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| Friday 16th June 2006 |
Issue 548
Links: Food
For Thought | Crap Arrest Of The Week |
Squatever You Like | Faslane Tat
Down | SchNEWS In Brief | We Kid
You Not | Chemical Imbalance | ...and
Corporations like to gloat that one of the great achievements
of capitalism has been its ability to feed 6 billion of us.
Back in the heady 60s the worlds agriculture underwent the
so-called Green Revolution- a massive expansion in the
use and abuse of fertilisers, pesticides and mechanised, petrol
fuelled intensive agriculture designed to meet the problem of global
population growth. Arguably any economic system profiting from the
abundance of cheap oil at the time would have been able to produce
a similar miracle, using thousands of oil calories to produce just
one food calorie, but agribusiness wants to force the model onto
the most vulnerable parts of the developing world and are proposing
to deal with global hunger using a not so subtle blend of biotechnology
and genetic modification. (see SchNEWS 96-547).
This week the US government, various banks and fertilizer producers
are gathering at the African Fertilizer Summit in Nigeria, a hard-sell
shindig which promises a profit boosting end to African starvation.
All corporate sponsors donating $25,000 get an advert on the Summits
website, but if they fork our $100,000 they get a whole page in
the summits literature, together with a Special Booth
in Summit Exhibit Hall. Bargain! The fact that so many corporations
are interested in such an event just goes to show that they are
intent in foisting their outmoded, energy intensive, environmentally
damaging and yet extremely profitable farming practices; if Africa
gets inundated with pesticides and GM crops theres some real
cash to be made.
Ironically, traditional small-scale agricultural cultivation techniques
of manuring fields and rotating crops are extremely energy efficient.
But despite being used for millennia, traditional cultivation techniques
are to go out window. Take the element nitrogen, for example - crops
love it. You can introduce it into the soil in the form of chemical
fertiliser and itll work for a few years even in soil totally
unsuitable for your crop, or alternatively you can ensure a good
dose for your veggies by rotating them with beans. Crop rotation
prevents diseases in plants by breaking the up the natural life
cycle of pests, but moving them around is an expensive business;
the sort of thing that really eats away at your profits.
The agribusiness solution to this problem is to spray everything
with a cocktail of dodgy chemicals, killing off any pests and, unfortunately,
their natural predators in the process. Should this spray-fest kill
off the plants too, then its time to genetically modify the veggies
and make them resistant to the effects of highly profitable and
potent chemicals like Monsantos nasty herbicide, Roundup.
Plants arent that keen on these chemicals and reject much
of what is sprayed on them which then washes away into groundwater
causing nitrate contamination of underground sources of drinking
water. Up to half of all UK fruit and vegetables contain pesticide
residues when they reach the supermarket shelves.
On smaller scale farms, nutrients are recycled from farm animals
to crop as manures, but monopoly control of the meat industry by
a handful of companies means that cattle, pigs and chickens are
being bred in factory conditions hundreds of miles away from farms,
making such recycling an impossibility. Pork, beef and chicken companies
have, in part, been responding to the growth of the fast food industry.
Back in 1983 when Chicken McNuggets were launched, most chicken
was sold whole, but now 90% is sold chopped into pieces, cutlets
or nuggets. In an attempt to drive down costs so any old McCrap
can be sold for less than a dollar, sheds are built to house 25,000
or more birds, pumping them up with growth hormones and antibiotics,
so much so that fat content in chicken is up 50% in less than half
a century!
As for agribusiness ending poverty - In the UK 200,000 farms disappeared
between 1966 and 1995. 17,000 farm workers left the land in 2003,
alone. Despite this, there are plenty of backhanders for big business,
as each year, under the Common Agricultural Policy budget, the government
gives away £3billion of subsidies, 80% of which goes to agribusiness.
These transnational corporations operate in different parts of the
food system, which means they can take a loss in one area, providing
a profit is made in another, forcing local companies into a price
war they can not sustain, killing off the competition and reinforcing
their monopoly.
Agribusinesses also control and own more parts of the food chain.
Cargill is one of three major traders of grain, the second largest
animal feed producer and one of the largest meat producers in the
world. Livestock farmers find that they are buying feed from the
same companies to which they are selling their meat. In a
subsistence food system the family controls food from seed to plate,
says food researcher, David Hefferman, in the emerging monopoly
food system, a few food companies are gaining control of the worlds
food system by controlling it from seed to shelf.
Together with agribusinesses like Cargill, biotechnology companies
are still making a packet. Advanta is one of the worlds leading
seed breeding, production and marketing organisations, making it
one of the five largest seed organisations in world. Seven years
ago Advanta was in debt, as the public reaction to genetically modified
seeds lead to a 30% decrease in sales. Despite a limited GM moratorium
in Europe and a ban on terminator seed technology (which produces
sterile seeds, so farmers have to buy new seeds every year), 21
countries are still growing GM crops on 90 million hectares, an
11% increase on 2004.
In order to give people a step up on the farming ladder, number
of County Farms were bought by English councils to help
people take up farming, and worked a bit like starter homes for
people trying to get on to the property ladder. But these are being
flogged off at quite a rate. In a recent protest activists squatted
Balham Hill Farm in Somerset against proposals to sell the place
off to the highest bidder at auction (see SchNEWS 540), but earlier
this week (12th June) bailiffs evicted the farm. Even the successful
farm shop the squatters set up with its 1,000 customers would have
been unable to pay the annual £30,000 interest charges needed
to buy the farm that Council bosses and local Liberal Democrats
want £425,000 for. In a partial victory to the activists,
the farm is now due to go to tender rather than be sold at auction
which means that it will be sold whole and could still be used agriculturally.
The sell off is part of a wider plan to break land up to build industrial
parks and those much needed conference centres. Really its
the whole policy thats the problem, because the South Somerset
Council are selling off 45 farms as the tenancies expire,
one activist told SchNEWS, with the price of land and buildings
farming is out of our reach now more than ever.
But some rural communities are beginning to create their own solutions
- there are now nearly 300 farmers markets in the UK, compared to
virtually none forty years ago and more and more people are becoming
aware that agro-related illnesses like Mad Cows Disease are not
the independent problems like the scientists presume, but symptoms
of poorly functioning and designed food production system.
Check out www.genewatch.org
for the latest on GM crop growing and biotechnology and the Land
is Ours for a bit of history and details on recent campaigns - www.tlio.org.uk
Which wasnt officially an arrest...
Last week at the Yorkshire International Business
Convention in Harrogate, Lindis Percy from the Campaign for the
Accountability of American Bases (CAAB) was waiting for George Bush
Snr, the headline speaker at the event. Hiding away among the press,
Lindis quietly stepped out, holding an upside down US flag with
the words Bush Off Please written on it. After Bush
rolled up in his four limos with CIA outriders, Lindis got close
enough to Bush to shout Your son is doing terrible things
to the world, to which he replied Im proud of
what my son has done. She was then escorted away
by several North Yorkshire Rozzers, including two officers from
the Counter Terrorism Unit (CTU). As they nicked and searched her,
she was told that she still had not officially been arrested, but
rather taken away to prevent a breach of the peace.
Lindis was then kept in Harrogate Police Station for three hours
under the instruction of a higher authority until Papa
Bush had left, after which she was released without charge.

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Yer favourite weekly newssheet will be at this weekends
Sunrise Celebration with SchMOVIES and other films, info stalls
and talks on a range of actions, including the Smash EDO campaign
and the latest news from Scottish Zapatista solidarity groups. We
will also be relentlessly flogging SchNEWS merchandise like the
new SchMOVIES 2005 DVD and all our old annuals we cant get
rid of. www.sunrisecelebration.com
In Bristol a group of artists and performers squatted
a warehouse to put on an art exhibition and a cabaret show. The
event was DiY, with everyone encouraged to contribute, which transformed
the space into a surreal mish-mash of sculptures, paintings and
Last Thursday (8th June), an angry looking sergeant
walked through the doors bellowing right you lot
got half an hour. Get out! He became upset when people started
talking about things like laws and rights and so more police were
called. Three cars, two vans and five police on horses.
Eventually it turned out that the reason
for the eviction was illegal electricity extraction. The squatters
promised to pay the bill from when they had entered the building
and taken meter readings. Things calmed down a bit and then suddenly
the plod all jumped in their cars and on their horses and left.
Where did they go? To stand around an unexploded
Second World-War bomb in a shopping centre, 11 metres beneath the
ground! After police evacuated the whole shopping centre and hung
around watching the army digging for a couple of days, the bomb
turned out to be a piece of reinforced concrete. The police got
their overtime and meanwhile the squatters had an unmolested cultural
event and lots of fun. At last, a SchNEWS item with a happy ending.
Faslane Peace Camp, situated outside the gates of the Faslane
Naval Base and its Trident nuclear submarines, has been a permanent
protest camp since 1982, but is now to close down. The decision
was made last weekend during the 24th birthday gathering, with closure
planned for 25th birthday in June 2007. Activists reckon that the
static camp is no longer the best tactic mainly because of
police surveillance and problems with residents - with plans to
move towards a range of actions, some open, some not, linking up
with the broader movement of other anti-authoritarian and peace
groups. But the process of clearing the site, and discussing how
to move forward will take the following year. The first event will
be a clean-up bonfire on June 23rd, and then an Independence
From The Peace Camp weekend of clearing with discussions over
the weekend of July 1-4th 2006. This will all culminate in a 25th
birthday weekend gathering of tatting down and organising from June
9th 2007.
* For updates see www.faslane.co.nr
- Cleaning staff at Shannon airport in the west of Ireland
have reported seeing a man in shackles on board a US aircraft.
The US military have been using this airport since at least the
first Gulf war in 1990 as a stop-off and refueling point , despite
Irelands official position of neutrality. www.indymedia.ie
- The bulldozing of Britains biggest Travellers village
at Dale Farm (See SchNEWS 540)
will be raised over the next two weeks at hearings in Washington
by the Helsinki Commission and by the a United Nations meeting
in Vancouver. At both events members will hear that Gypsies and
Travellers are the most marginalized minority group in the UK
and suffer constant harassment and discrimination and how Basildon
council plans to spend nearly £3 million trashing the homes
of 86 families. Therell be a rally on 1st August in Basildon
from 11am, calling for the £3m destruction of the Farm to
be halted. dale.farm@ntlworld.com
for more info.
Its back to skool for the latest thought crime initiatives
in Crackdown Britain. Why even bother waiting for people to commit
crime before taking their fingerprints? Lets face it, with
another 1,000 criminal offences created in the last six years and
thousands more on the way, courtesy of the democracy busting Legislatory
And Regulatory Reform Bill (see SchNEWS 534),
pretty soon everyones going to be part of the criminal classes.
And with this explosion in the numbers of criminals it makes sense
to get em early.
At Primrose Hill primary school in north London theyve been
taking pupils fingerprints - without parents consent - for
a security system used in the school library. The Micro Librarian
Systems Junior Librarian has been marketed in the UK since
2002 and is estimated to have fingerprinted hundreds of thousands
of British children.
Meanwhile an addition to the national curriculum from Scottish
Special Branch will see officers encouraging teachers to grass on
pupils who they think may be bunking off for a bit of crafty jihad
behind the bike sheds. Christian and far right organisations need
not fear though, because the newly established unit will only focus
on ethnic religious groupings. Teachers are being asked
to help cops identify any activities that could be considered
to be extremist, which might include a kid who has gone
back to their parents home in Pakistan and has returned with
anti-Western feeling or stronger religious faith than they had shown
Where better than school to brain-wash the most impressionable
part of the population into seeing political supervision and bio-metric
identity verification as just another everyday feature of life in
the UK?
The twenty one year battle continues to bring justice for
the victims of the catastrophic chemical spill which afflicted the
Indian city of Bhopal in 1984, exposing half a million to highly
toxic gasses. The current death toll is 20,000, with 120,000 still
suffering the effects. The company responsible was Union Carbide
now part of Dow Chemicals and they have been trying
to wash their hands of the problem ever since.
Yet while Dow are ducking and diving from a safe distance in the
US, those in Bhopal still live with the aftermath of the accident,
which was never cleaned up, in their backyard. The site of the abandoned
pesticides factory still oozes a cocktail of carcinogenic and mutagenic
toxins, which leach from the 5,000 tonnes of waste chemicals chucked
into pits.
Naturally the $48 billion company Dow thinks somebody else, anybody
else, should pay for the clean up. When nobody warmed to the idea
that gas survivors meagre compensation should be used for
this purpose they suggested that maybe the Indian taxpayer should
cough up instead. When that didnt work, along came Cherokee
Investment Partners.
Cherokee makes its money by helping businesses avoid bills for
cleaning up the environmental messes left by the worlds biggest
polluters. On its website, the company promises those saddled with
a polluted land problem that they will be able to evade all financial
and legal responsibility for any contamination. With a service like
that, business is booming as polluters line up for shareholder friendly
So how do Cherokee do it? Well theres the usual array of
backhanders which encourage politicians to grant the company contracts
in the first place. Then they buy up toxic land on the cheap, rake
in public-funded subsidies and do whatever it takes (like just burning
the nasties or chuck them into landfill) so its ready to be
used for yuppie loft apartments or golf courses and sold on for
a huge profit. This vulture capitalism has made Cherokee
into a multi-billion dollar multinational enterprise and theyre
coming soon to a cesspit near you.
Such pioneering work in setting dirty, hazardous industries free
to pollute without compunction has won Cherokee many influential
friends, but as their primary business is private, no ones
really sure who exactly is investing in them. That is, until oily
Chief Executive Officer, Tom Darden got into Bhopal. Tommy boy presents
himself as a green philanthropist and is a member of
the same Anglican sect as the Bushes. Darden combines this with
his mission, as director of Crowns Financial Ministries (CFM),
to teach Gods financial principles to 300 million people
by September 15, 2015, in order that they can reach True
Financial Freedom (no we dont make this stuff
up, and no we dont know whats with the date). CFM is
an evangelical Christian organisation teaching financial principles
based on the Bible, using Crown Biblical Financial Studies to
train people to handle Gods money.
When Bhopal survivors questioned Cherokees interest in the
lethal site, Darden piously accused them of making money from it.
One careless email later and the membership of his posse was laid
bare: on the cc list were officials from Tata, Citibank
and the US State dept., all major players in a corporate committee,
the US-India CEO forum, which is pressuring India to open its economy
to profit hungry US investors. The same committee has urged a quick
resolution of the Bhopal issue to make India more attractive
to US investors. Surprise, surprise - also lurking on the cc
list was one other member of the US-India CEO forum: The Dow Chemical
Last week survivors held a demo in Bhopal to protest at the collusion
between P S Dubey, the dodgy chairman of the Madhya Pradesh Pollution
Control Board and Cherokee; and also last week a Bhopal activist
disrupted and commandeered a presentation featuring Dubey and Darden
at Duke Universirty, North Carolina, to confront the suits with
the reality on the ground in Bhopal.
For more see http://bhopal.net
Inspired no doubt by recent events at Titnore Woods (see SchNEWS
547), Hollywoods A-list are jumping on the direct action
bandwagon and taking to the trees. Rent-a-mob super-stars aiming
to protect a community farm slated for demolition included the more
than heroic Joan voice of a generation Baez, Martin
West Wing nut Sheen and the half-woman/half fish star
of the iconic 80s film Splash, Darryl Hannah. The slappable
Leonardo diCaprio and Danny Glover (star of Lethal Weapon 9), were
also in tow. The stars, together with the hundreds of non-famous
people who actually farmed there, had been occupying a 40 foot tall
walnut tree in a bid to block the bulldozers.
This being Hollywood, the A-list agitators were empowered by a
soundtrack of conch blowing Aztec dancers hired to give
proceedings an ethnic feel. Heartstrings were mercilessly
tugged in the closing scenes as Joan Baez belted out We shall
Overcome..some day. A brave Darryl Hannah, who had overcome
vertigo for the demo, was lowered from the tree and with literally
no visible external signs of irony gave the Black Panther clenched
fist salute as she was gently lowered from the tree and led away
to a chat show.
SchNEWS warns all readers dont get A-list
celebs to yer protest camp - get A-list anarchists instead. Honest.
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