Another blow struck for free speech in Sussex. The nasty little
stitch up between Sussex Police, arms dealers EDO MBM and protest
bashing lawyer Timothy Lawson Cruttenden (see SchNEWS 492,
471) to crush dissent has started
to unravel.
EDO MBM, who manufacture parts for the Paveway bomb system and
are involved in the manufacture of unmanned combat air vehicles,
much loved by the US and Israeli militaries for targeted assassinations,
are now ducking for cover as the legal bombshells go off in their
own faces.
Back in March 2005 the arms dealers, urged on by Kerry Cox of Sussex
Police, applied for an injunction under the Protection from Harassment
Act which would have limited the regular pickets of the factory
to ten silent protesters on a Thursday afternoon (See SchNEWS 492).
No doubt they were assured by Britains self professed leading
expert Timothy Lawson Cruttenden (TLC) that this would soon put
paid to the pesky protesters. The injunction, by its definition
of protester, initially applied to everyone on the planet.
Although the judge refused to impose limits on numbers it confined
protesters to a narrow grass verge opposite the factory. It also
prevented them from filming. This was vigorously enforced by a combination
of private security and heavy policing. Private security goons abused
their immunity from video in a series of provocative actions. Over
thirty arrests have been made at the factory since court proceedings
began last March and two protesters were remanded to HMP Lewes for
alleged breaches of the injunction.
Despite the prospect of hefty legal bills, the fourteen individuals
named on the injunction mounted a vigorous defence. In shades of
the Mclibel Trial (See SchNEWS 79
& 485), the case has proved
an embarrassing PR fiasco for the US-owned bomb manufacturers. A
two-day hearing saw their fat being pulled out of the fire by the
Attorney General as they were accused of war crimes (See SchNEWS
521). Then MBM MD David Jones
retired on 31st December. TLC has repeatedly attempted
to delay a full hearing of all the issues, perhaps because many
of the allegations made against activists (such as shining lasers
into the eyes of employees) were so spurious that they would not
stand up in court.
As the case began to turn sour, TLC resorted to bizarre intimidatory
tactics, such as revealing his knowledge in an email of a protesters
private phone numbers and his dubious acquisition of one prominent
activists private diary, which had been anonymously left
at his office. His level of information on individuals, which included
access to statements from a number of police forces from criminal
cases which hadnt yet been to court, pointed to high level
and highly improper contacts within the police. In fact when a judge
ordered him to reveal details of correspondence between the corporation,
the police and himself, he refused on the grounds that EDO ran a
paperless office while his was full of papers. SchNEWS
reckons its not just papers TLCs full of. This refusal
brought a warning from the Judge that he had grave concerns
about TLCs conduct and advising him to seek legal representation
to defend himself from allegations of professional misconduct.
Ordered to seek mediation with the defendants, executives from
the US parent company EDO Corp flew in to broker a deal. The first
thing to go was the definition of protester, meaning that legal
restrictions on demos at the factory no longer apply to anyone else
but those named. Next the company agreed that if the seven legal-aid
defendants agreed not to assault EDO employees then they would drop
the proceedings against them. As legal aid would have been withdrawn
anyway if they refused, they accepted and left EDO to pick up the
two hundred grand legal bill. The other defendants are fighting
on to expose EDOs machinations in open court.
In another twist last week, three people were acquitted in Brighton
Magistrates of holding an illegal assembly of
er three people
outside the factory in March last year. The case collapsed because
the police wanted to hide their operational decisions during Operation
Kirk behind a Public Interest Immunity certificate. According
to their press release this was because the prosecution were
asked to disclose specific details in relation to operational tactics
and sensitive information used to brief police officers. As a result
the prosecution took the decision to not disclose the details and
took the preferred option to offer no evidence in this case
Yer ever cynical SchNEWS cant help but wonder how many of
those operational tactics were discussed in EDOs
boardroom, which might make the information very sensitive
indeed. But we're sure it's all on the level.
Spokesman for SMASH EDO Andrew Beckett told SchNEWS, We always
knew that this attack on our rights was politically motivated and
involved high level co-operation between the police, the lawyers
and the arms dealers - but to have it becoming public knowledge
is amazing. The collapse of the injunction is a major victory for
civil rights and the peace movement. We will now be fully able to
express our disgust at the presence of a bomb manufacturer in the
middle of our community. We will be here until EDO isnt.
Feb 14th 4-6 Outside EDO MBM Naming the Dead.
The names of civilians killed in the invasion of Iraq will be read
outside the factory.
March 1st Victory Demo - With all restrictions removed on
protest outside the factory this is gonna be a big one.
* See www.smashedo.org.uk
Maya Evans (First person convicted of holding an illegal demonstration
outside Downing St).
Local Anti ID card campaigners.
Friends Meeting House, Brighton, Thurs February 23rd 7pm.
For walking in your own front door
A Brighton squatter was arrested this week under the innovative
being in an enclosed space legislation. Brighton plod
were up to their usual tricks of forcibly entering squats to arrest
all the inhabitants for abstracting electricity. When the squatter
returned to find his front door smashed in he was arrested for
being in an enclosed spaceand removed from the premises. When
outside he was de-arrested and forced to watch as the premises were
boarded up. Another man who was arrested for nicking leccy was released
five hours later without charge. In a burst of Minority Report style
crime busting his tools were confiscated on the grounds that they
might be used to commit criminal damage at some unspecified point
in the future. Eagle eyed - Inspector Nev Kemp told Source Magazine
We have found squats to be a source of illegality in the past-
sometimes we find a stolen bicycle there.
Appearing on the SchNEWS radar this week was Project Censored,
a US university media research group which tracks the news published
in independent journals and newsletters and compares it to mainstream
output. From this they compile an annual list of 25 news stories
of social significance that have been overlooked, under-reported
or self-censored by the countrys major national news media.
What is perhaps not that surprising, given the UKs slavish
following of US trends, is that if we sample the top 5, it sounds
just like home
- Bush (read Blair) administration moves to eliminate open government
(terror laws, exemptions on FOI anyone?)
- Media Coverage Fails on Iraq: Fallujah and the Civilian Death
- Another Year of Distorted Election Coverage
- Surveillance Society Quietly Moves In
- U.S. (and by proxy us) uses Tsunami to military Advantage in
Southeast Asia (positioning against that other seldom mentioned
spectre, China.) For the full rundown and articles introducing
some of the stories, see www.projectcensored.org/censored_2006
A Devon couple who live in a Mongolian-style yurt have won their
appeal to stay in their home. Marcus Tribe and Sarah Harvey have
lived largely self-sustained in their eco-friendly hut for the past
six years, on the seven-acre site they own at Nomansland, near Tiverton.
Last December, meddling Mid Devon District Council ordered them
to demolish the hut for not meeting planning regulations - but backed
by the local community, they appealed and have now won the right
to live as they choose. As Bob Charlton of the parish council said,
Perhaps they dont fit a household stereotype in the
normal way, but their sustainable way of living is something that
should be looked at much more closely... we should be learning from
them, as opposed to telling them to go away.
in brief
- Dont forget the Seedy Sunday community seed swap
this Sunday (12th) the Old Market, Upper Market Street, Hove 10am-5pm
Theres one also happening in Bristol on Sunday at the Federation
of City Farms and Community Gardens building, the Greenhouse,
Hereford St (next to Bedminster Train station)
- ETC Group report on how the top 10 seed corporations
now control half the worlds commercial seed sales, with
Monsanto, Dupont and Syngenta leading the pack. www.etcgroup.org
- Meeting Iraq 3 Years on; how many more must die?
with Peter Brierley - who lost his son in Iraq - and speakers
from Smash EDO and Omar Deghayes campaign, Weds 15th, 8pm, Friends
Meeting House, Ship St Brigthon.
- Protest against government deregulation of the workforce,
putting workers at risk with capitalist friendly safety
cuts, at 9-10.30am on Feb 14th outside the Health and Safety Executive
headquarters, Rose Court, London. Organised by Hazards Campaign,
0161 636 7557, www.hazardscampaign.org.uk/docs/valentine.htm
- Last week about 30 Israeli activists from Israeli Anarchists
Against The Wall plus 20 Palestinian activists held a demo
outside the highest court of Israeli justice in Jerusalem,
for the hearing of a petition by villagers from Bilin against
an Israeli fence which robs their land.
- The Aubonne Bridge Case (See SchNEWS 459
& 408/409)
Feb 13-15th sees the prosecution of two Swiss police accused of
causing serious injuries to two protesting climbers, by cutting
their safety-lines, at the G8 summit at Evian in May 2003. There
will be a weekend of events leading up to demonstrations during
the trial. For a full timetable see www.aubonnebridge.net
- Set your dials to Radio 4A 101.4 FM or log on at www.radio4a.org.uk
and catch the all new Rough Music radio show on Sunday
Whoever told you that being a cool, trendy
europunk squatter in Barcelona was a barrel of laughs lied.
It might be the middle of winter, but last Saturday morning (4th)
the pigs in Barcelona turned up the heat, leaving in their wake
an all-too-familiar tale of state violence, repression, mistruths
and scapegoats.
It all started with a special party. Special because its
location was a squatted house in the city centre, in a barrio thats
already seen years of police repression, rampant, greed-inspired
gentrification, and racism against a largely immigrant population.
But this barrio has also seen something else an inspiring,
ongoing struggle against the above by an unlikely mixture of renters,
squatters, people young and old, foreigners and Catalans alike.
But this party wasnt special only because of the neighbourhood
in which it was held, but also because of the squat in which it
was held - Anarko Penya Cultural - which for the past
four years has been controlled by a mafia-style boss who used the
name Anarko for his own personal projects - selling
crack, throwing huge commercial raves, and, it has been rumoured,
to pass on information to police about the activities of the other,
more political elements of the barrio.
During the party at the Anarko Penya, for some unknown reason,
the police decided they werent in the mood this time around.
After making their presence heavily felt in the barrio all evening,
they came to Anarko Penya at 6am on Saturday morning (4th) to put
a stop to things. Unsurprisingly, they waded in with typical brutality
and the whole thing kicked off big time. At some point one of the
cops was seriously injured (rumour was hed died, but now it
appears hes in a coma) and when this happened, the other cops
flipped out even more, calling for reinforcements and closing down
the entire area, arresting and beating the shit out of anyone who
looked like a squatter.
There had been another squat party going on nearby, so a lot of
people were on the streets at 6am that morning: people on their
way home, or on their way to another party. They had no idea what
was about to happen to them. They simply walked by Anarko Penya
and got swept up in the whole thing, terribly beaten, arrested,
and now charged with the attempted murder of a policeman. It happens
that fast and was totally unexpected.
There are other parts to the story that would almost be funny,
if they werent so fucked up. Of the nine persons arrested
that night (three charged with attempted homicide, six
others facing lesser but still serious charges), two were not even
arrested anywhere NEAR the city centre. These two had had bicycle
accidents in totally different parts of the city on Friday night,
and had gone to hospital to be treated. Early Saturday morning,
the police did a sweep of all local hospitals and arrested these
two people based on their injuries and the fact that they look like
squatters. Moral of the story: dont fall off your bike in
Barcelona if you look like a squatter, unless you relish the idea
of facing a long jail sentence.
Then known facts, confirmed information
and eyewitness testimony about the event began to stray
wildy. Directly afterwards, the police, the mayor and the press
were all reporting that the cop had been injured by a flowerpot
thrown from a balcony of Anarko Penya. Then suddenly the flowerpot
became a stone. And then the stone had NOT been thrown from a balcony
of the Anarko Penya at all, but had been thrown by people on the
street. And so after three rapid, head-spinning changes, we have
the new, sanitised official version - which ensures
that the polices favourite neighbourhood informers can walk
free, and helps them, and the local council, to cover up any unsavoury
facts (such as their possible ongoing relationship to the drug mafia
in Anarko Penya), which could have been uncovered with a more in-depth
investigation. The official version provides the police with easily
accessible, ready at hand criminals who they can send
down without bothering anybody powerful or influential.
And lastly, and maybe most importantly, the official version is
a cover-up which allows the police and local government to screw
the lives of three people who they view as part of a movement that
has been fighting against gentrification and police repression in
the barrio for years. The worry is that the official version
smokescreen will get used to justify further repressions, violence,
and evictions...
* For more information, write to libertadpresxs4f@hotmail.com
or visit http://barcelona.indymedia.org
* To donate use this bank account: La Caixa, Account number: 2100-3002-01-2105267123,
The editor of the Pravozashchita newspaper in Russia has
been found guilty of inciting ethnic hatred in his coverage of the
Chechnyan conflict.
Stanislav Dmitriyevsky, head of the Russian-Chechen Friendship
Society, was given a two-year suspended jail term. The charges relate
to statements by Chechen rebel leader Aslan Maskhadov, published
by the paper two years ago. Dmitriyevsky insists the charges are
in retaliation for his reporting of rights abuses.
His paper, part of the Russian-Chechen Friendship Society, is seen
as one of the few independent sources of information about events
in the troubled republic. The paper is critical of the Kremlins
policies in Chechnya. Russian prosecutors said the statements by
Maskhadov - shot dead in March 2005 - and Akhmed Zakayev were aimed
at fementing racial and ethnic hatred.
Campaigners believe his trial is part of a clampdown on the work
of NGOs. The For Human Rights group told the AP news agency the
verdict was a continuation of the shameful practice of false
accusations against human rights defenders and active opponents
of the war in Chechnya. Russian President Vladimir Putin has
signed a law giving the authorities wide powers to monitor the activities
and finances of NGOs. The authorities have already tried to close
down the Russian-Chechen Friendship Society, accusing it of tax
Pen mightier than sword shock
click here
for larger image
An emergency meeting of the Security Council has been called for
next Tuesday, to discuss a clear and present threat to humanity.
No trivial matter like nuclear war, an escalating industrial-military
complex or continued oppression of the masses; a dark new power
is emerging: cartoons. A new world order is taking shape, with Europe
taking the lead. Previously neutral Denmark has been secretly stockpiling
satirical material and testing it on unsuspecting religious fundamentalists.
Copenhagen and Paris refused to comment on the satirical capability
of their Weapons of Mass Derision but it is believed they are capable
of starting fires as far away as Beirut or Tashkent. It is feared
that the crisis could escalate from pockets of graphic violence,
to an all out inky Armageddon. The US is particularly concerned,
because as spokesman Hanna Barbara admitted, due to a lack of vital
element irony, they havent got the offensive capabilities
required for global domination. They are also extremely concerned
with the ominous build up of molten manga occurring in East Asia
Meanwhile, here as SchNEWS, were awaiting a team of crack
UN(FUNNY) inspectors to check our archives for weapons grade satire.
SchNEWS warns all bomb builders, don't get trigger happy coz
it'll blow up in yer faces...Honest!
Order yours now A collection of films produced by SchMOVIES
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