Brightons first ever anti-deportation campaign,
fought by Amirs friends and supporters from grassroots groups!!!
We did it! - Friends of Amir
One in the eye for the Home Office last week as a swift intervention
by Brighton campaigners prevented the deportation of an asylum seeker.
Amir Hassan, an Iranian web journalist, was arrested in a dawn
raid on November 15th by Police and Immigration Officers, after
the failure of his initial asylum application. He was served deportation
papers and taken to Colnbrook, the brand new privatised detention
centre near Heathrow.
Amir has been in Brighton for a year and in that time has made
many friends and connections. As soon as he was arrested a campaign
started. Over thirty people attended the first meeting. Friends
of Amir includes supporters from the Migrant English Project,
where Amir was studying, and the Brighton & Hove Unemployed
Workers Centre.
A campaigner for Friends of Amir told SchNEWS, The Home Office
illegally abused Amirs rights. They totally ignored the evidence
which showed that Amir would be imprisoned on his return to Iran.
They claimed that deportation papers had been served on Amir and
his solicitor five days before his arrest. This was totally untrue
on both counts.
The Home Office refused to believe that Amir faced perseceution
in Iran despite evidence showing that one person was sentenced to
six months imprisonment simply for helping him to escape. Amirs
case exposes the hypocrisy of Neo Labour which condemns the regime
in Iran on the one hand and then happily returns those who flees
its clutches back to the claws of that very same regime.
Journalism in Iran is a risky business, especially for using the
Internet to disseminate news the regime doesnt like. This
October, an article from Reporters Without Borders (RWB) reported
that 20 European news agencies had protested the arrest of 5 Iranian
journalists, all of whom had been savagely tortured and whipped
with electric cables before being paraded on television to announce
that their jailors had been as gentle as kittens. Since
the election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as President in June 2005, repression
of journalists and web bloggers has increased. RWB also details
how the Iranian regime is intensifying its attempts to control the
Internet and using a private company to develop sophisticated software
to ban unapproved sites. Those who seek to find ways around these
bans are the subject of fierce persecution.
Amir ran the first private Internet company and web service in
Iran. When the State decided to clamp down on Internet use and confiscate
his companys equipment, Amir protested; the result was his
arrest on two occasions and an assault by a state employee and threats
to his life.
In December 2004 Amir sought refuge in Britain. Once in the UK,
the Home Office denied Amir protection at his asylum hearing despite
him being wanted in Iran and in grave danger of being incarcerated
for his activities as a liberal journalist. Given that the use of
torture, execution and maiming are common in the Iranian judicial
system, especially when the offence is deemed political, his life
is in real danger.
Campaigners got Amir decent legal representation and petitioned
his MP Celia Barlow. She contacted the Home Office and secured a
three day stay while the case was reviewed. Despite this, an attempt
was made to deport Amir at 4.00 am on Thursday 17th November. This
was prevented only by the intervention of one of his neighbours,
a teacher at Brighton & Hove City College, who drove to Heathrow
in the middle of the night to intervene and literally thrust the
relevant papers on the Immigration Service. In a letter to supporters
Celia Barlow said, Either intentionally or unintentionally
I have been misled by the Home Office... Another honest mistake
from the Home Office then.
Pressure was sustained with pickets outside the Home Office as
Amir was shuttled between three detention centres, eventually arriving
at Dungavel in Scotland last Saturday. Finally on Tuesday 29th,
Amir was released without bail until his second application for
asylum is considered. He still faces the legal battle for refugee
status, is still at risk of being detained and deported, but is
at least back in Brighton with his friends and supporters.
A spokesman told SchNEWS, The campaigns been a great
success and weve rocked the Home Office. This man was two
hours from being put on a plane to Tehran; literally hundreds of
emails, faxes and phone calls to the Home Office have prevented
Of course Amirs case is the exception. In fact its
virtually unprecedented. Most people tangled up in the asylum system
dont have a fraction of the resources and time that was devoted
to Amirs case by volunteers. And the system just got tougher,
with massive cuts in legal aid. Amir was unable to get legal aid
to appeal the refusal of his first asylum application. Cases have
been significantly speeded up of late and there are less grounds
for appeal. Once an asylum seeker has lost their application they
lose all right to financial support and are forced to live on charitable
* Know someone in a similar situation? Get hold of A self-help
guide against detention and deportation For asylum seekers
and their supporters. To order email
or contact National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns tel:
0121 554 6947
* Sarah Hatah and her five children were deported back to
Uganda on 26th October, despite medical evidence proving she suffered
torture in Uganda (SchNEWS 520). Thanks
to a campaign by the Wigan Community Action Party, the council have
a special meeting about the treatment of Sarah and other refugees.
Theres a rally at the Wigan Town Hall, Library St., in support
of her at 5.15pm, 7th Dec.
The Migrant English Project provides
a welcoming social space and English lessons in Brighton.
It was set up two years ago to make links with all migrants
in the area and keep track of their situations if it
wasnt for the project, Amir would likely be back in
Iran. Unlike many other voluntary groups the project wont
accept government funding that would dictate who they can
and cant support and what they can do politically.
* Weekly Mondays 1-4pm at Cowley Club,
12 London Rd Brighton.
For being sustainable!
When eco-activists in California started setting fire to SUVs
in car showrooms across the state, the FBI knew where to look
the Regenerative Cooperative hippy commune.
Basing their suspicions solely on the fact that he is vegan, lives
communally, uses solar panels and drives an electric car, the FBI
followed Josh Connole around for several days.
When Josh realised he was being stalked he went to the local police
for help, but was instead busted by the Feds and interrogated for
four days. As the FBI were prodding him to confess, a letter claiming
responsibility for the actions appeared in the LA Times. The letter
also mocked the FBI for getting the wrong man.
All that happened two years ago but the cops have finally come
clean and the last laugh is with Josh, who recently received a letter
of regret from the FBI (Rarer than George W. chowing down
on a tofu burger!) and a whopping cheque for $100,000. He plans
to purchase an electric Hummer.
On Tuesday, St Agnes Place, Kennington - the oldest squatted
street in London - was evicted by bailiffs and hundreds of riot
police. On Wednesday the area including the park was still cordoned
off, and it is believed demolition was taking place. Supporters
turned up, but there was very little they could do due to the sheer
scale of the police operation. A wake for the death of St Agnes
Street was held at Lambeth Town Hall in the afternoon. The eviction
took a full twelve hours with the last few remaining residents brutally
beaten by the cops, resulting in one losing consciousness and being
taken away by ambulance.
Police also evicted the Pirate TV bus, despite being unable to
find anything wrong with the paperwork or the bus, except that it
couldnt start. The cops instructed it be towed away but luckily
the boys from the recovery firm managed to get it going and save
it from the police compound.
Not content with evicting a whole street, police and bailiffs then
evicted a squat in nearby Bolton Crescent, despite the fact the
court case for the eviction was not due to be held till 16th December,
making the eviction illegal: nice to see the boys in blue upholding
the law.
There was predictably little mainstream coverage of the eviction,
and the journos around were embedded with the police,
and only shown what the police chose to show. The eviction marks
the ends of the thirty year old vibrant community and leaves 150
people homeless with winter already here. It will instead be replaced
by a soulless estate and a sports centre. It is reckoned that unpaid
rent on the properties amounted to £4m over the years
and that, according to Lambeth Council, they were paying nothing
to the community - as if paying rent for your home to some
landlord was more important than actually being a thriving community
not based on capitalist exploitation.
And to another London council desperate to flog off as much land
as possible to developers eager to build more blocks of trendy overpriced
flats, upmarket delis and another desperately needed Starbucks.
This time its Hackney, where the councils Property
Disposal Programme has been in full flow for a while - nine
properties were sold as a job lot to developer Stirling & Investments
Ltd for a laughable £250,000.
The Broadway market has been one of the main targets, but fed up
locals have now united to form some timely resistance. Since Nov
28th, people have occupied number 34, successfully repelling the
first wave of demolition workers.
The building theyre defending was formally called Francescas
café. Run by Tony Platia for a mere thirty years, he became
a popular local figure in the process and all the time paid
up his council rent. The reason its not still a café
is because, as the pressure grew against the compulsorily auctioning
of the building, it was er, mysteriously firebombed. The auction
proceeded but Mr Platia refused to leave, despite bailiffs making
menacing noises. Local support has managed to hold them off so far,
but more help is needed to continue the occupation. Get down there
if you can and join the struggle. For more about it and the glorious
history of Hackney Borough Council, see
* A court date for the eviction has been set for the 9th Dec at
Shoreditch County Court.
Inside SchNEWS
Distributing information can be a dangerous business... Fatih
Tas, owner of Kurdish Aram Publishing House in Turkey faces
over six years in prison if he is not acquitted at his next trial
which starts today. Hes being persecuted for having published
a Turkish translation of a book by John Tirman, director of international
studies at MIT, called Spoils of War: Human Cost of Americas
Arms Trade. In it, Tirman criticizes US policy for having
militarized countries, including Turkey, in the Persian Gulf region
by selling them weapons and thus preventing them from carrying on
with domestic democratic reforms. Military solutions were sought
for every problem, ultimately leading to some of the worst atrocities
of the 1990s as hundreds of thousands of Kurds were displaced and
ill treated by Turkish security forces, in brutal operations accompanied
by torture and disappearance during the conflict with
the PKK. We cant imagine why the Turkish authorities are so
keen to snuff out these inflammatory allegations with their sledgehammer
unless, well, theyre true or something. Michael
Albert, Noam Chomsky and John Pilger have all called for people
to register their demands for freedom of speech and support for
Fatih Tas by participating in the petition campaign at
* Mehmet Tarhan was arrested in Turkey in April this year
for being a conscientious objector. Tahran is also gay and an anarchist
and faced torture in the military prison. His struggle is widely
supported by anarchists and anti-militarists in Turkey and abroad.
9th December is International Day of Prisoners for Peace and there
are demonstrations for Tahran in Frankfurt, Berlin, Mainz, Münster,
London, Paris, Belgrade, New York and elsewhere. The picket in London
will be organized by Wages Due Lesbians and Payday,
in front of Turkish Airlines, 125 Pall Mall / corner of Haymarket
St., 12-2pm.
* For more about Turkeys poor past record, see Human Rights
December 3rd is the 21st anniversary of the worst industrial disaster
in history the 1984 Union Carbide chemical plant accident
in Bhopal, India - current death toll 20,000, with over half a million
injured. The damage was done by a 40-ton heavier-than-air cloud
of lethal methyl isocynate which poured through the town, and the
since-abandoned plant has never been cleaned up. Union Carbide
now swallowed up by Dow Chemicals got away with paying $500m
for damages, and the then CEO of Union Carbide, Warren Anderson,
was declared a fugitive by the Chief Magistrate of Bhopal for failing
to appear as chief defendant in a homicide case. To this day Anderson
is still on the run the FBI claim they cant
find him yet his address is public knowledge.
Enter a second fugitive into the equation: Texan environmentalist
Diane Wilson who in 2002 chained herself to a 70 foot tower at a
Dow Chemicals plant in Seadrift Texas and hung a banner reading
Dow Responsible for Bhopal. She was sentenced to four
months in prison but is refusing to serve the time until ol
Warren is extradited to Bhopal to face manslaughter charges. She
is currently on a national tour of campuses raising awareness about
Dow Chemicals being careful not to set foot in Texas
and even popped in at Wozzas pad on Long Island to find him
alive and well and mowing the lawn!
As if a reminder is needed, just a week ago 3.8 million in Harbin,
China, lost their drinking water as 100 tons of cancerous benzene
spilled from a chemical plant into the Songhua River the
disaster will also affect around 70 Russian towns as the 50 mile
slick of benzene heads downriver. Happy anniversary Bhopal survivors.
* See also
December 3rd is the International Day of Climate Protest and also
falls midway through the MOP (First Meeting of
Parties to the Kyoto Protocol) Climate Talks in Montreal.
There will be demos around the world. In London, a critical mass
will assemble at Thames Barrier 9.30 am, cycle around and then join
up with main march, to assemble 12.00 pm at Lincolns Inn Fields
(Holborn Tube). The march will take in the dizzy sights of the corporate
world before finding its way to Grosvenor Square and the US embassy.
Speakers there at 2.30pm will include George Monbiot, Michael Meacher
MP and Caroline Lucas MEP (Green Party). See
for more. For details of Edinburgh demo, contact Gavin Smith, Young
Greens, 0796648536 or
For Bangor demo in Wales see
Protests went ahead against the aviation industrys expansion
conference held at Tower Bridge last week (SchNEWS
522). A huge police presence made sure there was no inconvenience
to fat cats as they met to stuff their faces on posh food, discuss
how to build four more Heathrow sized airports by 2020 and continue
to avoid any kind of tax on aviation fuel etc. A small critical
mass made a couple of passes and attempted to generally get in the
way, and a number of noisy demonstrators attempted to make their
feelings known but the Bill were well prepared and, bizarrely, managed
to cite an ancient bye-law to prevent anyone from stopping on the
bridge except in the small fenced off protest zone.
Another victory for Magna Carta Britain but at least well
all be able to fly round the world for a penny before we die. For
more see
in Brief
- Leaf it aaht! Camp Bling, the tree-top protest camp set
up to prevent unnecessary, destructive road-building plans going
ahead in Southend, Essex continues. (See SchNEWS
514, 519). Calling out for more
help - see
and get yerself down there.
- The Norwich Alliance Against Urban 4x4s will begin issuing
parking tickets detailing why the SUV is such a pisspoor
choice of vehicle in Norwich city centre today. Join the campaign
and download or order spoof tickets from
- Saturday (3rd) is the Manchester Anarchist Bookfair noon-5pm,
The Basement, 24 Lever Street, Manchester.
- The tragicomedy play about human shields in the Iraq War, Into
The War Zone, is on in Leeds, 16th and 17th (8pm), Carriageworks
Theatre, Millenium Square. £8/£5 call 0113 224 3801
to reserve a ticket.
...and finally...
Old pissheads with an encyclopeadic knowledge of a subject no one
else cares about. How to spot the difference between beardy-weirdies
Campaign For Real Ale and weirdy-beardies Campaign for Real Anarchism,
a London Class War front group? Stickers have appeared in pubs up
and down the country bearing a spoof Campaign For Real Ale (Camra)
logo, but promoting a Campaign For Real Anarchism -
effectively nicking their tankard for anarchist marketing purposes.
A bearded spokesbarrel, for Real Ale, quaffing a pint of Theakstons
Old Battered Copper, said they wont be sending the lawyers
in for breach of copyright, as there was no point, as no self-respecting
anarchist would recognise a capitalist court. Words of wisdom
A spokesbalaclava for Real Anarchism has offered to take the corduroyed
CAMRA out for a pint to show no hard feelings - but apparently they
cant find a pub that sells both Old Cripple Cock and Special
Stop The Arms Trade Defend The Right To Protest10th
December 12pm Churchill Square, Brighton.
SchNEWS warns all readers to take their deportment seriously
but still be prepared to slouch... Honest!
STOP PRESS: SchNEWS 11th Birthday Party this
Saturday (3rd Dec) Cowley Club., 12 London Road, Brighton. Cowley
Club members and guests welcome
AT TEN' - A Decade of Party & Protest - £9 inc p&p
- Peace de Resistance - issues 351-401. £7
inc p&p
- SchNEWS of the World - isues 300 - 250. £4
inc p&p.
- SchNEWS and SQUALLs YEARBOOK 2001. £4
inc p&p.
- The SchQUALL book Sold out - Sorry
- SchNEWS Survival Guide Sold out - Sorry
- SchNEWS Annual issues 101 - 150 and a whole lot
more £2.00 inc. p&p
(US Postage £6.00 for individual books,
£13 for above offer).
In addition to 50 issues of SchNEWS, each book contains
articles, photos, cartoons, subverts, a yellow pages
list of contacts, comedy etc.
Subscribe to SchNEWS: Send 1st Class stamps
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