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ISSUES 301-350 / April 2001 - April 2002
The temperature goes up a few notches as the earth's climate has its hottest year on record - and the corporate carve-up lifts its tempo in the paranoia and madness of September 11th. Behind the haze Argentina goes into meltdown. Israel reoccupies Palestine causing a second Intifada. Hundreds of thousands come out on the street in Genoa, Quebec, Gothenburg, Barcelona, Brussels against globalised institutions. Even larger numbers fight for their land and livelihood against neo-liberalism in South Africa, India, South America and the rest of the global south. These 50 issues plus 200 other pages of articles, cartoons, photos, graphics, satire, and a comprehensive contact database are all together in...
SchNEWS Of The World
300 pages, ISBN 09529748 6 X
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350, 12th April, 2002
Taking The Peso - special report covering the uprising of late 2001 in Argentina. Expanded with pictures at ../sotw/Arge-taking-peso.htm.
SchNEWS 349, 5th April, 2002
State Of Terror - More about the state terrorism being inflicted on Palestine by Israel. Plus - 50 detainees escape - with the assistance of protesters, from the Woomera asylum seekers detention centre in the desert of central Australia.
SchNEWS 348, 29th March, 2002
Yarl-Boo Sucks! - What happened at the fire in the Yarl's Wood asylum-seeker detention centre?
SchNEWS 347, 22nd March, 2002
Plan Greedy - Neo-labour is 'streamling' the planning process to help 'development'. A case in point is the Sainsburys site in Brighton.
SchNEWS 346, 15th March, 2002
Monster Munch Inc. - A worldwide look at resistance to GM food as the toothless Convention on Biological Diversity takes place in Holland.
SchNEWS 345, 8th March, 2002
Oil-Derado - President Chavez of Venezuela is not playing along with neo-liberal game, incurring the wrath of the IMF, CIA and all the other evil acronyms.
SchNEWS 344, 1st March, 2002
Ladies Of The Fight - International Women's Day and a look at a century of struggle for women's rghts.
SchNEWS 343, 22nd February, 2002
Spain In The Arse - Spain uses its presidency of the EU to push through a cross-European clamp-down on groups they call 'terrorists' - namely Basque people fighting for sovereignty.
SchNEWS 342, 15th February, 2002
Wailing Walls - Israel's brutal occupation of Palestine is even driving Israeli soldiers to become 'refuseniks'.
SchNEWS 341, 8th February, 2002
Big Apple Pied - The WEF meet in New York as Bush exploits the grief to ratchet up the war efforts. Tens of thousands still protest regardless.
SchNEWS 340, 1st February, 2002
Food Fight - A look at the neo-labour supermarket food production and distribution stitch-up in Britain.
SchNEWS 339, 25th January, 2002
Tower Struggle - Workers from the Columbian Sintraemcali Union occupy a tower in Cali, against privatisation. Plus in Cochabama, Bolivia locals win battle against water privatisation by US company Bechtel.
SchNEWS 338, 18th January, 2002
Tales Of Two Cities - A look at the WEF meeting in New York, and the NATO security conference in Munich.
SchNEWS 337, 11th January, 2002
Full Of Melchett - Former head of Greenpeace, Peter Melchett turns coats and works for greenwash experts PR company Burson-Marsteller.
SchNEWS 336, 21th December, 2001
Trail And Terror - The Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act becomes law - as civil liberties around the world diminish after 9-11.
SchNEWS 335, 14th December, 2001
Cash For Connexions - The privatisation of education takes on a new 'clockwork orange' edge, with Capita involved in 'young offender' surveillence.
SchNEWS 334, 7th December, 2001
From Russia With Love - The world sits back while Russia bombs Chechnya back to the stone age. The Chechnyans are not merely terrorists.
SchNEWS 333, 30th November, 2001
License To Kill - Find out about corporations getting away with murder, as usual... Euromin are found not guilty of manslaughter in the case of Simon Jones.
SchNEWS 332, 23rd November, 2001
D'Oha! - Open, democratic, transparent etc WTO have another meeting - in the desert - Doha, Qatar..
SchNEWS 331, 16th November, 2001
Blunkett Ban - Blunkett introduces another new terrorism bill, tightening the grip on... liberty. Everyone's a terrorist now...
SchNEWS 330, 9th November, 2001
Bush Beaters - More about the 'War against Terrorism' (except terrorism by the US government and their mates)'... The CIA and Nicaragua.
SchNEWS 329, 2nd November, 2001
Lunch Outs - Trade Justice gets another kick in the teeth at the UN Food Summit in Rome...
SchNEWS 328, 26th October, 2001
Drug-Crazed - Roll up, roll up for the latest US double standards shocker... They want cheap Anthrax drugs, but don't think Africa should have cheap AIDS drugs.
SchNEWS 327, 19th October, 2001
Desert Storm - Free Trade - are you with us or with the world's poor?... previewing WTO meeting in Qatar.
SchNEWS 326, 12th October, 2001
Courtin' Trouble - The International Criminal Court - everyone is up for it except US cos they don't have war criminals do they?
SchNEWS 325, 5th October, 2001
Nightmayors - A Labour-crony elected mayor anyone? Brighton braces for more privatisation.
SchNEWS 324, 28th September, 2001
Card Trick - The post 9-11 paranoias starts as the UK government talks about ID cards...
SchNEWS 323, 21st September, 2001
Bush-whacked - Post 9-11 and 75% of Americans are in favour of World War 3.
SchNEWS 322, 14th September, 2001
Vicious Circle - How could they pick on the little ol US? Err... for a number of reasons. First opinions on September 11.
SchNEWS 321, 7th September, 2001
All The Gun Of The Fair - A look at the successes of the British Arms trade prior to the DSEI arms fair.
SchNEWS 320, 31st August, 2001
Eurotrash - The Euro is unveiled, as we look at how EU enlargement will adversely affect new members like Poland.
SchNEWS 319, 24th August, 2001
Bruised And Bartered - Argentina on the brink of collapse while alternative bartering economies emerge...
SchNEWS 318, 17th August, 2001
Credit To The Nation - Britain eyes up other markets for its global privatisation
enterprise giving Tanzania's skies a capitalist makeover...
SchNEWS 317, 10th August, 2001
Her Majesty's Profit - Turning prisoners into slave labour in UK.
SchNEWS 316, 3rd August, 2001
Blair-Faced Liar - Blair comes back from Genoa bleeting 'Free trade is good for you',...
SchNEWS 314/315, 27th July, 2001
Welcome To G-Hate - Globalise resistance meets resistance... first reports back from the G8 Summit in Genoa. Plus report from the climate change talks in Bonn.
SchNEWS 313, 13th July, 2001
Race Against Time - A look at the Bradford 'riots'...
SchNEWS 312, 6th July, 2001
Big SIS is watching you. The Schengen Information System - Europe's data collection frenzy...
SchNEWS 311, 29th June, 2001
Emission: Impossible - Carbon casino climate chaos controversy at the Bonn COP6 Climate Change conference...
SchNEWS 310, 22nd June, 2001
Send In The Clowns - Catch up with the 'Anarchists' Travelling Circus' in Gothenburg for the EU Summit...
SchNEWS 308/309, 15th June, 2001
Sita's A Parrot - An absolute load of privatisation rubbish...
SchNEWS 307, 1st June, 2001
Lost In Space - Son of Star Wars - another lame sequel
SchNEWS 306, 25th May, 2001
Bank Bonked - World Bank shenanigans - still the best friend of the poor...
SchNEWS 305, 18th May, 2001
Health Cheque Up - Private Finance, coming to a hospital near you...
SchNEWS 304, 11th May, 2001
Wot A Load Of Ballots! - Don't vote, it only encourages them...
SchNEWS 303, 4th May, 2001
Three Thousand Crap Arrests - "I'll put 6,000 cops on Picadilly..." London Mayday
SchNEWS 302, 27th, April, 2001
Summit Wrong? - Voici les SchNOUVELLES de Quebec...
SchNEWS 301, 20th, April, 2001
Wasted! - UK Government bunch of wasters shock!
