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Issues 651-700 (Oct 2008 - Nov 2009)

SchNEWS 700, 20th November 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Good Cop Bad Cop - Things are hotting up for the COP15 UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen next month... plus, despite being out of the news, the plight of the Tamil people in Sri Lanka continues to be dire, protesters disrupt the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Edinburgh, the state clampdown on animal rights protesters continues as four are raided and arrested, the far-right march in Glasgow – and again are outnumbered, but next month move to Nottingham, and more...

SchNEWS 699, 13th November 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Mexican Wave - Around 200,000 workers, teachers, students, unionists, farmers and social campaigners shut Mexican cities down on Wednesday (12th) in a national strike... plus, importer of Israeli produce grown on occupied Palestinian territories sees sustained protests, ex-soldier who served in Afghanistan is arrested over his opposition to the war, protests against the NATO meeting in Edinburgh begin as anti-militarist convergence space is opened, and more...

SchNEWS 698, 6th November 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Post Apocalypse - British postal workers are on strike as looming privatisation brings in a round of lay-offs, wage cuts and higher work demands... plus, racist far-right march in Leeds and London - where violence breaks out between far-right groups, Brighton film-maker has his charges dropped, fox hunting monitors are violently attacked by hunt supporters in Sussex, harsh repression continues to be dealt out to refugees at Calais, and more...

SchNEWS 697, 30th October 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
A Liberal Helping? - SchNEWS looks critically at the Guardian's expose of a police spotter card for so-called 'domestic extremists'... plus, it's been another hot week for climate protesters in Britain as high-emissions coal power is targeted, a round-up of Halloween direct action protests in Britain against the arms industry and animal testing, Britain is deporting refugees back into the dangerous warzones they fled - and a group sent back to Iraq have found themselves being sent back to Britain, and more....

SchNEWS 696, 23rd October 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Sooty and Swoop - Over a thousand swoopers descended on Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station over the weekend - Britain's 3rd largest carbon emitter - with the aim of shutting the whole place down... plus, Britain’s newest anti-arms campaign, Target Brimar, staged their inaugural demo on Saturday, a counter demo of around 600 anti-racists ensured the English Defence League in Wales came a cropper in Swansea on Saturday, two protesters convicted during the Smash EDO Carnival Against the Arms Trade have had their convictions quashed by an appeal court, and more...

SchNEWS 695, 16th October 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
La La La Bomba - SchNEWS looks to mexico, where butane is in the eye of the bomb-holder... plus, cosmetics company Lush release hunt saboteur soap, the Mainshill protest camp is attacked by machinery drivers, London community workers gets big pay-out after stop and search arrest, the anti-muslim racists English Defence League march in Manchester, but are still outnumbered, and more...

SchNEWS 694, 9th October 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Swooper Troopers - The Great Climate Swoop descends next week on the coal-fired power station at Ratcliffe-On-Soar near Nottingham... plus, the brutal eviction of refugees from camps in Calais continues, the racist English Defence League are marching against this weekend, this time in Manchester, with two marches in Wales later in the month, the IMF and World Bank meet this week in Istanbul as riots break out on the streets, and more...

SchNEWS 693, 2nd October 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Who Are Ya? - Who are the far-right English Defence League, and what are their strategies?... plus, Brighton journalists are forced to give police their footage for evidence gathering, Israeli defence minister Ehud Barak makes and appearance at the Labour Party Conference, while lawyers apply for an arrest warrant for him for war crimes in Gaza, protesters and police in Denmark have a dress rehearsal for December's Climate Conference in Copenhagen, and more...

SchNEWS 692, 24th September 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Junglist Missive - The refugee camps in Calais called the 'jungle' are smashed by French police... plus, climate campaigners blockade the Ffos-y-Fran opencast coal mine in Wales, the Titnore Protest Camp near Worthing holds a direct action picnic halting work on the new Tesco super store, animal rights campaigner Sean Kirtley is released from prison on an appeal, an abandoned cathedral in Bristol is squatted for a week of events and actions called Co-Mutiny, and more...
SchNEWS 691, 17th September 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Bloody Poor Show - The fox hunting/sabbing season is back on – but will this be the last year before the Tories get in and repeal the barely enforced, sham fox hunting ban?... plus, the English Defence League again suffer another defeat on the streets of London, the Mainshill protest camp is still going strong but calling out for help, update as protests against the closure of the Vestas wind turbine factory on the Isle Of Wight continue, direct action against a giant coal-fired power station near Melbourne, and more...
SchNEWS 690, 11th September 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Dissin’ The DSEI - SchNEWS reports from the street during protests against the DSEi Arms Fair in London... plus, protests continue at the Vestas factory, on the Isle Of Wight, the far-rigth English Defence League have another demo in Birmingham, but find themselves being taken to Coventry, a protest camp has been set up in Finland to stop the building of a uranium mine, a journalist was arrested and had his equipment confiscated at a demo at the Oxford animal testing lab, and more...
SchNEWS 689, 4th September 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Common People? - The London Camp For Climate Action passes off this week largely without incident. The focus on the camp was more about about training than direct action, and some are questioning whether the climate camp is becoming too soft or theoretical... plus, Workers at the occupied Zanon ceramics factory in Argentina have won a court battle and now legally control the factory, Zippos Circus, an animal abusing circus, continues to see protests as it travels around the south coast of England, the DSEi Arms Fair – the world's largest arms fair – is back on next week at it's usual location, the eXcel Centre, Docklands, London, and more...
SchNEWS 688, 21st August 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Stock Horror at HLS - Under pressure from animal rights protesters, more investors pull out of Huntingdon Life Sciences, leaving it in a financially precarious position... plus, after Scotland and Wales earlier this month, the Camp For Climate Action moves towards a location somewhere in London, the BNP have their Red White And Blue festival in Derbyshire, but the far-right revellers were outnumbered by anti-fascist protesters, protesters get into Faslane Naval Base in Scotland, which has the nuclear-armed Trident submarines, and more...
SchNEWS 687, 14th August 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Fash Get the Brum Rush - A new grouping of far-right racists demonstrate in central Birmingham – and have their arse kicked by local anti-fascists... plus, a snapshot of what anti-fascists are up against on the mean streets of Moscow, the Vestas protests continue on the Isle Of Wight as workers continue their occupation, the Scottish Camp For Climate Action ends and the Welsh Climate Camp begin - both targetting the coal mining industry and it's climate impact, a 77-day long militant occupation by sacked workers at a Ssangyong car plant in South Korea ended this month with a dramatic raid by 300 police and 100 commandos, and more...
SchNEWS 686, 7th August 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Blowing in the Wind - Protests continue at the Vestas wind turbine factory on the Isle Of Wight, where sacked workers are occupying the factory, and the protest becomes national... plus, the Scottish Camp For Climate Action starts at the site of a current protest camp against open-cast coal mining at Mainshill near Glasgow, protesters end a week-long camp outside Highgate Farm in Lincolnshire, which breeds ferrets and rabbits for the vivisection industry, the murder of Russian human rights activist Natalia Estemirova in Chechnya last month causes us to look at the Russian-backed despotic regime in Chechnya, and more....
SchNEWS 685, 27th July 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
SPECIAL REPORT - Big Green Gathering Shutdown - THE BIG GREEN GATHERING HAS BEEN SHUT DOWN BY POLICE!.....plus, clampdown in Calais on migrants trying to get to Britain, redundant workers at the Vestas wind turbine factory on Isle Of Wight occupy workplace in protest, repression in Iran continues, with protesters being killed by security forces and thousands detained, Liverpool BNP activist Peter Tierney is in court for violently attacking anti-fascist protesters, and more...
SchNEWS 684, 17th July 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Good Plan, 'Stan - As British soldiers are regularly returning dead from Afghanistan SchNEWS asks what is the broader deathtoll of this unwinnable war, and why are the US/UK military there anyway?... plus, fox hunters fail to get injunction placed on those monitoring their illegal activity, protesters in Britain demonstrate against Dow Chemicals, owner of Union Carbide and liable for the 1984 Bhopal chemical disaster, sacked French car part workers who are occupying their workplaces have rigged explosives and are threatening to blow it up, and more
SchNEWS 683, 10th July 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Bobbies on the Bleat - SchNEWS has cast our cynical eye over the HMIC (Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary) report about the policing of the G20 protests... plus, the biggest Chinese government massacre since Tiananmen Square, an update on the military coup in Honduras, Israeli warships board Free Gaza Movement boat on humanitarian mission, Rossport pirates attack Shell supply ship, and more...
SchNEWS 682, 3rd July 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Rumble in the Jungle - No Borders campaigners culminated their week long camp in Calais with a demonstration outside the city’s main port last Saturday... plus, an in depth look at this week's coup d'etat in Honduras, support still needed at anti-coal solidarity camp in Mainshill, Scotland, striking sweatshop workers are repressed in Bangladesh, a look at UK campaigns against forced deportation if refugees, and more...
SchNEWS 681, 26th June 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
It's Just Not Cricket - The so-called civil war in Sri Lanka may be over with the defeat of the Tamil Tigers, but the suffering continues for the Tamil people... plus, the No Borders Camp kicks off at Calais, last weekend's summer solstice celebration at Stonehenge was subject to heavy policing, including an unmanned surveillance copter drone, helicopter, 300 stop-n-searches and 32 arrests, protesters on alert as the gas pipe laying ship arrives to begin work for the summer, and more...
SchNEWS 680, 19th June 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Cops, Lies and Videotape - As SchMOVIES film-maker is raided by Sussex Police... plus, Serco security guards serve up violent assault for detention centre hunger strikers, immigration trap is set for university cleaners, Swedish anti-war actvists occupy land being bombed in training exercise, anti-free trade protests continue and threaten the Peruvian government, and more....
SchNEWS 679, 12th June 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Cop That! - As SchNEWS takes a wild swing in the direction of the latest SMASH EDO trial... plus, the London Met Police round up children for their DNA, indigenous blockade in Amazonian region turns into a police massacre, another peacful protestors murdered by Israeli forces in occupied Palestine, Brighton campaign against crap coffee chain gets a double shot in the arm, and more...
SchNEWS 678, 5th June 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Convoy Polloi - Twenty four years have passed since the defining moment of the Thatcher government’s assault on the traveller movement - the Battle of the Beanfield - SchNEWS revisits it all... plus, the G8 returns to Italy, to the site of the recent earthquake, fourteen road protesters say goodbye to court as their cases are dismissed, a Texas court dishes out draconian punishment to aid charity, a legal victory challenges police methods of storing protest pictures, and more...
SchNEWS 677, 29th May 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Mosquito Bite - The Mískito people on the coast of Nicaragua have broken away and declared themselves a new nation, in defiance of Daniel Ortega's government... plus, Bury Hill Wood, part of the Abinger Forest, Surrey is under threat from oil exploration by Europa Oil and Gas, plans are afoot to squat land in the Hammersmith area of London and turn it into an eco-village, things are getting harder for vivisection lab Huntingdon Life Sciences, as major shareholder Barclays bank pulls out investment, and more....
SchNEWS 676, 22nd May 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Final Frontiers - No Borders special as SchNEWS reports on the humanitarian crisis in Calais caused by British immigration policy... plus, will the belated withdrawal of British backing affect the Colombian military and their reign of violence, the Sri Lankan government claims victory over the Tamil Tigers but we question at what price, anti-Trident protesters have occupied a new site at the Rolls Royce Rayensway hi-tech manufacturing facility in Derby, and more...
SchNEWS 675, 8th May 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Brighton Rocked - As Smash EDO Mayday mayhem hits the streets of Brighton we report from the mass street party and demonstration against the arms trade, war and capitalism... plus, the bike-powered Coal Caravan concludes its three week tour of the North Of England, a US un-manned Predator drone accidently bombs the village of Bala Baluk, killing up to 200 innocent civilians, RavensAit, the squatted island on the Thames near Kingston, is finally evicted this week, the Nine Ladies protest camp, having won its ten-year battle to stop the quarrying of Stanton Moor in Derbyshire, has finally tatted down and finished, and more...
SchNEWS 674, 1st May 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
May the Fourth be With You - With Smash EDO's Mayday Mayhem about to hit Brighton, here's some useful information covering the day.... plus, RBS are seeking £40,000 in compensation from a seventeen year old girl who damaged one computer screen and keyboard at the G20 demo last month, the Metropolitan Police are forced to admit they assaulted and wrongfully arrested protesters during a 2006 demo at the Mexican Embassy in London, the IMF/World Bank meeting in Washington DC is met with three days of protests, one London policeman is sacked for admitting that the police killed someone while another is merely disciplined for saying that he 'can't wait to bash up some long haired hippys', and more...
SchNEWS 673, 24th April 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Quick Fix - The twelve students arrested this month as alleged 'terrorists' have been released without charge - like many 'anti-terrorist operations' in Britain, this one becomes a joint operation between the police and the media... plus, a protester in the West Bank town of Bil'in is killed by the Israel military while protesting against the 'Apartheid Wall', Birmingham squatters prevent two separate community squats in the city from being evicted on the same day, the bloodshed continues in Sri Lanka, a coalition hasformed called The United Campaign Against Police Violence, and more...
SchNEWS 672, 17th April 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Easy, Tiger... - A civil war is escalating in Sri Lanka between the Army and the separatist rebels of the Tamil Tigers, with the death-toll mounting... plus, pro-democracy demonstrations in Egypt face overwhelming repression in last weeks planned 'Day Of Anger', the truth about the murder of Ian Thomlinson by police at the G20 protests is coming out, Mexican authorities get revenge by framing leaders of 2006's mass movement for social and political change, one of the so-called EDO 2 receives sentence for Raytheon roof-top protest, and more...
SchNEWS 671, 3rd April 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
G20 SUMMIT EYEWITNESS REPORT - As the G20 Summit takes place, we look at what the leaders are discussing, along with an eyewitness account of the G20 protests around the Bank Of England on Wednesday April 1st.... plus, a report from day two of the protests, on the day when the G20 Summit began at the ExCel entre in the East London Docklands, the squatted island at Raven's Ait, on the Thames near Surbiton, is under threat from eviction and calling for help, groups of sacked workers who are feeling the direct consequences of the financial crash are protesting, and re-occupying their work places, peace campaigner Lindis Percy causes traffic chaos outside the USAF airbase at Lakenheath in Suffolk, and more....
SchNEWS 670, 27th March 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
G20 SUMMIT SPECIAL - SchNEWS looks how deep the financial problems are for the banks and the British Govt, and how they won't learn from their errors. We ask the question: the crash which looked inevitable in 1999 has happened, so we look to how we can survive this.... plus, ex-Royal Bank Of Scotland boss Fred 'The Shred' Goodwin, has his home and car attacked by demonstrators, Horfield Prison in Bristol is surrounded by a noise demo in solidarity with Elija Smith, one of the EDO Decommissioners, Climate change campaigners stop work at Muir Dean open-cast coal mine in Scotland, and more...
SchNEWS 669, 20th March 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Stand Up To Detention - As the British Home Secretary opens another detention centre for 'failed' asylum seekers, No Borders protests around the country highlighting the plight of those victims of the UK asylum system.... plus, the sixth anniversary of the murder in Gaza of US activist Rachel Corrie is tragically marked by the shooting of another US activist, the largest Gypsy and Traveller community in Britain is seriously under threat of being evicted this year, Smash EDO hold an all night demo outside the Brighton factory of EDO-ITT, and more.....
SchNEWS 668, 13th March 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Taking It All In - A giant independent UK aid convoy involving 110 vehicles travels 6000 miles to deliver medical and other supplies to war-torn Gaza.... plus, Smash EDO protester is arrested for criminal damage after banging a metal fence with a piece of plastic, two stories about squatted social centres in London and Brighton resisting eviction, Shell To Sea campaigner gaoled for four weeks in an action against a Shell oil refinery and offshore pipeline, student activist Hicham Yezza is sentenced to nine months imprisonment under an immigration technicality, and more...
SchNEWS 667, 6th March 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Fools Rush In - As the financial leaders preapre to gather, plans for mass G20 actions in London take shape, plus.... the Coroners and Justice Bill is the latest Big Brother law trying to snea its way through parliament, Tintore protesters up the fight against Tesco developers, EDO activists get charges increased to conspiracy, Hunger striker makes point at 10 Downing St., and more...
SchNEWS 666, 13th February 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
The Watchtower - SchNEWS has a round up of the latest attacks against our civil liberties, and asks whose liberties are being protected, plus... a new undercover investigation in Huntingdon Life Sciense shows that the abuse continues, protests continue against Israeli exporter Carmel Agrexco, illegal growers of produce on Palestinian soil, the Sea Sheperd vessal, the Steve Irwin, returns after a 27 day hot pursuit of Japanese whaling vessel, and more...
SchNEWS 665, 6th February 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Sheik Battle & Rule - In Somalia, the US's African front in the war on terror has collapsed as the UN-installed Government has fled.... plus, Binyam Mohammed, a British resident who's been tortured and wrongly imprisoned at Guantanamo since his arrest in Pakistan in 2002, is still fighting for justice and currently on hunger strike, new laws come in this month which make it criminal to photograph or get information about anyone in the armed or police forces, a look at this weeks wildcat strikes around the subcontractor employing Italian and Portuguese workers, and more...
SchNEWS 664, 30th January 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Guantanamo Special - SchNEWS looks and what Obama's said he will do about Guantanamo and interviews Guantanamo ex-detainee Omar Deghayes to guage his reaction - plus Mner Mner.... Workers of a bust printing company in Buenos Aires have re-occupied their factory and are running it as a co-op, one of many similar workplaces in Argentina since the collapse in 2001. As the UK slips into a financial black hole, could this be a portend to a post-collapse future?.... plus, the Iceland government has collapsed, SchNEWS looks and what Obama's said he will do about Guantanamo and interviews Guantanamo ex-detainee Omar Deghayes to guauge his reaction, despite the ban, fox hunting continues, and last weekend fifty hunt saboteurs came up against the particularly abusive New Forest hunters, and police, demonstration continued this week against companies doing business with vivisection lab Huntingdon Life Sciences, and more...
SchNEWS 663, 23rd January 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Decommission Accomplished - Activists break into Brighton bomb parts manufacturers EDO-MBM/ITT, and 'decommission' it, causing over £250,000 of damage.... plus, the SHAC 7 have all received harsh prison sentences in the 'conspiracy to blackmail' trial, Indymedia have a server seized in Manchester, as police go on the hunt to track down a person who posted the address of the judge in the SHAC 7 trial, Universities up and down the country are protesting against the bombing of Gaza, and more...
SchNEWS 662, 16th January 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Information for Action - While the casualties mount in Gaza, SchNEWS looks at what people can do about it from Britain.... plus, a young Jewish man is arrested for interrupting a speech by the Chief Rabbi of Britain during a Pro-Israel Rally in London, the British Govt approves the third runway at Heathrow, but this week sees another round of airport protests, an update from Greece, after the weeks of heavy rioting last month, upmarket squatters in Mayfair, London, get evicted from a £6 million property, and move into a £22.5 million one instead, and more...
SchNEWS 661, 9th January 2009 Click HERE for PDF version
Gaza Action Alert - SchNEWS takes on the Gaza massacre : eyewitness accounts from Rafah and Gaza City, worldwide protests, a look at the failed Hamas-Israel cearefire, political manoeuvres behind the Israeli attack, media bias over the attacks... plus, the Sea Shepherd ship the MV Steve Irwin is back out in the Southern Ocean trying to prevent illegal Japanese whalers, 78 year old Ronnie Easterbrook dying on a hunger strike in a British prison, all four found guilty in SHAC trial, and more...
SchNEWS 660, 19th December 2008 Click HERE for PDF version
Euro Trashed - Smash hits from the Euro-Visionaries: protests at a Rome university campus continues, Greece goes into its second week of rioting, Schoolkids protest across France against school reforms.... plus, a roof-top occupation at Raytheon's Bristol office goes into its second week, trial of the Lakenheath 8 has concluded in a victory for the protesters, Coal Action Scotland blockades the entrance to a coal rail terminal in South Lanarkshire, and more...
SchNEWS 659, 12th December 2008 Click HERE for PDF version
Go Greece Fightin' - Greece has exploded into a week of riots after the police murder of a fifteen year old boy.... plus, Obama is planning to take troops out of Iraq and put more into Afghanistan, but this is another unwinnable war, and the US's attempts to smash the Taliban have largely failed, last week in Edinburgh was an anti-military gathering, beginning the process of mobilising against the November 2009 NATO summit in Edinburgh, a daring Plane Stupid action at Stansted Airport sees 56 flights cancelled, and more...
SchNEWS 658, 5th December 2008 Click HERE for PDF version
Koch-A-Hoop - Nottingham anti-arms trade and No Borders campaigners hold a joint demonstration highlighting the links between the arms trade and the forced movement of refugees.... plus, SchNEWS' take on the arrest of Tory MP Damian Green this week, A round-up of recent developments in the Smash EDO campaign, Climate change campaigners across the country held a series of protests against E.On, and more...
SchNEWS 657, 28th November 2008 Click HERE for PDF version
Frozen Assets - After the financial meltdown in Iceland, Reykjavik becomes a direct action hot-spot.... plus, the Observer's infamous article about the rise of 'eco-terrorism' by Mark Townsend is withdrawn, Critical Mass cyclists win House of Lords ruling, allowing their bike-powered protests, update on the Minga movement marching on the Colombian capital of Bogota, after last week's publishing on the internet of the BNP's membership the fun continues, and more...
SchNEWS 656, 21st November 2008 Click HERE for PDF version
Minga The Merciless - A popular movement is building in Colombia against the US-friendly government and the other murderous paramilitary bully-boys from the supposed left..... plus, protester's charged after the SmashEDO demonstration on June the 4th, Western ISM protesters begin a hunger strike after being seized by the Israeli navy, Police are using new legislation to crack down on photographers at demonstrations, Big demonstrations in Germany against the nuclear waste convoy, and more...
SchNEWS 655, 14th November 2008 Click HERE for PDF version
Fifth Columnist - As the Observer newspaper trots out the Police line over puffed up threats of eco-terrorism... plus, Lakenheath anti arms protesters face SOCPA trial in court, Birmingham social housing protest camp evade eviction by moving, anti-arms trade campaigners target one of the UK's largest events companies, Otis as Roxy Music star's pro-foxhunt, spoilt brat son is in prison on remand, and more....
SchNEWS 654, 7th November 2008 Click HERE for PDF version
B'Iraq Obama - SchNEWS assess what direction US foreign policy is going to go now, and in particular the occupation of Iraq..... plus, more direct action at the Bristol offices of Raytheon, the US arms corporation, a round-up of 'Scary Science', SHAC's week of action against a range of HLS clients, the Class War Bonfire at London Fields on Bonfire night goes off with a bang, two more house raids and arrests relating to Smash EDO's carnival against the arms trade, and more...
SchNEWS 653, 31st October 2008 Click HERE for PDF version
Any Port In A Storm - An independent, international ship carrying medical supplies has reached a port in Gaza, depsite threats from Israel...plus, The Brighton-Tubas delegation have reached the Tubas region of Palestine to help the locals fight the Israeli occupation, Christiana, the famous squatted community in Copenhagen is under threat again as a building is evicted, US Arms Corp's office in Bristol sees a 38-hour rooftop occupation by anti-arms protesters, blockade at the Aldermaston atomic weapons establishment is the biggest in a decade, and more...
SchNEWS 652, 24th October 2008 Click HERE for PDF version
Ciba Punks - Two activists doing a banner-drop against HLS client Ciba Vision end up having their house raided, and are arrested for 'conspiracy to blackmail'... plus, Brighton delegation go to the Tubas region of Palestine, peace activists in Sweden begin disarming weapons factories, direct action threat derails badger cull, A squatted social centre in Worcester fights back against eviction threat, and more...
SchNEWS 651, 17th October 2008 Click HERE for PDF version
Pepperazzi - Smash EDO's second mass demo on Wednesday - Shut ITT! - was dramatic with up-for-it protesters and oppressive police numbers.... plus, Muslim schoolkid at Slough Grammar is suspended for being photographed with a gun – a paintballing gun that is, a rowdy demonstration against banks and the public money being pumped into them, Brighton Starbucks protest gets comedic lift, and more...
SchNEWS 650, 10th October 2008 Click HERE for PDF version
End of World is Nigh - As the entirely predicable meltdown continues to roll on it becomes increasingly hard to predict what\'s next - but SchNEWS tries anyway as we mull over great depression and repression to come...plus, Sussux students bring more disruption to Naval recruitment drive, peasant farmer resistance forces car firm to quit West Bengal, US Homeland Security goons spy on maths group, and more...
SchNEWS 649, 3rd October 2008 Click HERE for PDF version
Debts the Way to Do It - SchNEWS takes on the credit crunch and the future of global capitalism as the system collapses of its own accord... plus, Protesters staged two days of protest last weekend at Carmel Agrexco, A Royal Navy recruiting team at Sussex Uni were left sunk without trace after a devastating broadside from a gang of clowns, Zombies invade shopping centre in Bristol, and more...
SchNEWS 648, 26th September 2008 Click HERE for PDF version
Lost in Transition - Schnews fails to understand language of climate group as it looks at Transition Towns... plus, Animal rights activists get police pay out, a gay artist is deported to Azerbaijan, shout out for Titnore Woods protest camp, 'Freedom Not Fear' protest at top cop shop, and more....
SchNEWS 647, 19th September 2008 Click HERE for PDF version
Bail of the Century - The British and US Governments are welfare states - for big business - as they hand out billions to bail out companies. And the meltdown is set to continue... plus, the coroner's inquest into the police murder of Jean Charles de Menezes begins on September 22nd, a victory for the Shell To Sea protesters in Ireland against Shell's planned gas refinery and offshore pipeline at Rossport, Right wing forces in Bolivia are attempting a 'civil coup' against socialist President Evo Morales, and more....
SchNEWS 646, 12th September 2008 Click HERE for PDF version
All The Precedent's Men - A historic court ruling finds protesters at Kingsnorth Coal Power Station not guilty of criminal damage, the first time 'preventing the greater crime of climate change' has been successfully used as a legal defence... plus, On the anniversary of 9-11, we remember that other 9-11 - the violent coup in Chile in 1973 which installed General Pinochet, and saw the death of thousands, Fox hunting is now illegal in Britain - but that doesn't stop it still happening., and more...
SchNEWS 645, 5th September 2008 Click HERE for PDF version
Unconventional - Mass demonstrations against this year\'s Republican Convention - held this week in St Pauls, Minnesota - were met with aggressive policing..... plus, While SchNEWS is not pro-Obama as such in the forthcoming US election, it is clear that the McCain/Palin ticket would be the least sane choice, Protesters battling Shell\'s plans to build an offshore gas pipeline and refinery at Rossport, on the west coast of Ireland, are now up against the Navy, and more...
SchNEWS 644, 29th August 2008 Click HERE for PDF version
Peak Spoil - Peak Oil theory is seen by environmentalists as the reality which will stop the oil industry. But could it be that the real problem isn't that we're going to run out of oil, but that we aren't?.... plus, as the Democrat and Republican parties have their party conventions in the lead-up to the presidential elections, mass demonstrations are making a come-back in the country, independent aid boats beat Israeli aggression to give much needed supplies to Gaza, the persecution of animal rights activists in Austria continues, and more...
SchNEWS 643, 22nd August 2008 Click HERE for PDF version
Going Overboard - Shell To Sea activists set up a new Rossport Solidarity camp, to stop the building of Shell's gas pipeline and refinery at Rossport, County Mayo, Ireland.... plus, Smash EDO campaigner Glenn Williams is arrested for playing a protest song outside the gates of EDO-MBM/ITT in Brighton, Anti-coal protesters are finally evicted from tunnels ? as the Bodge House squat comes to an end, Kurdish asylum seekers held at Campsfield Immigation Detention Centre end their nine day hunger strike, and more...
SchNEWS 642, 15th August 2008 Click HERE for PDF version
Game, Ossetia, Match - As civilians pay the price for imperial rivalries in Georgia.... plus, round up of the Climate Camp 2008 day of mass action, Five Smash EDO protesters on trial for ?Conspiracy to Cause Criminal Damage? found not guilty, George bush tries to change laws specifically in order to endanger animals, and more...
SchNEWS 641, 8th August 2008 Click HERE for PDF version
Hoo U Gonna Coal? - As Camp for Climate Action gets stocked up at Kingsnorth, the proposed site of first new UK coal-fired power station for 30 years.... plus - World climate camp round-up, call-out raised to anti-fascists around the country to combat the BNP?s Red, White and Blue festival next weekend in Derbyshire, it's gore blimey as bull fighting stadium collapses, and more...
Issues 601-650
August 2007- October 2008
Issues 551-600
July 2006 - August 2007
Issues 501-550
June 2005 - July 2006
Issues 451 - 500
April 2004 - June 2005
Issues 401 - 450
April 2003 - April 2004

Issues 351-401
April 2002 - April 2003
These issues are published in the book 'Peace de Resistance':
'As the Forces of Darkness gather for a new attack on Iraq, they're shaken by an unexpected explosion of resistance.
US airbases are invaded; military convoys are blockaded; schoolkids stage mass
walkouts from Manchester to Melbourne; roads are occupied, embassies besieged,
and cities all over the world are brought to a standstill by the biggest mass
demonstrations ever seen. Read about the efforts to sabotage the war machine that
the corporate media ignored: not just the mass demos, but Tornado-trashing in
Scotland, riots across the Middle East, and train blockades in Europe. Featuring
SchNEWS 351-401, this book also covers many of the past year's other stories from
the rebel frontlines, including GM crop-trashing, international activists in Palestine,
and the 10th anniversary of Castlemorton. All that plus loads of new articles,
photos, cartoons, subverts, satire, a comprehensive contacts list, and more...'
PLUS INCLUDES FREE CD-ROM by BEYOND TV featuring footage of many of the actions reported in the book, satire plus other digital resources
"Peace de Resistance"
ISBN 09529748 7 8
£7.00 inc. p&p direct from us.
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Issues 301-350
April 2001 - April 2002
These issues are published in the book 'SchNEWS Of The World':
The temperature goes up a few notches as the earth's climate has its hottest year on record -
and the corporate carve-up lifts its tempo in the paranoia and madness of September
11th. Behind the haze Argentina goes into meltdown. Israel reoccupies Palestine
causing a second Intifada. Hundreds of thousands come out on the street in Genoa,
Quebec, Gothenburg, Barcelona, Brussels against globalised institutions. Even
larger numbers fight for their land and livelihood against neo-liberalism in South
Africa, India, South America and the rest of the global south.
These 50 issues plus 200 other pages of articles, cartoons, photos, graphics, satire, and a comprehensive contact database are all together in...
SchNEWS Of The World.
300 pages, ISBN 09529748 6 X, £4 inc. p&p direct from us.
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Issues 251-300
March 2000 - April 2001
These issues are published in the book 'SchNEWS/Squall Yearbook 2001':
The Zapatistas march into Mexico City, thousands disrupt the World Bank meeting in
Prague, Churchill gets an anarchist make-over: from Bognor to Bogota, Dudley to
Delhi, and Kilburn to Melbourne, resistance has become as global as the institutions
of capitalism. This was a year full of stories of people at the frontline of struggles
worldwide, and creating sustainable solutions to the corporate carve-up of the
planet. These 50 issues of SchNEWS along with the best of Squall magazine, plus
loadsa photos, cartoons, satirical graphics, subverts, and a comprehensive contacts
database are available together in....
SchNEWS/Squall Yearbook 2001
300 pages, ISBN 09529748 4 3, BARGAIN - £3.00 inc. p&p direct
from us.
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Issues 201-250
February 1999 - March 2000
These issues are published in the book 'SchQUALL':
Genetically modified crops get trashed, animal rights, freemasons, June 18th '99 international day
of action against capitalism, Exodus Collective, Cuba, the November 30th '99 Battle
for Seattle, climate change, parties and festivals, indigenous peoples' resistance
to multinational corporations, the privatisation of everything in sight, crap
arrests of the week, prisoner support and much more
the full lowdown on the
direct action movement in Britain and abroad!
These 50 issues of SchNEWS plus the best of Squall magazine, top photographs, cartoons, subverts and much more are available together in ...
SchQUALL - SchNEWS and Squall Back To Back
SOLD OUT - You might be able to find a copy in your local radical bookshop - if you're lucky.

Issues 151-200
January 1998 - January 1999
These issues are published in the book 'Survival Handbook':
Read all about it! Genetic crop sites get a good kicking; streets reclaimed all over the world; docks occupied in protest of death at work; protestors rude about multinational corporations' plans for world domination...
SchNEWS gives you the news the mainstream media ignores. Tells you where to party and protest. Tries not to get all po-faced about what's going down in the world.
These 50 SchNEWS issues are together with a set of 'survival handbook' stylee articles to help you survive into the new millenium... plus photos, cartoons, a comprehensive database of nearly five hundred grassroots organisations and more in...
Survival Handbook
SOLD OUT - You might be able to find a copy
in your local radical bookshop - if you're lucky.

Issues 101-150
December 1996 - January 1998
These issues are published in the book 'SchNEWS Annual':
"The McLibel trial ends, Manchester Airport second runway protest camp goes mad, eviction at Fairmile,
the GANDALF Trial, anti-nuclear demos in Germany, the massive Reclaim The Streets that took back Trafalgar Square... New Labour breaking each and every promise
they ever made.
These 50 issues are together with loads more pics, graphics and articles in...
SchNEWS Annual
230 pages, ISBN: 0-9529748-1-9, £BARGAIN - £2.00 inc. p&p direct from us.
This Book

Issues 51-100
December 1995 - November 1996
These issues are published in the book 'SchNEWS Round':
Direct Action takes over England... M41 motorway gets occupied in huge Reclaim The Streets party...
The Third Battle Of Newbury... plus the national SchLIVE Tour, the Liverpool Dockers go 'direct action', resistance to Jobseekers Allowance, Exodus Collective, Trident
Ploughshares women go free after smashing Hawk Jet, Selar Opencast Mine protest camp, Fairmile - A30 protest camp, Wandsworth Eco-village, the Squatter's Estate
Agency...SchNEWS publishes the inside story from the activists themselves!
The 50 issues of SchNEWS featuring all this stuff, plus 60 extra pages of photos, cartoons, more articles plus the 1996 activists database is available in...
SchNEWS Round
SOLD OUT - You might be able to find a copy in your local radical bookshop - if you're lucky.

Issues 1-50
November 1994 - November 1995
These issues are published in the book 'SchNEWS Reader':
Where It All Began...
From the pilot edition edition right through the first year of SchNEWS featuring
the first of many Crap Arrest Of The Weeks, the Criminal Justice Act 'Arrestometer',
and a running commentary of resistance as the sections of the Criminal Justice
Act come in attacking Travellers, Squatters, Hunt Sabs, Ravers, Protesters, Footie
Fans and freedom in general. In the news was... Shoreham Live Animal Export protests,
the end of the No-M11 Link Rd campaign, Pollok Free State anti-M77 protest in
Glasgow, eviction of Stanworth Valley 'village in the trees' near Blackburn against
the building of the M65, opencast mining protest camps in South Wales and much
These historic 50 issues of SchNEWS, plus loadsa cartoons by Kate
Evans and more are available in...
SOLD OUT Rare as hen's teeth. If you missed out you can read most of
the SchNEWS issues here - and if you really want to see em as they were you can
download scans of them....
Every article from the pilot issue in November 1994 through to the final issue in September 2014.
See SchNEWS Issue Archive