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Published in Brighton by Justice? - Brighton's Direct Action collective ISSUE 306, FRIDAY 25th May, 2001 BANK BONKED "For the first time in history, they have cancelled one of their meetings because of the prospect of people power rising up against them." -Barcelona Co-ordination Commission. Anti-capitalists were popping champagne corks last weekend (well, they probably would have if they could afford any) after the World Bank announced it was cancelling its next conference - without a single gas cannister being fired. On the surface the Act sounds innocent enough, with its "creation of Care Trusts", and gently-worded intention of "Building on existing health or local authority powers to integrate care". But read between the lines and you witness the beginning of the end of free healthcare. The three-day meeting was due to take place next month with thousands of riot police planning to descend on Barcelona and the Spanish borders closed to protestors. The Bank whinged "A conference on poverty reduction should take place in a peaceful atmosphere - free from heckling, violence and intimidation. It is time to take a stand against this kind of threat to free discussion." Which is a bit rich coming from these jokers. One anti World Bank campaigner told SchNEWS, "Whilst these people are demanding the 'freedom' to meet and discuss, millions around the world are being denied basic freedoms, such as to live on our ancestral lands, or to survive without being forced into menial work, by the consequences of these very meetings and discussions." CASH MACHINE The Bank was set up after the Second World War, and since then they and their buddies at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have been handing out generous loans and subsidising projects across the world for decades. Travelling in first class accommodation these people claim to be 'down with the poor' and believe that 'they know what's best for them'. The problem is that not everyone agrees with this. One academic explained, "The IMF and the World Bank have caused more harm to people than any other non-military institutions in human history." Take the Chad-Cameroon pipeline for instance. With a $225 million price tag, the World Bank's flagship project is set to be 1070 km long, an oil ferry service stretching from Southern Chad through the rainforests of Cameroon to the sea. The Bank claims that the project will transform oil revenues into direct benefits for the poor. Tell that to the nomadic Baka and Bakola people, who face losing their homes and land if the World Bank agrees to foot the project's staggering bill. Or try telling that to the families of the 200 people killed by the corrupt Chad security forces for opposing the plan. The pipeline crosses 17 major rivers, meaning the consequences of a leak would be catastrophic, not least because all communities on the route rely on water for all their needs. A spokesperson from Global Village Cameroon told SchNEWS "This money is supposed to help poor countries improve their situation. But this project will benefit no-one but multi-national companies and local elites." Seems an accurate prediction considering the President of Chad received a $25 million bonus from oil companies for giving the World Bank the go ahead on the project, money which he promptly spent on the purchase of military equipment! The Bankers, however, are now apparently the victims. "Years ago people used to burn books to try and clamp down on academic freedom. Now they try to prevent academics from reaching debating halls," one Banker moaned. The fact is that the mass mobilisations against these giant institutions have put them under the spotlight like never before with the Chairman of their inspection panel complaining: "The only thing the World Bank is afraid of is publicity. These protestors are creating that." Last year there were mass protests in Washington and their meeting in Prague had to be abandoned (see SchNEWS 277). But what has really made them cross is that the Barcelona knees-up was part of the Bank's new charm offensive with topics up for discussion like "A Global Economy for All" and the chance for them to push into the 'knowledge-based' economy. Because as one campaigner told SchNEWS "In a way their job has been done but this huge bureaucracy needs something new to do." That something is blagging £60 million, some of it from Microsoft, to set up a 'knowledge bank' (www.developmentgateway.org) which aims to select and organise all the worlds 'knowledge' about fighting poverty - all from its own unbiased perspective of course. Still, the Bank is now planning on holding their discussions in cyber-space. Which SchNEWS hopes, for the sake of academic freedom, won't be hacked by pesky protestors. * This Saturday (26) to mark African Liberation Day there will be a protest outside the World Bank's offices at 80 Haymarket, London SW1 between 11.30 am to 1.30pm. "Africa is still manipulated, robbed and starved. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are Africa's new masters. From Sierra Leone to South Africa, governments and elites benefit from their partnership with the IMF and World Bank, while ordinary Africans suffer the consequences." Info 020-87497179. Forget June 7th here's a couple of more important dates for your diary: * The G8 - the seven richest industrialised countries plus Russia - will be meeting in Genoa from 20-23rd July. SchNEWS has heard rumours that, in an effort to foil the predicted massive protests, delegates will be stuck aboard luxury cruisers anchored in Genoa Bay. www.genoa-g8.org * The next big European Union meeting takes place in Gothenburg, Sweden 14-16 July, http://motkraft.net/gbg2001/ * 'Crowd Bites Wolf' the unmissable film by Guerrilla vision about last years Prague protests. Copies from SchNEWS HQ £5 + 80p large SAE. But remember folks, while summit hopping can be exhilarating, inspiring, and make the world sit up and listen, we still have to do all that grass roots stuff in our local communities if we're ever to make a real difference. SUMMIT STINKS Eric Laferriere was one of the thousands of protestors who went on the streets of Quebec in April (see SchNEWS 302) to protest against the Summit of the Americas. "It was a beautiful day, and I wanted to be part of something large like that - a once-in-a-lifetime experience." But since the protests, life for Eric has changed forever. Standing with other protestors near the ten foot high fence that surrounded the Conference, riot police started firing tear gas canisters at the protestors. The gas was so thick, he couldn't see the person next to him. He v-signed the cops before one of them, no more than 20 feet away, shot and hit him in the throat with a bullet travelling at 300 feet per second. He now breathes through a small metal hole and speaks in a faint whisper and with difficulty, wincing at the pain from the 6-inch stainless steel pipe stuck in his throat. Every breath burns. "It's like someone is grabbing me by the throat and trying to choke me. How could a cop do this to me?" During the demonstrations the police fired 4,709 tear gas cannisters and 822 plastic bullets, hospitalising lots of other people, some of them seriously. http://quebec.indymedia.org/ SPOR are back popping up some new shrooms in central Brighton. Get down to 'Food For Freaks' at 4 Prince Albert St (between Ship St and all the council crap) for VERY cheap food, vegan ice cream and info for creativity and resistance. Opens this Saturday (26th) and each day from 3pm until whenever. 1st CLASS Thousands of postal workers are back at work after a successful wildcat action. The dispute started in Watford when managers tried to implement a national agreement for more "flexible" working conditions - things like 4am shift starts and 10 hour days on Saturdays, or as one postie told us "more work for less pay." The strike then spread after scab mail was diverted to Liverpool and other sorting centres. A striking postie told SchNEWS "What happened was really impressive, we gave the management a bloody nose and for the moment they have stepped back. They are basically threatening us to accept these conditions otherwise we'll privatise your jobs." Post Office workers have repeatedly ignored anti-strike laws and union leaders who ask them to call their 'illegal' strikes off, so there's nothing for it but to start privitisating the company by stealth. Recently re-named Consignia, New Labour backed up by the European Union want to open the whole service up to the private sector, with private delivery firms like UPS who, would you believe it, make regular donations to New Labour. * In a taster of what's to come if New Labour get reelected, Nord Anglia has just been given the contract to run a school in Surrey. They're gonna change Abbeyland into a specialist business school to "turn around it's image and provide a high-quality education for children" under the new name of Runnymede Business and Enterprise College. Nord Anglia are also the company responsible for promoting equality in schools. Which is why their millionaire chairman and former chairman, Kevin McNeany, was brought before a tribunal for racial discrimination. He is alleged to have said amongst other things that he was concerned that the School of Financial Management was "very Indianised." * The Dudley Group of Hospital strikers, have agreed to go back to work after 10 months of rolling strikes against the transfer of their jobs to a private healthcare company. * Want to know how big business is getting into bed with Tony Blair? Then check out www.red-star-research.org.uk FOURTH REICH Last weekend almost a thousand migrants from across Germany gathered in Berlin for 3 days of action and discussion against the 'Residenzpflicht'. A law which some are proposing be extended to the whole of Europe - which makes it illegal for immigrants in Germany to move outside of a very restricted area. For many immigrants coming to Berlin was itself a 'criminal' offence. An attempt was made to occupy a large church in the city centre, with a number of German citizens burning their passports in solidarity. The immigrant activists have announced that they will no longer respect the law and that they plan to travel to Genoa in July to take part in the resistance to the meeting of the G8. An official proposal for a large convoy of refugees to travel from Germany to Genoa is expected to be released towards the end of June. More info: http://de.indymedia.org CRAP ARREST OF THE WEEK Veteran peace campaigner Lindis Percy has been fined £550 for writing 'STOP
STAR WARS' on an American flag and standing on it - despite being found not
guilty of the same charges at a different court a few weeks earlier. Poor sensitive
American trained killers were 'angered, upset, distressed, offended and hurt'
by the (mis)use of the US flag. Info: 01943 466405, www.caab.org.uk.
Regular demos at Menwith Hill Spy Base, nr. Harrogate, Yorks. Every Tuesday
7-9pm. Positive SchNEWS Increasingly, people want to know exactly what they are buying, where it comes from and how it's produced. How can they do this? By visiting www.Bigbarn.co.uk. By simply typing in yer postal code in a database, you can instantly discover all organic produce sellers in your area. Wicked! SchNEWS in brief
For more details of prisoners check out the Brighton Anarchist Black Cross pages on the SchNEWS website - www.schnews.org.uk/prisoners WASTED! (again) After three days of occupying the Sheffield incinerator and succesfully shutting the whole thing down for fifty hours, Greenpeace have ended their anti-incineration action. One of the volunteer climbers said, "Sheffield incinerator has an appalling criminal record and is the worst in England. It has been bombarding the people of Sheffield with toxic chemicals for too long. Enough is enough, this plant must be shut for good." Similar sentiments were echoed outside the Byker incinerator near Newcastle. One of the protesters, a 75-year-old man, handcuffed himself to the gates saying "We are desperate. We want this place shut and we want it shut now!" Info on the Sheffield actions and a report concerning incinerators can be found at www.greenpeace.org. There's a Public meeting this Sat (26th) at 2pm, St John's Church, Bernard Street, Sheffield. GM CROPPED Three proposed GM trials near organic farms have been scrapped. Following a number of protests, two trials in Wales that were within 650m of organic farms were abandoned and this week plans for a trial near the HDRA, the organic research institute near Coventry were shelved. Meanwhile, the Welsh Assembly has passed a resolution for Wales to become GM-free and the Soil Association has called for trials to be planted at least 6 miles away from organic farms. Both requests have been ignored by the government and industry. Meanwhile the nighttime de-contamination of GM crops continues this year. For a list of test sites and other action targets visit www.gm-info.org.uk ...and finally... | |
Not only did the police cause massive disruption to London on Mayday with their huge presence, but their massive telecom communications caused problems for companies using wireless based networks, resulting in "endless glitches and a generally wasted day". After the police vans went the problem disappeared. www.theregister.co.uk disclaimer Cor-blimley-theyre-practically-giving-them-away book offer SchNEWS Round issues 51 - 100 £4.50 inc. postage. SchNEWS Annual issues 101 - 150 £4.50 inc. postage. SchNEWS Survival Guide issues 151 - 200 and a whole lot more £5.50 inc. postage (US Postage £4.00 for individual books, £13 for all four). The SchQUALL book at only £6.50 inc postage. In the UK you can get 2, 3, 4 & 5 for £20 inc. postage. In addition to 50 issues of SchNEWS, each book contains articles, photos, cartoons, a yellow pages list of contacts, comedy etc. All the above books are available from the Brighton Peace Centre, saving postage yer tight gits. SchNEWS and SQUALL's YEARBOOK 2001 is out soon. 280 pages of adventures from the direct action frontline. With issues 251-300 of SchNEWS, the best of SQUALL, lots of photos, cartoons, subverts and a comprehensive contacts database. Copies of Yearbook 2001 can be ordered from SchNEWS for £7 + £1.50 p&p. You can order the book from a bookshop or your library, quote the ISBN 09529748 4 3. Available from the beginning of June. Subscribe to SchNEWS: Send 1st Class stamps (e.g. 10 for next 9 issues) or donations (payable to Justice?). Or £15 for a year's subscription, or the SchNEWS supporter's rate, £1 a week. Ask for "originals" if you plan to copy and distribute. SchNEWS is post-free to prisoners. You can also pick SchNEWS up at the Brighton Peace and Environment Centre at 43 Gardner Street, Brighton. To unsubscribe to SchNEWS email, send a message to listproc@gn.apc.org with only "unsubscribe schnews-l" (without the quotes) in the body. This must be sent using the name and from the email address you originally subscribed from. SchNEWS, PO Box 2600, Brighton, BN2 2DX, England Last updated 25th May 2001