| Friday 20th June 2008 | Issue
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NOTTS LANDINGHicham Yezza, the Nottingham student
held under anti-terror laws on bogus and threatened with deportation to Algeria
having been in Britain for 13 years, has been released after 31 days (for background
see SchNEWS 634). He and another student were arrested
on May 14th for downloading an Al Qaeda training manual off a US government site
for research purposes. After the six day interrogation process was over
he was immediately re-arrested and accused of living in the UK illegally and threatened
with deportation. The Home Office tried to claim that he had no close ties in
Britain, when in fact he is a well known campus activist and magazine editor,
and hundreds of references attested to his positive character. A campaign worked
to see the release of Hich and now will fight to secure his right to remain in
the country. He has been granted bail, and immigration law specialist firm Cartwright
King will represent Hich in a judicial review. On his release Hich said:
Being detained for the past 31 days has been the most harrowing experience
of my life. The support my campaign has received from thousands of friends and
supporters - including MPs academics, artists and concerned citizens in Nottingham
and beyond - has been nothing short of inspirational and has sustained me through
this difficult time. For more tel 07948 590262 or see www.freehichamyezza.wordpress.com  
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