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Books (and films) reviewed by SchNEWS hacks DVDs, books, t-shirts and other SchNEWS merchandise

Raiders of the Lost Archive

Reports from the Verge

Uncertified - SchMOVIES DVD Collection 2008

On The Verge

Take Three - the SchMOVIES DVD collection 2007

V For Video Activist - SchNEWS DVD Collection 2006

SchNEWS At Ten - our first decade in one handy book

SchNEWS stickers - sold out but you can download the templates and print your own

"Definitely one of the best party and protest sites to come out of the UK. Updated weekly, brilliantly written, bleakly humourous, and essential reading for anyone who gives a shit. And we all should." - Radiohead
Other Reviews
Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Don't order anything on this site - but if you really want something email you never know.

SchNEWS In Graphic Detail ONLY A FIVER plus £1.50 UK p&p
SchNEWS At Ten
ONLY £5 including UK p&p
Peace de Resistance (Issues 351-401) £3 incl p&p
SchNEWS Of The World (Issues 301-350)
£3 incl p&p
SchNEWS Yearbook 2001 with SQUALL (Issues 251-300) £3 incl p&p
SchQUALL SchNEWS and SQUALL back to back (Issues 201-250) SOLD OUT!
SchNEWS Survival Handbook (Issues 151-200) SOLD OUT
SchNEWSannual (Issues 101-150) SOLD OUT
SchNEWSround (Issues 51-100) SOLD OUT
SchNEWSreader (Issues 0-50)
NOTE: If you want a few different books email us and we'll do a deal...

Ordering Information

SchNEWS In Graphic Detail


SchNEWS In Graphic Detail

OUT NOW - only a fiver!

A paperback-sized, full-colour book of political graphics and satirical material produced by SchNEWS in the past decade. Covering issues from climate change to vivisection, police repression to resource wars, these graphics manage to raise a grin out of some deadly serious matters, all the while never watering down the uncompromising message of SchNEWS. This is a diverse range of images both in form and content with detourned or subverted images, fake ads, mixed metaphors, wafer-thin gags and more. To view many of them click here

ISBN 978-09529748-9-5
96 pages, 120 x 168mm, published June 2011
For sales, reviews or other info email

The book is just £5 plus £1.50 p&p in UK

We can receive payment by cheque payable to 'Justice'. (Address at bottom of page)

SchNEWS At Ten  

It all started in a squatted courthouse in Brighton back in 1994 with people wearing silly wigs reading out the alternative news. Ever since then SchNEWS has been publishing continuous weekly newsheets full of radical get-off-your-arse direct action politics from Britain and across the world. This book brings together some of the key stories of the decade from the big roads protests and anti-Criminal Justice Act movement in the nineties through to the global anti-capitalist movement and opposition to the war in Iraq. From Newbury to Seattle, Liverpool Dockers to the Zapatistas - with a lot of the less well known, but equally important moments in between. And not forgetting our infamous crap arrests of the week.

Click here to see some reviews of the book.

ISBN 09529748 8 6
320 pages, 168 x 245mm, published October 2004

Order it direct from us now for £5 incl. UK p&p - cheques payable to 'Justice' or click below to order by credit card. Email us for postage prices for outside UK.

Peace de Resistance - Annual 2003

'As the Forces of Darkness gather for a new attack on Iraq, they're shaken by an unexpected explosion of resistance. US airbases are invaded; military convoys are blockaded; schoolkids stage mass walkouts from Manchester to Melbourne; roads are occupied, embassies besieged, and cities all over the world are brought to a standstill by the biggest mass demonstrations ever seen. Read about the efforts to sabotage the war machine that the corporate media ignored: not just the mass demos, but Tornado-trashing in Scotland, riots across the Middle East, and train blockades in Europe. Featuring SchNEWS 351-401, this book also covers many of the past year's other stories from the rebel frontlines, including GM crop-trashing, international activists in Palestine, and the 10th anniversary of Castlemorton. All that plus loads of new articles, photos, cartoons, subverts, satire, a comprehensive contacts list, and more…'

COMES WITH FREE CD-ROM by BEYOND TV featuring footage of many of the actions reported in the book, satire plus other digital resources

ISBN 09529748 7 8
304 pages 168 x 245mm, published June 2003

£3.00 inc. p&p within UK (including a free cd-rom) direct from us - see address below - cheques payable to JUSTICE
For international orders email for prices.

All the SchNEWS issues (351-400) in this book are online - click here


SchENWS Of The World book cover

The temperature goes up a few notches as the earth's climate has its hottest year on record - and the corporate carve-up lifts its tempo in the paranoia and madness of September 11th. Behind the haze Argentina goes into meltdown. Israel reoccupies Palestine causing a second Intifada. Hundreds of thousands come out on the street in Genoa, Quebec, Gothenburg, Barcelona, Brussels against globalised institutions. Even larger numbers fight for their land and livelihood against neo-liberalism in South Africa, India, South America and the rest of the global south. Global and local - this book covers it all and more. Featuring issues 301-350 of SchNEWS plus 200 pages of articles, cartoons, photos, graphics, satire, and a comprehensive contact database.

ISBN 09529748 6 X
300 pages, 168 x 245mm, published August 2002

Bargain - £3.00 inc. p&p within UK direct from us - see address below - cheques payable to JUSTICE
For international orders email for prices.

All the SchNEWS issues (301-350) in this book are online -click here

SchNEWS SQUALL Yearbook 2001 SchNEWS and SQUALL and much more....  

SchNEWS Squall Yearbook 2001 cover

The Zapatistas march into Mexico City, thousands disrupt the World Bank meeting in Prague, Churchill gets an anarchist make-over: from Bognor to Bogota, Dudley to Delhi, and Kilburn to Melbourne, resistance has become as global as the institutions of capitalism. It's all here. Featuring SchNEWS 251-300, the best of Squall, plus articles from people at the frontline of struggles worldwide, and creating sustainable solutions to the corporate carve-up of the planet. All wrapped up with loadsa photos, cartoons, satirical graphics, subverts, and a comprehensive contacts database.

ISBN 09529748 4 3
300 pages, 168 x 245mm, published June 2001

BARGAIN - £3.00 inc. p&p direct from us - see address below - cheques payable to JUSTICE

Or you can pay by credit card by clicking the button below.
NOTE: we've had to add 30p to the price to cover PayPal charges so it's £3.30

All the SchNEWS issues (251-300) in this book are online -click here

SchNEWS and SQUALL Back to Back

SchQUALL Book Cover

IT'S ALL HERE: genetically modified organisms, animal rights, freemasons, June 18th '99 international day of action against capitalism, Exodus Collective, Cuba, the November 30th '99 Battle for Seattle, climate change, parties and festivals, indigenous peoples' resistance to multinational corporations, the privatisation of everything in sight, crap arrests of the week, prisoner support and much more…the full lowdown on the direct action movement in Britain and abroad! The SchQUALL book is packed full of quality photos from top frontline photographers including Nick Cobbing, Ivan Coleman, and Ian Hunter, and crammed with cartoons by Pete Loveday, Polyp, Isy, Kate Evans and others - plus all the usual satirical humour, wry cynicism and a massive contacts database of over 700 grassroots organisations, campaign groups, websites, zines, people and places…

ISBN 09529748-3-5
274 pages, 168 x 245mm, published June 2000

WE'VE SOLD OUT - SORRY but you AK Press still have some copies - go to and search for "Schquall"

All the SchNEWS issues (201-250) in this book are online - click here

SchNEWS Survival Handbook

SchNEWS Survival Handbook Cover


Read all about it! Genetic crop sites get a good kicking; streets reclaimed all over the world; docks occupied in protest of death at work; protestors rude about multinational corporations' plans for world domination...

SchNEWS gives you the news the mainstream media ignores. Tells you where to party and protest. Tries not to get all po-faced about what's going down in the world.

This book features issues 151-200 plus cartoons, photos and other articles designed to help you survive into the new millenium. Not forgetting a comprehensive database of nearly five hundred grassroots organisations.

Tune in, turn on, fight back.

ISBN 09529748-2-7
256 pages, 168 x 245mm, published May 1999

WE'VE SOLD OUT - SORRY but you AK Press still have some copies - go to and search for "Schnews"

All the SchNEWS issues (151-200) in this book are online - click here

SchNEWS Annual  

SchNEWS Annual book cover

With free radioactive cover... this is issues 101 to 150, which cover full-on anti-nuclear demos in Germany, the massive Reclaim The Streets in Trafalgar Square, and one bloke on Rockall... not to mention the fascinating saga of New Labour breaking each and every promise they ever made. With extra articles, original graphics and the 1997 update of the activist's database.

ISBN: 0-9529748-1-9
208 pages, 168 x 245 mm, launched 10th February 1998

SOLD OUT - You'll be lucky to find this anywhere.

All the SchNEWS issues (101-150) in this book are online -click here


SchNEWSround book cover

Reclaim the streets... Newbury... the Squatter's Estate Agency... as 'Direct Action' became media buzzwords, SchNEWS published the inside story from the activists themselves! Issues 51-100 plus 60 pages of extra articles and photographs, as well as an activists database.

'The national protest newsletter... with more correspondents than The Guardian.' - The Guardian

ISBN: 0-9529748-0-0
200 pages, 168 x 245mm, published December 1996

SOLD OUT - Good luck trying to find one.

All the SchNEWS issues (51-100) in this book are online -click here

SchNEWS Reader book cover
Where it all began... this original SchNEWS book contains the single-sided pilot issue, and all the others from 1 to 50.

This was where 'Crap Arrest of the Week' was first seen, and the issues feature the famous Criminal Justice Act Arrest-o-meter! In between the SchNEWS issues are 60 pages of cartoons by Kate Evans.

SOLD OUT - Hens teeth rare.

202 pages, 168 x 245 mm, published December 1995
(No ISBN number)

All the SchNEWS issues (pilot - 50) in this book are online - click here

Ordering SchNEWS merchandise
Send cheques or postal orders payable to 'Justice?' for the amount listed above to the address below. Please send UK currency if you can.

SchNEWS Issue Archive

All articles published by SchNEWS in its weekly newsheets 1994-2014.
See SchNEWS Issue Archive

SchNEWS in Graphic Detail
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