Home | Friday 2nd May 2008 | Issue 630
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Story Links: Snatch of the Day | Court Out Playing Square | Like a Verge On? | Shac Rattle & Roll | Party & Protest | Catch the Ferry | Uni-Lateral Action | And Finally
“Following on from the successful day of action
on UN International Migrant’s Day on
18th December last year, we want to maintain
the pressure on the frontline agencies
of so-called ‘Managed Migration’.” - Paul
Johnson from the UK No Borders Network.
Protests against the forced removal of migrant
families have been continuing (see
SchNEWS 618), with a second ‘UK-Wde
Day of Action Against Immigration Snatch
Squads’ taking place last Thursday. The actions
happened in the early hours in order to
intercept snatch squads as they attempted to
leave on dawn raids to forcibly take asylum
seekers into custody for deportation. Although activists found themselves being
greeted by numerous police vans when
they arrived at the Norman House removal
centre in Portsmouth, campaigners in Newcastle
and Cardiff had more success. Protestors from the South Wales No
Borders network successfully blockaded the
Cardiff offices of the Border and Immigration
Agency (BIA) from 5am, preventing snatch
squads from leaving the building and holding
a picket outside. In North Shields, Northumberland, activists
managed to blockade the car park of the
Northumberland House reporting centre,
while in Newcastle there were banner drops
from key locations around the city. The Leeds No Borders group made their
move the following day with a demonstration
outside the Waterside Court reporting
centre. Leaflets were handed out to the staff
and a stall was set up providing information
about anti-deportation campaigns and the No
Borders network. A ‘Free Shop’ was also set
up and food and drinks were provided for
those having to sign. In Portsmouth however, activists had less
luck and were pulled up by three van loads of
coppers as they were approaching the Norman
House removal centre. Their van was searched
for articles used to commit ‘criminal damage’
under Section 1 of PACE (The Police and
Criminal Evidence Act 1984 – the one that
gives cops all their stop’n’search-for-no-particular-
reason powers, and recently amended
to mean that, in the event of arrest, the right to
legal aid has now become the right to ring a call
centre – see SchNEWS 618). All their D-locks,
chains and arm tubes were confiscated. HARSH PENALTY The Cardiff blockade was drawing attention
to the recent deportation of Ghanaian woman
Ama Sumani, who was being treated for cancer
at the University Hospital of Wales when
she was forcibly sent back to her homeland in
January. With the necessary drugs for her treatment
unavailable in Ghana, she died on March
20th – ironically just days after her family had
learnt that fundraising on Ama’s behalf had
raised £70,000. The Lancet medical journal
called the removal “atrocious barbarism” and
even rock guru Sting was up in arms. The BIA was unmoved though, with its
boss, Lin Homer, telling MPs that there was
nothing important about Ama’s case that stood
out from the pile of other deportations in her
out-tray. Instead, Home Office minister Alun
Michael put the blame on Ghana for not providing
free medical care and told the public that
the real question was, “whether it’s right for
somebody who has no right to be in this country
to be given medical treatment” - errr, if they’re
dying of cancer Alun, here at SchNEWS towers
we think that’s an unreserved ‘yes’. Meanwhile Alun Michael’s sponsors in
the boardrooms of the City of London continue
to clobber Ghana with more than £2 billion
of debt – four times the country’s annual
health budget … but that’s another story. EARLY KICK OFF Not content with picking on the terminally ill,
the newly formed UK Border Agency also happens
to snatch kids from their beds as part of
the ‘managed system of migration’. Careful not
to get a bad press for snatching children from
the class room (or risk solidarity actions from
other parents), BIA goons prefer to remove the
family as a whole while the rest of the world
snoozes in bed. But not everyone’s been sleeping
- with further dawn actions in Glasgow
and Newcastle keeping immigration offi cials
fi rmly in the office and migrant families in their
homes – at least for a little while longer. Some of the migrants facing an early
morning wrestle for their freedom already
have UK passports. Often leave to remain in
the UK is dependent on toeing the line and
forced removals of people busted merely for
a traffic offence have taken place. Even if
you’ve got an appeal pending you can be sent
to a detention centre pending ‘removal.’ The
Home Office has not yet contracted out the
removals system to the private sector, but to
keep some of the expenditure ‘off the balance
sheet’ - as party-donating corporations profi t
from taxpayers money and provide revolving
door jobs for their political chums – they have
handed over the refugee detention centres to
become a nice little earner for companies like
Serco (See SchNEWS 545). Amongst their huge portfolio of publicspirited
contracts - from nuclear weapons
to surveillance to offender tagging to waste
management to railways (see SchNEWS
497) - Serco run detention centres including
Colnbrook and Yarl’s Wood, which is
currently home to hunger striking mothers
in the centre’s ‘family unit’. Seven women,
including two mothers still breastfeeding,
have been starving themselves to highlight
the brutality of the Serco regime and, in
particular, the forced removal of a Burundian
woman and her baby on 17th April. In their
petition the women say, “They treat us like
animals. We are claiming asylum, we’re
not animals. They treat us as if we’ve done
something terrible.” And shareholders get
paid dividents from this line of work... Can’t believe that UK plc snatches kids
from beds and deports the terminally ill to
certain death? No Borders are keeping up the
pressure – why not get involved with your
local group or set one up?
* See www.noborders.org.uk for more
This Saturday (3rd) sees a Day Of Action For
Free Assembly around Parliament Square.
While the government have announced a repeal
of the SOCPA laws limiting protests within one
kilometre of the Houses of Parliament (See
SchNEWS 612), this is not a victory, but rather
a retooling exercise for more police control
powers. Yes, the Met Police support the repeal of
SOCPA - but instead are recommending a beefed
up Public Order Act which would include special
provisions for an area around parliament, plus
an extension of powers to limit demonstrations
elsewhere around the country.
Gather at 1pm at the ‘Charles I Island’,
the roundabout on the south side of Trafalgar
Square, just on the border of the SOCPA exclusion
For more info see http://freedomofassembly.blogspot.com
* Another Neo Labour initiative aimed at
providing the police with new measures to
crack down on civil liberties – the Counter
Terrorism Bill - is due to be voted on in parliament
in June. These laws will undermine the
rights of ‘suspects’, introduce new powers of
detainment and make life harder for immigrant
communities and asylum seekers – particularly
Muslims (See SchNEWS 619). There will be a
demonstration on May 12th at 10 Downing St,
5pm-7pm. Speakers include Mark Thomas...
For more see www.campacc.org.uk
It seems that even students are in the firing line
when in comes to censorship in UK plc. In an
unprecedented lack of concern for freedom of
expression and academic inquiry, Southampton
University has collaborated with Hampshire constabulary
in banning On the Verge, the Smash EDO
campaign film from being shown on campus. The
film was due to be screened on May 2nd, hosted by
student group Green Action. But they were forced
to cancel after pressure from staff members in the
student union, one of whom told them:
“Please be assured that my involvement has
been instigated by external authorities and, while
my primary role is to look after and safeguard
the interests of the Students’ Union, I am also
concerned that you, your colleagues and your
society do not fall foul of legislation.”
The students did not feel able to face down
this pressure, telling SchNEWS: “We are very
disappointed to have had to cancel our showing of ‘On The Verge’ .....in the circumstances, we feel
that we have no other option but hope to put on
an alternative showing in the near future.”
This of course is just the latest episode in the
story of the fi lm they are trying to ban as On the
Verge has faced harassment and censorship since
its ill-fated premiere (see SchNEWS 625).
However, we are not encouraging anyone
to contact George Clegg (Tel: 023 8059 5215
grc@soton.ac.uk), the staff member so keen to
suppress freedom of academic thought to ask him
what action he will be taking against all the other
unlicensed fi lms that are undoubtedly regularly
shown on the campus, or why he ignored the
clause of the licensing act that states that any fi lm
is exempt from certifi cation if its purpose is for
information, education or instruction.
Smash EDO UK Tour Upcoming Dates
5th - Cambridge, The Locomotive, Mill Rd,
7th – Hastings, The Rooms, Western
Rd, 8pm
8th – Birmingham, The Rainbow
Pub, Digbeth, 7.30pm
** For more see www.schnews.org.uk/on-the-verge
* After a torrent of interest: search for ‘On
the Verge’ on yer favourite bit torrent engine
from next week...

SHAC was on the move again last Saturday
(26th) as they marked World Day for Lab Animals by marching through the town of Horsham
- not only a stomping ground for the Crawley and
Horsham hunt, also home to the HLS (Huntingdon
Life Science – see SchNEWS 581) supplier
Novartis UK, where experiments see primates,
guinea-pigs and other animals tortured for profit.
Around 400 campaigners gathered at Horsham
Park to listen to speeches before setting off on the
march through the town centre to Novartis.
At first cops were claiming to be softly policing
the event by only having a few scowling offi cers at
the meet up point. What they didn’t mention was
that people driving past Novartis on the way had
already noticed a paranoid looking amount of riot
vans parked 'secretly' across the road. in a car park.
The amassed plod (what is the collective noun for
police? A thicket?) included the London FIT team
and the ever so smug looking Seany McDonald
from Sussex police (see rival publication www.roughmusic.org.uk issues 8 &15).
This fun cast was completed by members of the
Crawley and Horsham Fox hounds who turned
up and started trying to fi lm people. Not to be
intimidated, the march passed off and somehow
it remained a calm day with no known arrests.
Unfortunately the only excitement came from a
merry band of about seven black-mask-clad kids
who started a bit of argy bargy...
* For more see www.shac.net
For full listings updated weekly see
** 4th - Beltane at Thornborough Henge - Celebrate the beginning of summer. Camping
and music for the entire weekend at Lenthor
Farm, near Northallerton (where a modern Stone
Circle is being constructed). Camping costs £10
for the weekend, or £5 per night (children under
17 free) Near Ripon, in North Yorkshire, from
1pm www.sacredbrigantia.com
** 5th - The
Indymedia Story - Monday Love Special - As
part of a season of events exploring the political
and cultural legacies of 1968, this will present the
history of Indymedia with guest MC Lee Harris,
footsoulja of ‘68. At Roxy Bar & Screen, London
Bridge SE1, 7pm, tel 07779294342
** May 9-
11 - Big Blether 6 - A gathering for activists to
share ideas, information and enthusiasm, with
everyone welcome. At Talamh Life Centre, 30
miles South of Glasgow www.bigblether.org.uk
** 10th - 1968 and All That - Be Realistic! Demand the Impossible! An international conference
and bookfair to celebrate the hopes and
dreams of May 1968 - forty years after. With
films, food, art, books and talks from veterans
of ‘68 from many of the countries involved. At
Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1,
10am–10pm. www.1968andallthat.net
** 10th
- National Palestine Demonstration in central
London to commemorate the Nakba and continuing
dispossession and denial of Palestinian
rights. Meet 1pm at Temple tube/Victoria
Embankment, rally in Trafalgar Square. www.palestinecampaign.org
Z-list celeb and fox hunt scumbag Otis Ferry is
up in court. On 7th May he visits Cheltenham
Magistrates Court for assaulting two female hunt
monitors (not hunt saboteurs as the mainstream
press reported) and stealing their video camera.
In a rare instance of police taking action against
the hunters who attack anti-hunt protesters, he
was arrested the day after attacking the two
hunt monitors for having the cheek to film him
on the Heythrop Hunt. Otis attacked one of the
women by trying to pull her out of her car by the
arm, stole the video camera and tried to forcibly
remove the keys to the car.
By rights they should be throwing the book at
him of course, but Otis has a history of being rather
tefl on-coated as far the law goes. In February he
was cleared of criminal damage after successfully
snatching the car keys of two tabloidistas to stop
them from snapping his paparazzi-whore girlfriend
Sienna Miller (if he doesn’t like the fast life he
shouldn’t be riding the starlet-express?).
Ferry also previously got a mere caution for
invading the Houses of Parliament, and amazingly
managed to keep his driving license after being
caught sky high over the drink-drive limit. He did
this by claiming his mates had bought him treble
vodkas when he thought they were only singles!
Well that’s ok then! Remember, it’s one rule for
them and we wouldn’t recommended any non-elite
SchNEWS readers try this Ferry tale in similar
Two students at the University of Nottingham
held a hunger strike last week to highlight the
on-going siege in Gaza, as well as to put pressure
on the University to cease investing in the arms
trade. Over four hundred Palestinians have been
killed in the Gaza Strip in the last 5 months, whilst
food and medicines are scarce due to Israel’s
continued blocking of all borders.
Along with a number of UK Universities,
all happy to put fi nancial gain ahead of any
silly qualms about ethics, Nottingham invests
in companies who have a vested interest in the
continuation of this type of suffering, forces for
good like BAe and Rolls Royce. The strike started
on Tuesday 22nd and ended on Friday 25th April,
as planned. They also managed to get hundreds
of signatures supporting a letter to the vice chancellor
that urges the University “to institute and
support a ban of all Arms Trade companies from
recruiting on campus and to ensure the University
adopts an ethical investment policy”.
Check your
who your local uni supports at www.caat.org.uk/campaigns/clean-investment/universities
After smashing 7000-year-old relics from the
Sumerian civilisation to dust under the tracks
of US tanks during the invasion of Iraq, one US
philanthropic venture capitalist firm is giving
something back to the war-torn city.
Central Baghdad is about to have a new
Disneyland-style amusement park, called The
Baghdad Zoo and Entertainment Experience
- courtesy of $500 million from US investment
firm C3. Designed by the same people that did
Disneyland, it will feature all the big rides, plus
a zoo, museum and concert theatre.
Says Mr Werner, chairman of C3, “The people
of Iraq need this kind of positive influence. It’s
going to have a huge psychological impact... I
think people will embrace it. They’ll see it as
an opportunity for their children regardless if
they’re Shia or Sunni.” A Sunni family’s money
is as good as a Shias’ obviously.
The amusement complex is set for land annexed
by the imperialist-capitalists handily adjacent to
the Green Zone – the fortifi ed control centre for
the occupation – on land which was previously
the old zoo and Al-Zawra park, the most popular
in Baghdad. Werner now magically has a 50 year
lease on the land now, and retains rights to housing
and hotel developments around the site.
And while on the subject of the zoo, SchNEWS
may not be a big fan of incarcerating animals for
entertainment purposes, but a startling fact about
Baghdad Zoo is that during the invasion in 2003,
only 35 of the 700 animals survived – most perishing,
some being eaten by starving Iraqis.
The first part of the new centre is about to open – a skateboard park – where 200,000 skateboards
have been fl own in from the US and given out
free to ‘the kids’.
It would be bad taste to speculate whether the
park will have a ghost train or a house of horrors
or whether the scariest ride will be called ‘insurgency attack’...
SchNEWS warns all readers - don't let them take you for
a ride. Honest!