
illogical and wasteful not to mention peoples rights to refuse medication.
In fact, a dip in the scientific fluoride literature is like diving into
a very muddy pool, reminiscent of the smoking is not really bad for you
or climate change isnt really happening debates of recent decades.
This alone should be ringing the alarm bells. Many studies do suggest that topical
application of fluoride, i.e. applying it to the teeth directly by way of toothpaste
etc does have some beneficial effect on cavity rates, although these dont
attempt to separate out all the other factors which may play a part in tooth health,
like diet, or attempt to discover other ways of achieving the same benefits. While
fluoride is proven (and accepted by all) to cause dental fluorosis (pitted or
mottled tooth enamel) now widespread in American mouths - little high quality
study has been done on other side effects like bone deterioration or cancers,
which may mean a slightly healthier smile is far outweighed by a shorter diseased
life. And the story with applying the fluoride by drinking it in water
is even cloudier. There is no unequivocal proof that it works. In fact, since
large parts of America started sipping it in the 1950s, numerous studies have
shown that, all else being equal, tooth decay rates for fluoridated and non-fluoridated
water areas are, er, exactly the same or in some cases even higher in fluoridated
areas! This has led to nearly all of Europe long since abandoning the practice
but it seems that governments in the UK (10% fluoridated) and Ireland (72%)
just cant resist the persuasive American connection. If you were
of a slightly cynical mind (who us?!), it would almost seem that nobody at the
top wants to hear any evidence contradicting the fluoride dogma. The approved
studies are designed (and funded) purely to decide whether adding fluoride for
teeth can be considered a good thing. This is the result demanded
by big business eager to turn an expensive-to-get-rid-of toxic industrial waste
product (left over in pesticide production, aluminium processing and nuclear uranium
enriching, amongst other things) into a miracle health ingredient
to be boxed up, re-branded and sold back in small amounts to the general public
in return for a handsome profit. Well you can see their logic. Two birds with
one stone and profits up. No wonder that the many more recent long term-studies
and peer-reviews of past data showing no provable benefits (and many possible
negatives) are swiftly discredited or ignored. CLOSE TO THE BONE And
there are other (presumably weakened, deteriorating) skeletons in the closet.
In 1997, two American journalists dug out previously classified documents revealing
how fluoride policy and research was shaped by atom bomb making at the end of
the Second World War. The first court cases against the government from people
affected by living near to the bomb making facilities were not for the effects
of radiation, but for damage to crops from fluoride pollution. The secret
Manhattan Project memos the group of government and industrial
capitalists running the development of the nuclear option show that they
knew about the problems and commissioned pro-fluoride research merely to help
fight these and future possible court cases. Despite editorial approval and full
referencing, the damning article was dropped by the Christian Science Monitor
and never widely published. Despite Birmingham and other areas water
being contaminated, no new UK regions have joined them since the mid 1980s when
the rollout was put on hold. But the threat is back. In 1993, despite no demand,
the government passed an act giving regional strategic health authorities (SHA)
the power to compel water to be fluoridated. It must have been frustrating for
them and their corporate sponsors that, to date, not one of them has done so.
So it seems like a whole new round of propaganda and pressure is about to be applied.
Anti-fluoride action groups have sprung up around the country (see www.hampshireagainstfluoridation.blogspot.com
and www.freewebs.com/keepwatersafe
for example) who are working to try and ensure that nobody else is unwillingly
force-fed this harmful toxic poison for no health benefit. As recent studies in
China and Mexico have shown a link between fluoride consumption and lower IQ scores,
maybe theyre just out to keep us all dumb...? * Theres tons
more info to get yer teeth into at www.freewebs.com/keepwatersafe
and www.fluoridealert.org   
MIND THE BALLUCHS? Dr Martin Balluch, Austrian animal rights campaigner,
has been arrested and is one of ten held on remand, since May 21st, after a massive,
violent police attack involving hundred of police and raids on 21 homes and 6
offices of animal rights sympathisers in Austria. After police smashed
their way into his home and those of his two brothers and girlfriend -
Martin had a gun pointed to his head and was pulled out of bed naked. They have
nothing concrete on Martin or the other arrestees, but with all the computers
and papers they have confiscated they are trying to build a fiction that Martin
and others were forming a large criminal organisation with a hierarchical
structure like a company - now a heinous crime in Austria under a new anti-terror
and mafia law. This is the latest weapon in a large scale police campaign against
animal rights activists which has already been going on for several years, involving
phone and email tapping, surveillance and forensics. .... For those of
you with a memory of more than two weeks, a lot of this stuff sounds eerily similar
to a case a little closer to home, that of Sean Kirtley (see SchNEWS
634, 632) who has recently been given 4½
years under section 145 of SOCPA for Interfering with the contractual relationships
of a laboratory. Across Europe ever more vaguely-worded crimes are worming
their way into the statute books and are used to stitch up people the authorities
see as key activists, with animal rights activists first in the firing
line. Whos next? * Write to Martin c/- Earth Liberation Prisoners
Support Network, BM Box 2407, London, WC1N 3XX. www.spiritoffreedom.org.uk   
DERBYAnti-coal actions ahead of this years Camp for Climate
Action at Kingsnorth power station (3rd - 11th August) have been getting all
fired up. Last Tuesday night saw the beginning of a new protest camp in
Derbyshire against a proposed open-cast coal mine. Activists descended on a site
at Lodger House, near Smalley in the dead of night. Treehouses have been built,
and protesters have bunkered down with supplies in the Prospect Farm house, using
lock-ons around their necks to prevent forced entry, and set up barricades to
prevent police from bringing in specialist equipment down Bell Lane. The land
is owned by UK Coal and had already seen a mass trespass of the site on May 26th
(See SchNEWS 631). After being opposed for years
by environmental groups and local councils, the Environment Secretary Hilary Benn
granted permission in 2007, possibly setting a precedent for other shallow coal
deposits to be dug up, this being just one of seven sites UK Coal plan to mine.
The 122 hectare site will have 1m tonnes of coal extracted over five years, after
which UK Coal claim will be returned back to its natural state. This
site is 10 miles from Nine Ladies, who are offering tat and no doubt numbers will
move to this site, but the camp is calling out for help, tat and people to come
and join in. See www.leaveitintheground.org.uk
(Site mob 0750 333 5870) * There will be a noise demo on July 1th
outside UK Coal, near Doncaster. Meet at Doncaster train station at 3.30pm or
outside UK Coal at 4pm. ** Just over a week ago, protestors hijacked a train
carrying fuel for the Drax Power Station in North Yorkshire. In natty white
overalls and canary outfits, activists used safety signals to stop the train on
a bridge overlooking the power station, before climbing on board and dumping coal
off onto the tracks. They also used climbing ropes to suspend themselves under
the bridge to prevent the train from moving for a number of hours until cops got
to grips with the situation and made 29 arrests. See www.earthfirst.org.uk ***
For more about the Camp For Climate Action see www.climatecamp.org.uk   
LANDINGHicham Yezza, the Nottingham student held under anti-terror laws
on bogus and threatened with deportation to Algeria having been in Britain for
13 years, has been released after 31 days (for background see SchNEWS
634). He and another student were arrested on May 14th for downloading an
Al Qaeda training manual off a US government site for research purposes. After
the six day interrogation process was over he was immediately re-arrested and
accused of living in the UK illegally and threatened with deportation. The Home
Office tried to claim that he had no close ties in Britain, when in fact he is
a well known campus activist and magazine editor, and hundreds of references attested
to his positive character. A campaign worked to see the release of Hich and now
will fight to secure his right to remain in the country. He has been granted bail,
and immigration law specialist firm Cartwright King will represent Hich in a judicial
review. On his release Hich said: Being detained for the past 31
days has been the most harrowing experience of my life. The support my campaign
has received from thousands of friends and supporters - including MPs academics,
artists and concerned citizens in Nottingham and beyond - has been nothing short
of inspirational and has sustained me through this difficult time. For
more tel 07948 590262 or see www.freehichamyezza.wordpress.com   
WHACKINGThe planned STW/SWP demo against Dubyas last UK visit on
Monday was more exiting than yer standard marchnchant affair. Despite
the best efforts of the Stop the War coalition to serve up a generic McMarch against
the Worlds No.1 Terrorist, an up-fer-it crowd of some 2,000
people defied the wishes of the police and STW stewards and tried their damnedest
to deliver their message in person to Whitehall. The rally started around
5pm. George Gallotwat, Tony Against The War But For The Warmakers
Benn and Lindsey Vanguard German all made their appearance, alongside
Peoples (or is it Hellos) favourite Bianca Jagger, all
on hand to provide a soporific voice-over to the demo. The march had initially
been banned by police, who threatened to use powers originally brought in to quell
the Chartists in 1839. The demo proper started around 6.30. Led by a samba
band, the crowd went from Parliament Square towards Whitehall. Once the crowd
met the lines of police, the demo broke out of its traditional conformity and
a bit of genuine argy-bargy ensued. Either hoping for a bit of street cred or
caught out by the turn of events, onlookers spotted Gallotwat and Bianca in the
fray. Once up against the pig pens the crowd started pushing, busting down
the fences in one place, gee'd on by Parliament Square's badge-headed resident
MC Brian Haw. Afraid of losing control of the situation, the police hit back,
pushing and shoving while hitting people with their batons. For good measure they
also broke some hippy drums. The protesters used the Stop the War/ SWP
banners for the only thing theyre any good for - bashing the cops. Meanwhile,
the Socialist Worker stalwarts bravely hung around the back and sold papers. As
it all kicked off the STW stewards showed their true allegiances as they started
ordering the crowd to obey the police and leave quietly. At one point they had
their backs to the police and were physically blocking the demonstrators from
getting any closer to Bush and his minions. This went on for about 1 ½
hours as people tried to get closer to Whitehall. They didnt succeed, but
a valiant effort by all concerned. There were further clashes when people tried
to get around the back of St James Park, only to be met by police in riot gear,
who soon put a stop to their fun. There was nobody masked up at the demo,
even those in the front lines werent disguised in any way. Compounding this
naivety, after the demo people hung around Parliament Square, only to be picked
off by police snatch squads. Next time perhaps bring a scarf..?   
FIVEYesterday (Thursday) five activists from Trident Ploughshares locked
on to the gates of Faslane nuclear submarine base in Scotland. Reminiscent
of last year's Faslane365 rolling blockade (See SchNEWS
604 and work backwards), they were there to mark a year since, as one of the
activists said, the Scottish government voted NOT to support Gordon Browns
plan to foist illegal, immoral and unaffordable nuclear weapons on Scotland for
another 50 years. Along with the majority of people in Scotland, we dont
want them here or anywhere else. After blocking the entrance for an hour
and a half, all five were eventually removed and arrested for Breach of the Warmongers
(er, we mean Peace). As one of the arrestees put it, By using our
hands and our bodies in this way, without causing harm to others, we hope that
we can make it easy to see how it is the simple actions of ordinary people that
are needed to rid the world of weapons of mass destruction. See www.tridentploughshares.org
morning (19th), seven detainees broke out of the Campsfield Detention Centre for
asylum seekers in Kidlington, six miles from Oxford. While three were recaptured,
four are still at large. Of the four, two are Palestinians and one is Afghan,
all who apparently have been told they have 'safe' homelands to return to. Police
are combing the area and are calling out for the public to look out for dishevelled,
disorientated individuals. This is just the latest act of resistance
from inmates at Campsfield, the privatised prison run by Group 4. Last August
during a riot at Campsfield against appalling conditions, 26 broke out, with 15
recaptured, and thered been previous rioting in March, and another last
December. www.closecampsfield.org.uk   
& PROTEST- JUNE: 21th - Tent City protest at Parliament Square
over Iraqi deportations A SOCPA-unauthorised 24-hour tent city
to protest against ongoing UK deportations to Iraq, and for the restoration of
benefits, housing and the right to work for all rejected Iraqi asylum seekers.
From 12 noon Saturday. www.voicesuk.org
- 23th-28th - International Anti-Nuclear Festival in Finland -
Workshops, seminars, music, ACTION. A free international gathering to expose nuclear
madness, create better alternatives and to have a good party! In close vicinity
of Olkiluoto, nuke plant and building site of the worlds largest nuclear
reactor, a fault-ridden prototype... Email: camp@olkiluoto.info or see www.nuclearmadness.info
- 28th - Nonviolent Power and Climate Change Rising Tide
host a one-day workshop in practical aspects of nonviolent power with participatory
workshop about effective campaigning and group-working. 10am-5pm in central Reading.
Small donation appreciated, but not what its about... Call 020 7663 1064,
email: denised@quaker.org.uk or see www.turning-the-tide.org
- JULY: 11-13 - Anarchist Summer Camp, Ireland - A weekend with
activities, workshops, campfires and more. Low-cost catering by Lental Disorder.
Bring a tent and a sleeping bag, plates, bowls, cutlery (but no dogs). The farmhouse
can be used for special needs. Near Coolgreany, Co. Wexford. Please email to enrol
beforehand and get info about maps, lifts, car sharing, running a workshop etc...
For the full Party & Protest
Listings, updated daily, click here   
Finally...Evidence that electoral politics is a sham is an everyday occurrence
here in Britain, but recent local election results in other countries get our
vote in a farce-past-the-post pole. Last Sunday, the Romanian village of Voinesti
re-elected their mayor of eighteen years, Neculai Ivascu. It seems that Ivascu
was by far and away the most popular and charismatic candidate despite the small
matter of being, er, dead. One resident told Romanian TV, I know he died
but I dont want change. The authorities handed the post to the runner-up,
but now Ivascus Social Democrat Party want a new vote. At least they
bothered to vote, unlike another mayoral election on June the 10th in North Dakota,
US, where nobody actually voted, including the candidates. Apparently the turn-out
is usually around 6 in a total electorate of about 25, but with nobody at all
bothering this time the sitting mayor Darrel Brudevold was re-instated unopposed.
And his wife retained her seat as a councillor. It wasnt helped by the fact
that there wasnt a polling booth in the town, and voters had to travel twelve
miles to vote. Apparently the non-existant opposition didnt demand a recount.
advises all readers - swallow the red pill but don't wash it down with fluoridated
water. Honest!   
THE VERGE - The Smash EDO Campaign Film - is out on DVD. The film
police tried to ban - the account of the four year campaign to close down a weapons
parts manufacturer in Brighton, EDO-MBM. 90 minutes, £6 including p&p
(profits to Smash EDO) TAKE
THREE - SchMOVIES Collection DVD 2007 featuring thirteen short direct
action films produced by SchMOVIES in 2007, covering Hill Of Tara Protests, Smash
EDO, Naked Bike Ride, The No Borders Camp at Gatwick, Class War plus many others.
£6 including p&p. V
For Video Activist - the SchMOVIES 2006 DVD Collection - twelve
short films produced by SchMOVIES in 2006. only £6 including p&p. SchMOVIES
DVD Collection 2005 - all the best films produced by SchMOVIES in 2005.
Running out of copies but still available for £6 including p&p. SchNEWS
At Ten - A Decade of Party & Protest - 300 pages, £5 inc
p&p (within UK) Peace
de Resistance - issues 351-401, 300 pages, £5 inc p&p SchNEWS
of the World - issues 300 - 250, 300 pages,£4 inc p&p. SchNEWS
and SQUALLs YEARBOOK 2001 - SchNEWS and Squall back to back again
- issues 251-300, 300 pages, £4 inc p&p. SchQUALL
- SchNEWS and Squall back to back - issues 201-250 - Sold out - Sorry SchNEWS
Survival Guide - issues 151-200 - Sold out - Sorry SchNEWS
Annual - issues 101-150 - Sold out - Sorry (US
Postage £6.00 for individual books, £13 for above offer).
These books are mostly collections of 50 issues of SchNEWS from each year,
containing an extra 200-odd pages of extra articles, photos, cartoons, subverts,
a yellow pages list of contacts, comedy etc. SchNEWS At Ten is a ten-year
round-up, containing a lot of new articles. Subscribe
to SchNEWS: Send 1st Class stamps (e.g. 10 for next 9 issues) or donations
(payable to Justice?). Or £15 for a year's subscription, or the SchNEWS
supporter's rate, £1 a week. Ask for "originals" if you plan to
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