| Friday 20th June 2008 | Issue
636 Back to the Full Issue
BUSH WHACKINGThe planned STW/SWP demo against Dubyas
last UK visit on Monday was more exiting than yer standard marchnchant
affair. Despite the best efforts of the Stop the War coalition to serve
up a generic McMarch against the Worlds No.1 Terrorist, an up-fer-it
crowd of some 2,000 people defied the wishes of the police and STW stewards and
tried their damnedest to deliver their message in person to Whitehall.
The rally started around 5pm. George Gallotwat, Tony Against The War But
For The Warmakers Benn and Lindsey Vanguard German all made
their appearance, alongside Peoples (or is it Hellos)
favourite Bianca Jagger, all on hand to provide a soporific voice-over to the
demo. The march had initially been banned by police, who threatened to
use powers originally brought in to quell the Chartists in 1839. The demo
proper started around 6.30. Led by a samba band, the crowd went from Parliament
Square towards Whitehall. Once the crowd met the lines of police, the demo broke
out of its traditional conformity and a bit of genuine argy-bargy ensued. Either
hoping for a bit of street cred or caught out by the turn of events, onlookers
spotted Gallotwat and Bianca in the fray. Once up against the pig pens
the crowd started pushing, busting down the fences in one place, gee'd on by Parliament
Square's badge-headed resident MC Brian Haw. Afraid of losing control of the situation,
the police hit back, pushing and shoving while hitting people with their batons.
For good measure they also broke some hippy drums. The protesters used
the Stop the War/ SWP banners for the only thing theyre any good for - bashing
the cops. Meanwhile, the Socialist Worker stalwarts bravely hung around the back
and sold papers. As it all kicked off the STW stewards showed their true
allegiances as they started ordering the crowd to obey the police and leave quietly.
At one point they had their backs to the police and were physically blocking the
demonstrators from getting any closer to Bush and his minions. This went on for
about 1 ½ hours as people tried to get closer to Whitehall. They didnt
succeed, but a valiant effort by all concerned. There were further clashes
when people tried to get around the back of St James Park, only to be met by police
in riot gear, who soon put a stop to their fun. There was nobody masked
up at the demo, even those in the front lines werent disguised in any way.
Compounding this naivety, after the demo people hung around Parliament Square,
only to be picked off by police snatch squads. Next time perhaps bring a scarf..?  
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