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Issue 636 Articles:

Along For Fluoride

Never Mind The Balluchs

Demolition Derby

Notts Landing

Bush Whacking

Jockson Five


Party & Protest

And Finally


Home | Friday 20th June 2008 | Issue 636

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...And Finally...

Evidence that electoral politics is a sham is an everyday occurrence here in Britain, but recent local election results in other countries get our vote in a farce-past-the-post pole. Last Sunday, the Romanian village of Voinesti re-elected their mayor of eighteen years, Neculai Ivascu. It seems that Ivascu was by far and away the most popular and charismatic candidate despite the small matter of being, er, dead. One resident told Romanian TV, “I know he died but I don’t want change.” The authorities handed the post to the runner-up, but now Ivascu’s Social Democrat Party want a new vote.

At least they bothered to vote, unlike another mayoral election on June the 10th in North Dakota, US, where nobody actually voted, including the candidates. Apparently the turn-out is usually around 6 in a total electorate of about 25, but with nobody at all bothering this time the sitting mayor Darrel Brudevold was re-instated unopposed. And his wife retained her seat as a councillor. It wasn’t helped by the fact that there wasn’t a polling booth in the town, and voters had to travel twelve miles to vote. Apparently the non-existant opposition didn’t demand a recount.

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