The announcement of an oil discovery in any territory
is comparable to the declaration of war against the territory. Oil
destroys the environment, contaminates water and air, and it also
contaminates the social structure, destroys forests, destroys life
and livelihoods and holds nothing sacred. - Nnimmo Bassey,
chair of Oilwatch Africa.
November 10th will be the tenth anniversary of the hanging of Ken
Saro-Wiwa and eight other Ogoni tribesmen. They were framed and
executed by the Nigerian military government for campaigning against
the devastation of their homeland by oil giants Shell-BP (see SchNEWS
49, 282, 453).
Behind the scenes, Shell-BP were running the whole grisly show.
They orchestrated and financed the campaign of terror, slaughter
and human and ecological exploitation that ended Saro-Wiwas
life and thousands of others.
Of course corporations like Shell always hold their hands up when
asked and say its nothing to do with us. Saro
Wiwas son Ken sees things differently, As far as I am
concerned, they encouraged the military Internal Security Task Force
to violate the human rights of the people. All that was done was
to enable oil production to resume
OK, they didnt tie
the noose around my fathers neck, but without Shells
intervention and encouragement of the military government it would
never have happened.
Ogoniland is in the eastern part of the Niger Delta. Half a million
Ogoni tribespeople live there. Shell-BP, operating under the protection
of the ex-colonial power Great Britain, found oil there in 1956
and have robbed £100 billion of black gold from the region.
The Ogoni got nothing but the utter ruination of their lands and
livelihoods. The money was split between the corrupt Nigerian elite
and the corrupt Corporate elite. The Ogoni continue to live in abject
poverty, with many villages lacking clean water, electricity, schools
or basic health care.
Saro-Wiwa became a leader and spokesman for the Movement for the
Survival of the Ogoni People, MOSOP. He was nominated for the Nobel
Peace Prize and was a world-famous poet, teacher and writer. In
one statement he said that, The results of such unchecked
environmental pollution and degradation include the complete destruction
of the ecosystem... All one sees and feels around is death. Environmental
degradation has been a lethal weapon in the war against the indigenous
Ogoni people. MOSOP tried to stop the ecological destruction
that Shell was wreaking and to secure a greater (or any) share of
the oil wealth that was being drilled from under their land. In
1993, 300,000 Ogoni united to protest against their lands being
destroyed by Shells relentless thirst for oil. By mass direct
action MOSOP shut down Shells extraction facilities. They
have never been reopened. Next year there was a violent backlash
from the Nigerian military. 2,000 Ogoni were killed, some 30,000
made homeless, countless others tortured and raped. Shell claim
that they are unconnected to this repression, but have confessed
to paying the military twice for going to specific villages where
they terrorised and killed Ogonis.
Despite the cessation of drilling, Ogoni land is still criss-crossed
with leaky pipelines and flow stations. Toxic flares and spills
are commonplace. Shell avoid responsibility and make little effort
to repair damage. In corporate nu-speak these outrages are known
as externalities because its someone elses job
to sort it out. Shell top bod, Lord Oxborough reckons, the
locals appreciate the flares as a heat source to dry their fish.
Every cloud has a silver lining in corporate responsibility world!
Lieutenant Colonel Okuntimo, the leader of the notorious Internal
Security force that occupied Ogoniland said, in a classified
memo, Shell operations are still impossible unless ruthless
military operations are undertaken for smooth economic activities
to commence. The Ogoni peoples oppression comes from
their countrymen, the product of post-colonial ethnic divisions
and cultural clashes. But like any smart colonialist, Shell have
been hovering over the carnage, playing divide and rule, arming,
paying and egging on the killers, in order to make staggering profits.
A leaked report written by Shell consultants WAC in December 2003
stated that Shell was part of the problem, and that the way the
company operates creates, feeds into, or exacerbates conflict.
In 1996, Shell splashed out £20 million on PR, hoping to
greenwash their way out of the stink that had risen all around them.
They began producing reports on how much they have spent on community
resources in the Delta, but in truth, the compensation for ruined
lands and lives has been rare and token.
A new Amnesty International report has revealed that the people
of Nigerias oil-producing Niger Delta continue to face death
and devastation at the hands of security forces. In particular,
those who protest the actions of Chevron, Shell or their subcontractors,
getting in the way of profits, risk collective punishment by the
security goons they employ.
One vigilante group, employed by a subcontractor of Shell Nigeria,
killed 12 people in a dispute over an oil contract. In response,
in Feb 2005 the army went in to the town of Odioma and killed at
least 17 people, raped 2 women and razed 80 per cent of the homes
there. They claimed to be looking for the gang of criminals that
Shell had armed and employed.
Resistance continues. Cutting into Shells production by 10,000
barrels per day, hundreds of angry Nigerian villagers have shut
down an oil-pump and pipeline. The protesters are demanding compensation
for a 2003 oil spill and fire that damaged more than 500 hectares
on the Niger Delta. In another part of Nigeria, the Ijaw people
are threatening to blockade plants and dismantle pipelines if they
are not compensated for a 1998 oil spill. Meanwhile, two cases in
U.S. courts are putting Chevron on the spot for attacking Delta
villages in retaliation for protests.
Why all the aggro? The Niger Delta is the worlds tenth largest
producer of oil, but this perhaps understates its strategic importance.
Its reserves (estimated at 35 billion barrels) are largely composed
of the light, sweet crude highly prized
by the West. The gas-guzzling US of A currently imports 10% of its
domestic oil supply from the Nigerian Delta and wants to up that
to 15%. The Delta is only three weeks shipping time from the US
as compared to eight from Saudi Arabia.
And Uncle Sam isnt taking any chances of the flow being cut
off. US naval ships are a regular presence in the Gulf and military
aid to the Nigerian government increases. Plans are afoot to construct
a forward operative location on the island of Sao Tomé,
strategically situated in the middle of the Gulf of Guinea. This
ex-Portuguese colony, which suffered all the usual imperialist ravages
now looks set to become like Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, a
base for projection of US power into the region. A useful remedy
for uppity locals. The UK has got its grubby mitts in there as well:
spending £400,000 on a military training centre for training
peacekeepers - Nothing to do with securing supplies
of energy in the face of the dwindling supply of North Sea Oil then?
* See: www.remembersarowiwa.com
and www.corporatewatch.org/?lid=302
* Recommended reading: The Next Gulf by Andy Rowell, James Marriott
& Lorne Stockman (published by Constable)
Activists from County Mayo are touring the UK during November
to increase awareness of the struggle to prevent a giant Shell
Consortium (See SchNEWS 506) from
building a dangerous, raw gas pipeline and huge refinery on
unstable bog land, raising serious public health and safety
issues and devastating remote conservation areas on the coast
of Ireland. www.corribsos.com
* London, Saturday 12th November, 7pm to 3am, RampArts social
center (www.ramparts.co.nr)
Benefit gig, food, drink & music.
* Newcastle, Monday 14th November, 7.30pm, Tyneside Irish
Centre, hosted by Why Dont You?
* London, Thursday Nov 17th 7.30pm, London Action Resource
Centre (www.londonarc.org)
hosted by London Rising Tide.
White House Inc. paid a visit this week to the seaside resort
of Mar Del Plata in Argentina with Bush and his corporate pals intent
on bullying their southern neighbours into joining a Free Trade
Area of the Americas (FTAA). To their disappointment the proposal
proved not so popular when 40,000 demonstrators protested against
the pursuit of corporate profit the FTAA will surely bring. 2,000
security staff, 8,000 riot police, hundreds of corporate cronies
and 4 AWACS surveillance spy planes failed to deter the organisers
of the counter-meeting, the Summit of the People, which
began on the Monday. The Peoples Summit called for an immediate
end to the FTAA talks, action to combat rising inequality, and called
on Latin Americans to energetically reject the militarisation
of the continent promoted by the empire of the north. Things
started to go badly wrong before the FTAA Summit even started when
70 Argentine police suffered food poisoning after eating a dodgy
lasagne at their hotel.
On the Friday afternoon, masked rebels tossed firebombs and rocks
at riot cops protecting the conference. Banks and corporate stores
were smashed and set on fire, and businesses were looted for material
used as street barricades, which were set aflame. Police fired tear
gas and arrested 87 people. Banks and shops were also attacked in
the capital, Buenos Aires, and the cities of Rosario Neuquen, and
Bush's plan was all about extending the North American Free Trade
Agreement to the rest of the continent so that North American consumers,
and their rich Latin American counterparts, can continue to buy
$2 T-Shirts and $10 microwaves at their local Wal-Mart, whilst those
Latin Americans who are lucky enough to have jobs work away in abysmal
and repressive anti-union sweatshops. The summit ended on Saturday
in deadlock: Mexico, the US and 29 other nations pushed to set an
April deadline for more talks on free trade, but the move was opposed
by Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Venezuela. Off message
Cuba, of course, was not even invited to express an opinion.
And the future doesnt look too promising for Corporate America,
as Bolivia is poised to join the anti-free trade bloc if, as seems
likely, the indigenous leader of the Coca growers, Evo Morales,
wins the next election. He recently kicked off a rally by calling
for popular resistance to the Fascist George Bush and
promises an end to the reign of neo-liberal economics that have
ravaged Bolivia. He was among 40,000 other activists, including
chat show host/volleyball legend Diego hand of God Maradona,
on the Alba express a train which took anti-FTAA
protesters from across the Americas to the summit.
Alba is the Spanish acronym for the Bolivarian Alternative for
the Americas, a development program based on co-operation, mutual
aid and anti-imperialism which is fast gaining currency in the shanty
towns of most major Latin American cities. The question that lies
ahead is whether this programme will be hijacked for political gain
by opportunistic left wing leaders or whether it will genuinely
bolster the fortunes of the 96 million Latin Americans who continue
to live on less than 50p a day.
For more info on the protests check out Indymedia Argentina: www.argentina.indymedia.org
There will have been some first-time activists this week when Councillors,
teachers and pupils from two Wigan schools formed part of a demo
against the forcible removal from the UK of Sarah Hata and her children
- Dennis, Hope, Maureen, Peace and Moris all deported to
Uganda on 26th October. The protesters demanded that the Hata family
are returned to their home in Wigan and their solicitor enabled
to make representations on their behalf.
As one campaigner explained, Peace Kasonko is in the same
class as my ten year old. My daughter and her friends are devastated
by Peaces disappearance. As Chair of Governors
at the school that these children attend, I can perhaps voice the
distress and confusion that staff and children are experiencing
over this familys removal from our midst.
Sarah and the children were taken from Yarls Wood Removal
Centre just hours after being seen by her doctor, who said, the
family show signs of post traumatic stress disorder and are not
fit to be removed from the UK, as well as confirming that
Sarah Hata has scars of torture, suffered when she was
imprisoned, tortured and raped before escaping to Britain in 2002.
The entire family integrated very successfully into the community
in Wigan and made many friends. The community are appalled by the
way this popular family were treated in detention and sustained
injury during removal attempts. Another success for multi-cultural,
Cool Britannia. * See: www.asylumsupport.info
Positive SchNEWS
Gay Bishop anyone? No not a new real ale, but a radical
monthly newsletter in Reading. A collective of activists who want
to become the media, they are on the lookout for stories, writers,
web-geeks, donations and details of events for their whats
happening section. Sounds familiar! Email readinggaybishop@yahoo.co.uk
or write to Gay Bishop, c/o RISC, 35-39 London Street, Reading,
RG1 3JE. Get reading in Reading!
SchNEWS in brief
- The 14 day trial of Pitstop Plowshares (See SchNEWS
489) has collapsed... because it has come to light that the
judge attended the inauguration of Bush and could therefore be
seen to be (just ever so slightly!) biased. Truth really is stanger
than fiction. See www.warontrial.com
for more.
- 400 organisations from across the US are to launch a major offensive
against hated supermarket chain Wal-Mart. Coordinated by Wal-MartWatch,
the event is dubbed Higher Expectations Week, and will run from
13th to 19th November 2005. www.walmartwatch.com
- 23rd November, Palestine and Media Bias - talk by Tim
Llewellyn Ex BBC Middle East Correspondent. 7.30pm, The Auditorium,
Brighthelm Centre, North Road, Brighton. Organised by Brighton
and Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign.
France has ignited with direct action, which also spread to
Berlin and Brussels (Do we just have better TV over here or
something?). With two weeks of rioting by the dispossessed youth,
and the effective imposition of martial law, this is the situation
as the French Anarchist group Alternative Libertaire sees it:
People in working class neighbourhoods live in constant fear,
both for themselves and for their children. They are afraid of humiliating
identity checks, arbitrary arrests, unpunished police violence,
and spurious convictions for outrage and rebellion,
all in order to meet some police quota. Even recent official reports
have called attention to this increasing lawlessness on the part
of the police.
We support the rebellion against injustice, the sense of mass solidarity,
the elements of political awareness amongst most young people. As
such, we understand and are in solidarity with both the necessity
and the reasons behind the direct action now taking place throughout
the working class areas.
This week of riots expresses the hopelessness of the most marginalised
section of a generation with no future. Yet it should also be seen
as being connected to the governments strategy of tension
and current repression of social movements... All of these struggles
bear witness to the same social insecurity.
We are not going to demand a return to community policing
or building new sports centres so that young people can work out
their frustrations in silence. Does anyone seriously believe that
this will solve the social tension caused by the political and social
violence of those in power?
There are certain to be more explosions of anger unless there is
a redistribution of work and wealth, all the more certainly so if
social regression, inequality, racism and marginalisation continue
unchecked. Prevention, religious recuperation and repression
will all be useless. Only justice and social and economic equality
can solve things.
* www.alternativelibertaire.org
(in French)
...and finally...
Buy Nothing Day on 26th November, is a day where people
abandon the creed of commercialism and enjoy all things free. The
self proclaimed festival of frugal living and culture-jammers jamboree.
Its a day where you challenge yourself, your family and friends
to switch off from shopping and tune into life. Celebrated as a
holiday by some, a street party by others - anyone can take part
provided they spend a day without spending. Why not help spread
the message and do something to awaken some of the zombie consumer
herds? Set up credit card cut-ups, don white coats and vaccinate
against affluenza, give out free samples of nothing - anything to
show that the best things in life are free. Check www.buynothingday.co.uk
or just nick stuff.
If youre near Manchester, why not get involved with some
of the upcoming anti-over consumption events. Starting with a workshop
day on November 26th, with discussions and tips on the art of subvertising,
events continue throughout December. For details see www.dosummat.org.uk
Freaked out cos the tinsels going up already? Breaking
out in a cold sweat at the thought of the slushy trudge to the concrete
consumerist eyesore that is your local consumerist temple? Can you
smell the fear of the seasonal shopper as the clock ticks towards
Christmas Eve and they still havent quite found what theyre
looking for? Dont Panic cos radical tightwad splinter
group www.buynothingchristmas.org
are planning a cheapskate festive season. Im not mean-
just ethical.
SchNEWS warns all readers - black gold makes white man crazy...
AT TEN' - A Decade of Party & Protest - £9 inc p&p
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