Vaguely sane people are now well acquainted with
the biggest hoax of the day - the corporate/governmental
response to climate change. Their solutions to the planet’s
desperate situation inevitably involve increasing growth and consumption,
with the biggest joke of all being energy policy: not only ramping
up the nuclear programme (see SchNEWS 618)
but by building loads of new coal fired power stations (one a week
opening in China, loads going up in the US, and see SchNEWS
623 for the UK attitude). Yes coal, that single most polluting
fossil fuel of all - the burning of which from a couple of centuries
ago onwards, started all this climate choking in the first place!
So this year, activists around the world decided
to have another go at pointing out the madness of it all and one
day in particular seemed most appropriate: April Fools Day.
All it needed was rebranding for the occasion (set your phasers
to pun) as: Fossil Fuels Day.
And pranksters from every global corner rose to
the challenge and came out in force. Here’s the potted SchNEWS
round-up of some many climate-in-jeopardy japes:
WALES: early-bird activists occupied
and halted work at one of the biggest opencast coal mines in Europe
at Ffos-y-Fran, near Methyr Tydfil. From 6am they barricaded the
entrance to the site, with several climbing onto the roof of the
coal washery and others chaining themselves to machinery. Later
they unfurled a 36 metre banner across the main building saying
‘Coal: the black hole in UK climate policy.’
This opencast mine is within 36 metres of local
homes – which would be illegal in England or Scotland, and
no compensation has been offered for those affected. After being
delayed by almost 20 years due to local protests, it is operated
by Miller Argent Ltd and will mine 10.8 million tonnes of coal,
causing over 30 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions. Use
of coal power stations has risen by 10% in the past decade, giving
the UK higher CO2 emissions than ever. For more see
Two days later (3rd), people from Bristol, Bath,
Cardiff and Oxford joined forces to successfully blockade Aberthaw
power station, Wale's worst polluter. Some locked on to the main
gates, halting all deliveries for over five hours and causing tailbacks
of a mile and a half. Unamused cops responded by nicking nearly
NORFOLK: Over twenty activists,
at times applauded by locals, blocked both ends of the road leading
to the UK’s largest off shore gas terminal at Bacton in Norfolk,
where 40% of the UK’s domestic gas comes in. Whilst unable
to take on the heavily militarised facility directly, they were
in place from 6.30am, preventing access for construction workers,
deliveries and shift workers. As they heard that cops were arresting
just about everyone at one end, the other group decided to call
in a day and managed to sneak past a roadblock, getting waved through
like a recreation of the movie Leon... before their van was later
pulled over and they were all nicked. 19 have now been bailed to
return to the area on May 2nd – just one day after the date
of another callout for action at the terminal...
LONDON: On the South Bank, one
bunch of visionary activists launched a new brand of thirst-quenching
drink, EV-EON - Unnaturally Carbonated Water. The planet-cooling-but-still-profitable
refreshment idea was to use carbon die-oxide captured at the planned
new E.ON run coal power station at Kingsnorth (see SchNEWS
623) to make fizzy water in order to store that carbon safely
inside consumers – as long as they remember not to burp or
breathe it out!
Any confused punters were swiftly educated about
the great carbon capture greenwash scam. Hailed as the ‘clean’
way to burn coal – the technology is nowhere near ready for
commercial use (if ever). It was trotted out by the government as
justification for going ahead with the Kingsnorth plant, even though
they then instantly caved in when E.ON whinged that it wasn’t
profitable enough to implement (see SchNEWS
623). For more about the spoof product and some funny madvertising,
Before all this, Rising Tide had kicked off a
day early (31st) by visiting the Football Association headquarters
to give them a red card for accepting sponsorship from E.ON.
NOTTINGHAM: E.ON’s offices
were targeted by 30 people. First thing in the morning, activists
covered in green paint - human examples of greenwash - locked on
to the front entrance, stopping workers from getting in to start
another day’s planet-bashing. Police later broke up the demo
and arrested two.
NEWCASTLE: Howay the activists
who blocked the gates of a Hummer dealership with a ‘Car
Culture Kills the Climate’ banner. Even though persistent
workers were allowed through, one determined job nut rammed into
the people stood across the gates with two ending up on the bonnet
of the car after being hit. Cops turned up - only to arrest the
protesters for criminal damage to the car! - confiscating all their
cameras and video tapes as ‘evidence’ into the bargain.
In a calm, proportional response to the threat, they later raided
both arrestees houses taking computers and ripping up floorboards.
EDINBURGH: Tens of gas guzzling
4×4’s and swanky sports cars in posh areas of the city
were left feeling a little flat after activists attacked them armed
only with humble mung beans, placing them in the tyre valves - causing
the slow, hissing emission of tyre air.
hour drivers gridlocked at the town’s busiest roundabout were
confronted with a banner reading simply: “Worried
about Climate Change? Stuck in Traffic? Get a Bike!”
LONDON: Rising Tide ruffians
occupied the offices of Y&R, the lovely ad-men behind the latest
Land Rover ads (not to mention another new campaign for arms company
BAe Systems). They drew attention to the brains behind the spin
by distributing a spoof press release claiming Y&R were proud
to be dreaming up publicity for a new civilian version of the harrier
jump jet. The two creativists involved were arrested. Meanwhile
an audience of cockneys and polar bears outside a posh Porsche showroom
were treated to a mock ‘apology’ from the car company,
for damaging the environment and lobbying against the higher congestion
charge for super-gas-guzzlers.
There were also occupations at an Esso in PLYMOUTH,
Shell and Waitrose in SHEFFIELD, and a Shell in SOUTHAMPTON.
CAMBRIDGE: A Royal Bank of Scotland
branch in Hills Road was occupied as protesters climbed on to the
canopy of the building with a banner re-branding the bank as “RBS
– The Oil and Gas Bank: Climate Criminal”.
WORTHING: Activists turned to
high street theatre to shout about the climate crimes of RBS, Natwest
and Thomson travel agents, after which a upset polar bear went into
the local Natwest branch and closed down his account in protest.
And there’s not even space to tell you about
some of the other many actions and spoofery all over the UK, including
in Hull, Hastings, Glasgow and Norwich. Or anti-shopping actions
by clowns in Edinburgh and fancy-dressers in sleepy Leamington Spa.
Not to mention the big Fossil Fools day parade in central Manchester...
or the anti-Newhaven incinerator actions in Brighton. So to all
you jesters out there - we think that’s what you call a good
days work.
* To prove that Brits aren’t the only one’s
with a sense of humour, there were similar Fool’s day high
jinks in Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and America...
For fuller reports on all the april 1st antics

EDO Tour
The national Smash EDO Tour 2008 is on -
touring the UK (and beyond) and screening On The Verge.
It will give those involved the chance to discuss tactics,
get feedback, and organise for the future.
Upcoming dates...
April: 9th - Norwich - The Workshop, 8pm
11th - London - Housmans Bookshop, 7pm
14th - Liverpool - TBA
15th - Newcastle - Star & Shadow Cinema, Battlefield,
Cnr Stepney Bank & Crawhall Road, Newcastle. Ph 0191 261
17th - Edinburgh - The Forest Cafe, 3 Bristo Pl, Edinburgh,
EH1 1EY. Ph 0131 220 4538
18th - Glasgow - The Quakers Centre
19th - Aberdeen - Aberdeen Uni
For updates and more info see...

A SchNEWS correspondent visiting Palestine writes...
“I never thought I would miss the intifada, but in many ways
the situation in Palestine now is so much worse. From dying on their
feet, it’s people have been reduced to living on their knees.
When I returned to the West Bank after an absence of four years,
I was alarmed to discover that talk of resistance is met with scepticism.
People have seen it all before: non-violent resistance crushed,
armed resistance destroyed, negotiations devoid of substance. After
so long now, all that remains, for the vast bulk of people, is just
to get by day-to-day, to feed their families and educate their children
in the hope that the next generation may have a better chance. While
this is the goal of most people, Abbas’ Fatah government is
quietly getting away with a form of oppression the Israelis before
could only dream of achieving.
The Palestinians have been fighting for their
rights for as long as any people have. After the Arabs fought alongside
the British to rid themselves of Ottoman domination, they were rewarded
with division. First the Sykes-Picot agreement divided the Arab
nation into puppet states for control by Britain and France. Then
the Arabs of Palestine had to face the Zionists, who claimed Palestine
as the ‘national home for the Jewish people’. It is
surprising how little has changed in the intervening decades.
The Palestinians have been resisting so long now,
always against a superior force of arms, never on the winning side,
always against the Western powers.
The first Intifada was the first time since the
great Arab revolt of ‘36 that the Palestinians took matters
into their own hands. Organising themselves en masse, they took
to the streets, defied military orders, met tanks with stones, and
nearly brought the Israeli army to a standstill. They boycotted
Israeli goods, and educated themselves when the Israelis closed
down the universities. The generation that has just reached adulthood
has no first hand memory of this struggle.
It’s deeply unfortunate that the resistance
inside Palestine has died down just as resistance abroad has grown
stronger than ever. The Palestine solidarity movement in Europe
is arguably stronger now than it has ever been, especially in the
UK where the boycott of Israel by unions and academic bodies has
achieved successes unimaginable just a few years ago.
Coming to Palestine and working in solidarity
with the people here is a challenge to say the least. People have
their stories of repression and torture at the hands of the Israelis.
People see the settlements grow and take their land. When asked
what we can do as concerned foreigners, whereas before they said
“tell the world what is happening to our people”,
now they say “we need money and computers”.
It is not entirely selfish. For seven years or so internationals
have been coming to stand in solidarity with Palestinians, dutifully
returning home and writing articles for local newspapers and speaking
to the concerned. And, seven years later, the official media still
has the narrative of ‘Israeli security versus Palestinian
terrorism’, and still refers to the occupation as a ‘conflict’.
Even as the awareness of the plight of the Palestinians has grown
exponentially amongst people in the West, this awareness remains
divorced from the policies and public statements of the western
leaders (not that the Arab leaders are any better).
This is definitely a ‘lull’ in resistance.
Perhaps it is unrealistic to expect that after being beaten down
so hard for so long people are willing to stand up for more of the
same. Also, now there is the double threat. Not only from the Israelis,
but also from the Palestinian Authority (PA), who are a much more
effective oppressor than the Israeli Defence Force (IDF). Despite
the Israelis’ force of arms they were never able to reach
inside the population effectively. After 40 years they never went
beyond an army of foreign occupation. The PA with its network of
mukhabarat (secret police, spies and informers) has penetrated into
every organisation, every union, every facet of society. ‘Every
family has a mukhabarat’ is not far from the truth now. In
return for a salary and preferential access healthcare and education,
all that is required is a steady flow of information and the occasional
act of disruption. In persuading Fatah and the PLO to do its work,
Israel has finally achieved the level of control it has always sought
for completion of the Zionist project.
The armed groups, even those allied to Fatah,
are being systematically wiped out in close coordination with the
Israelis. Even non-violent resistance to the occupation is now feeling
the weight of the Bantustan dictatorship upon it. The head of the
(stubbornly independent) Stop the Wall Committee, Jamal Jumar, was
arrested and briefly imprisoned by the Palestinian security forces
during a demonstration in Ramallah against the Annapolis talks.
Palestinians who are involved in the boycott movement have been
privately warned that what they do is against the interests of the
PA. And if none of this was quite blatant enough, when Bush visited
one month later the Israelis loaned a couple of their armoured personnel
carriers to the Palestinian Authority so that they could better
oppress their people.
A recent experience gave me a glimpse into how
much more complete the oppression of Palestinians by their own authority
can be. I wanted to take a walk in the hills but was stopped by
a Palestinian checkpoint. What transpired was to be an education
in the reality of modern Palestine. What at first looked like a
group of men trying to catch a taxi turned out to be police from
the Preventative Security Force. They stopped me and demanded to
see my passport. They asked where I were staying. “Where?
With who?” I told them. There’s little point lying to
these cops. Unlike Israeli soldiers, they know the families, the
houses, who’s related to whom, their occupations and political
They went through the same routine as Israeli
soldiers, only with that special Palestinian politeness- they smiled
a lot, offered me cigarettes, even as they detained me “for
five minutes”. More questions, and then, unsure what to do,
they called for backup. Another 4x4 arrived with the commander,
who wanted to know who I was, checked my passport again, and what
I was doing here. I explained about the Friendship and Solidarity
group that I was working with. They still wanted to know exactly
what I did. “I work with the university.” They seemed
satisfied with this, wrote it down on their notepads, and asked
to look in my bag. It was as if they were playing at being Israelis
at a checkpoint, like the kids do here, only these men were armed
with Kalashnikovs and uniforms. They’ve all been stopped at
checkpoints, they know the routine. They’ve had plenty of
opportunities to learn from the Israelis. It’s telling that
the longest time I’ve been questioned at a checkpoint here,
and the only time I have been detained at one, was by Palestinians
rather than Israelis.
Earlier I’d had the chance to talk to a
member of the Preventative Security, one of the many internal security
agencies of the PA. I asked him about his job. “Hamas
hate us” He said. “We have to watch them. They’re
bad news.” I said that I’d heard that Hamas have
charities, that they run clinics and schools, and provide relief
for the poor. Did he have to watch these as well? “Oh
yes. If I find someone who's Hamas, I take him to the police station.”
It has been a long journey from Intifada to the
current situation. The two lasting political legacies of the first
Intifada: the creation of the Palestinian Authority and the rise
of the Hamas movement, have both lost their legitimacy. The PA’s
insatiable appetite for corruption disillusioned people long ago,
and Hamas’ armed takeover of Gaza was a step too far for most
people to accept. Palestine has been torn into two pieces, one piece
starved half to death, the other cowed by a Fatah-controlled PA
that is more than willing to do the work of Israel and the US in
return for concessions (yet to be seen) at the negotiation table.
When the Palestinian Authority was first created
on the back of the Oslo talks in 1993, it was because the first
Intifada had made the Palestinians ungovernable by the occupation
forces. The plan, to put the cities under the control of the PLO/PA,
did not come from any altruism from the Israelis, but because the
Israelis were incapable of doing the job themselves. The post Oslo
period began the process of co-opting, binding the PLO to Israel’s
agenda, but as Israel tightened the grip of the occupation and stalled
progress for peace the process inevitably broke down.
Perversely, Palestinian civil society benefited
in some ways from the second intifada. By pushing Arafat literally
into a corner it meant that the PA and the Palestinians were united
against the external threat. By bombing the police stations and
killing uniformed policemen, the Israelis gave the Palestinians
a dubious gift in that the Palestinian internal security system
was simply not able to function, even if it wanted to.
With the self-serving corruption of al Fatah,
Abbas had virtually no support amongst Palestinians, and threw his
lot in with the Americans and Israelis. The Annapolis Conference
did nothing to raise peoples’ hopes, convened as it was more
to elevate the status of the failing Bush Administration than it
had anything to do with peace or justice here. The undemocratic
nature of the latest Abbas government ensures that the people are
not privy to the negotiations. Meanwhile, local spectators to the
event say that the Palestinians need their own Annapolis, between
Hamas and Fatah, the West Bank and Gaza, before they can sit down
with Israel and discuss the future with their occupiers.
Since the Hamas takeover of Gaza gave Mahmood
Abbas the excuse to crush dissent in the West Bank, this new Palestine
has been sleepwalking into dictatorship. The PA is finally doing
the one thing that Arafat, whilst he was still alive, refused to
do: turn itself into a colonial police force for the Israelis. Recently
Abbas decided to defy Palestinian law and dissolve the (Hamas led)
Palestine Legislative Council (the Palestinian ‘Senate’).
When the Israelis killed 120 people in Gaza last month, it looked
like Abbas had had second thoughts about allying himself so closely
to Israel when he took the unheard (for him) step of cancelling
the negotiations with the Israelis. No matter though, after two
days and a visit from Condi Rice and he was back at the table, even
as the Israelis continued to bomb Gaza from above.
However, when the PA tortured to death the popular
(and Hamas affiliated) cleric Majed Barghouti, riots and demos broke
out around Ramallah. This is Abbas and his government’s predicament.
He needs to rely on Israel and the United States to maintain his
position, but the more that he does the more support goes to his
rivals. Recent polls suggest that despite (or perhaps because of)
the repression that the Hamas movement has suffered they would still
win a national election.
It seems that Abbas and the PA have been learning
from that master of political cynicism, Nicolo Machiavelli, who
said that, given a choice of rule by love or by fear a leader will
chose fear, because while the population controls its love, the
ruler controls its fear. In this case, that fear is augmented by
regular infusions of money, weapons and political backing from the
US State Department.
* For news and updates see also
* To take direct action see

“We got rid of the 'brotherly' Russian
army in 90s and we don’t want another one in its place.”
- Polish anti-military campaigner.
Last Saturday saw the first big demo held in Poland
against the US military setting up bases in the country –
but it was the morning after the protest that police repression
kicked in. Around 1000 demonstrated against the installation of
a US missile base near Slupsk, northern Poland at a site due to
hold up to ten silo-based long-range missile defence interceptors,
part of the ‘Star Wars’ programme.
The US are coming in with offers that the Polish govt can’t
refuse – i.e. having US bases and buying US weaponry into
the bargain.
The demo started with an open meeting outside
the town hall, with speakers including veterans of World War II,
and other locals equally against the US base in their backyard.
The day was organised by the Polish Campaign Against Militarism
– bringing together the Anarchist Federation, Greenpeace,
the Union of Syndicalists, non-affiliated protesters and practically
every other anarchist and anti-authoritarian group in Poland. Also
out in force were the residents of Slupsk. The demonstration had
a ‘No Logos’ rule to avoid political parties using the
demo to advertise themselves, but that didn’t stop the Young
Socialists trying to fly their flag. The demo then followed through
the city, with samba bands, street theatre and vegan food by Food
Not Bombs.
At the end of the street demo, around 100 peeled
off and marched the four kilometres to the site of the future base
at Redzikowo, a disused former Soviet base. Riot police were on
the gates of the base, and many more arrived in numbers in helicopters
and vans. Initially however they couldn’t find a reason why
the protesters shouldn’t be there as there isn’t a base,
and only threatened to arrest for not following police orders, not
Demonstrators moved to the main gate to try and
jump it, and police arrived with dogs. When most of the group left,
those who remained were attacked by dogs – one woman was bitten,
and police started fining protesters for various stupid offences
like having a black flag on their car. One was arrested for ‘cursing’,
and fined US$300.
The real reaction from the state began much later
that night, after the post-demo techno party at a pub in Slupsk.
At 5am Sunday, after police had followed people back to someone’s
flat, they broke in – illegally without a warrant –
and attacked people who were sleeping, under the pretext that they
were ‘disturbing the night silence’.
People were gassed and beaten with batons and a total of twenty
three were nicked. One man’s arm was thought to be broken,
and he was taken to hospital but escaped to alert others about the
raid. Eight people were charged with ‘insulting police
officers’ and ‘violating the untouchibility
of police’ – a charge regularly used in Poland
against people defending themselves against police attack. Fifteen
people got fines for “disturbing the night silence”.
After 12 hours of interrogation some were released, while the rest
were held until 3pm on the Monday.
On Sunday at 1pm a group of 30 arrived at the
police station where the arrestees were being held and staged protest,
but it’s said that due to the media attention none were attacked.
Slupsk’s cops are notorious for their brutality- soon is the
10th anniversary of the death of thirteen-year-old Przemek Czaja,
killed by police on the street which ended in three days of riots.
With news of the arrests getting out. spontaneous protests against
police brutality took part in Torun and Olsztyn.
Public opinion in Poland against US military bases
in the country is firmly against, despite the government propaganda
Last Friday and Saturday solidarity vigils were
held for the Polish protests in Prague, Dublin, London, Hamburg,
Moscow, Washington, and the US spy base at Fylingdales, North Yorkshire.
In Berlin the Polish Embassy was targeted with spraypaint. There
had been various actions all over Poland days before the protest
such as fly posting, banner drops and leafleting.
* Legal support – financial help is required
for the arrestees (about £700 for a solicitor) – email
(in English/Polish) to
* Email
* For info in English see

Even as the government was declaring its hellbent
intent to keep the troops in Iraq indefinitely – citing the
levels of violence that last week killed hundreds, their immigration
arm was busy forcefully deporting 55 Iraqis back to Iraq with the
laughable-if-it-were-not-so-serious claim that it was ‘safe’
for them to go back.
Early on Thursday (3rd) morning, the Home Office
sent in special armed guards to Campsfield and Colnbrook detention
centres. They rounded up the unlucky refugees and put them on a
coach that whisked them off for either a special military or Jordanian
Airlines flight.
The hypocrisy of it all is made even plainer when
you read the current travel advice from the Foreign and Commonwealth
Office: “We advise against all travel to Baghdad and its
surrounding area, the provinces of Basra, Maysan, Al Anbar, Salah
Ad Din, Diyala, Wasit, Babil, Ninawa and At-Tamim... We also advise
against all but essential travel to the provinces of Al Qadisiyah,
Muthanna, Najaf, Karbala, and Dhi Qar. The security situation in
Iraq remains highly dangerous with a continuing high threat of terrorism
throughout Iraq, violence and kidnapping…”
Since they were taken by the home office goons,
six of the detainees have gone missing. They were put on a German
plane and then flown to northern Iraq, in the area under the Kurdish
Regional Government. Not knowing where they had ended up, they refused
the leave their plane before being attacked and pushed off the plane
at gunpoint by KRG soldiers. One detainee, Rizar Bahem, tried to
reason with the guards, saying “I’m not from Kurdistan,
why are you leaving me here?” He received a blow from
the butt of a soldier’s gun for an answer.
The deportees are not the first to be forcefully deported to the
most dangerous place on earth, and, if the government has its way,
they won’t be the last.
Meanwhile, the same government plans to airlift
some 2000 Iraqis who have been cooperating by working closely with
the British Occupation forces, taking them directly to sunny Slough
(perhaps in the hope that they’ll take the first flight home
once they’ve experienced that particular cultural desert).
* For more see

In Romania this Wednesday (2nd) riot police violently
clamped down on a convergence centre for protests in the lead up
to the NATO gathering in Bucharest. In shades of Genoa 2001, the
legally rented space was raided by armoured riot police, protesters
badly beaten - hospitalising two – and 46 were arrested. Indymedia
reports claim that some have been beaten in custody and others have
been refused treatment for injuries while in the lock-up. And this
attack was before the protests have even begun.
With a 27,000 police out in force across the city
to quell protests, all likely-looking people – particularly
those coming and going from the convergence centre, and those entering
at the borders - have been detained. Known Romanian activists have
been visited by police and threatened or their families intimidated.
The NATO summit – complete with the Bush
entourage having one of its last European jaunts – is this
time all about the expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe, and first
off to bring Romania and Ukraine into the fold. Following its complete
failure to act to stop the Iraq invasion, it’s recently been
seen as attempting to carve a new role for itself as global policeman
– the recent rhetoric is all about working to counter the
ubiquitous ‘terrorist threat’.
For more see

According to one study produced this week a third
of British people are ‘paranoid’ -
here’s one reason they might be right. (And no this really
isn’t an April Fools story, honest.)
DARPA (the Pentagon’s Frankenstein department)
have unveiled the results of their latest meddling with nature –
cybernetic insects. The HI-MEMS project (Hybrid Insect - Micro Mechanical
System) has succeeded in implanting cybernetic devices inside the
pupae of beetles and moths. Project manager Amit Lal boasts that
“new tissue forms around the insertions, making the bio-electronic
interface long-lasting and reliable.” A Manduca moth
had its thorax truncated to reduce its mass and a MEMS device added
where abdominal segments would have been, during the larval stage.
Then there’s the cyborg beetle – re-engineered
by DARPA with extra oxygen in an attempt to increase er ‘payload
capacity’ with the possibility of full remote control. A robot
Hawkmoth is also in the prototype stages. The ultimate goal of the
HI-MEMS program “is the delivery of an insect within five
metres of a specific target located a hundred meters away, using
electronic remote control, and/or global positioning system (GPS)”.
If that doesn’t bug you then the real game in the field of
nanobiotechnology is that the creepy crawlies become surveillance
platforms – with onboard video, audio, chemical sensors, able
to transmit data home. And being an insect, it could buzz past unnoticed.
There’s only one problem for the boffins,
unfortunately early trials demonstrate that insects “may
be diverted from their task by stronger influences" -
i.e. all that eating, pollinating and reproducing that they’ve
evolved to do over the last hundred million years.

SchNEWS warns all readers - wise men learn more from fools than
fools from the wise. Honest!