| Satire
includes vivisection, fox hunting, fur trade
16th October 2009 | Issue
695 - KICKING UP A STINK - In a rare SchNEWS advertorial,
Cosmetics manufacturer Lush have released a new soap called Fabulous
Mrs Fox on sale from now til Boxing Day. Every penny
of the profits is set to be spent on funding sab groups up and down
the country as they disrupt bloodsports.
21st August 2009 | Issue
688 - STOCK HORROR AT HLS - Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS),
the largest animal testing lab in Europe, are hitting the financial
skids - thanks to campaigning which has targeted bankers and investors.
(NB - incase you don't get this joke: it's a LOLBUNNY, a bit like
a LOLCAT. Look on the web - they're pictures of cute animals with
cute text-speak captions).
14th November 2008 | Issue
655- Things just go from bad to worse for spoiled brat Otis
Ferry. The rabidly pro-hunt Z-list celeb has been on remand for
eight weeks, and this could stretch out to being inside for six
months - until his trial on March 9th 2009. His crime? Attacking
a hunt monitor and stealing their camera back, and - even more seriously
- attempting to nobble a witness, perverting the course of justice.
24th October 2008 | Issue 652-
CIBA PUNKS - Animal rights campaigners do a banner drop against
Ciba Vision, the contact lens company, in protest against their
use of animal experiments, and end up getting their house raided
and arrested for 'conspiracy to blackmail'...
27th June 2008 | Issue 637-
HOUNDED - Fox hunting has been banned in Britain - hasn't it?
Yes it has but it still goes on, as blood-thirsty toffs assert their
'rights' - as the 'ruling class' - to be above the law. Now, they
are taking out high court injunctions - under Protection Against
Harassment Laws - on those who are monitoring the hunts.
7th March 2008 | Issue 623
- Its pretty much business as usual hunt sabbing
in the fields of rural England, three years after the hunting ban
came into force - if you can call it a ban; week in week out we
see hunts chasing and killing foxes in direct violation of the ban.
- H.S.A. Press Officer
18th January 2008
| Issue 616 -
CAGE THE RAGE - interment is new tactic to deal with the animal
rights movement...
people outside the animal rights movement dont seem to appreciate
is that once these moves have been practised on us, they are expanded
to everyone expressing dissent just look at how PHA injunctions
attacked first us, then the peace movement, then the environmentalists
and finally the climate camp - an Animal Rights Legal Advisor
9th Nov 2007 | Issue 610
- LICENSED TO CULL - Into the valley of DEFRA as badgers face
needless extermination in forthcoming badger culls in the southeast
of England.
9th Nov 2007 | Issue 610
- LICENSED TO CULL - Into the valley of DEFRA as badgers face
needless extermination in forthcoming badger culls in the southeast
of England.
26th Aug 2005 | Issue 509
- The Newchurch Guinea Pig Farm - which breeds for vivisection,
have announced they would be closing after a six year campaign to
close them down is successful...
29th Oct 2004 | Issue 471
- HARASSMENT LIFE SCIENCES - as the 'Protection From Harassment
Act is used to screw an Animal Rights Protester...
29th Nov 2002 | Issue 383
- GONE TO THE DOGS - Hunt saboteur Steve Christmas is run down
by Surrey and Burstow hunt supporter Martin Maynard, causing extensive
internal injuries. He is luckily going to be alright, but Maynard
escaped with little more than a £75 fine for driving without
a license or insurance. It's one rule for the fox hunters, another
for the sabs...
30th Jan 2004 | Issue 439
- PRIMATE CHANGE - This week, Cambridge University abandoned
plans for a primate vivisection lab in Cambridge, with the University
saying that it could not take financial risks of this magnitude.


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