This Time Last Year
382, 22nd November, 2002
Firebranded - the Fire Brigade Union were planning an eight
day strike over Neo Labours refusal to pay them a decent wage...
381, 15th November, 2002
Florence of Arabia - European Social Forum meeting in Florence -
another example of the growing movement against Bush and Blairs
war plans that is sweeping the US and Europe.
380, 8th November, 2002
Assault and Pepper - Police brutality in Brighton
379, 1st November, 2002
Putin the Boot In - Chechen rebels attack in Moscow...
378, 25th October, 2002
Tricky Treaty - the EU Nice Treaty is here bringing enlargement
and GATS - the green light to a neo-liberal Europe. Plus - Romanys under
eviction, McDonalds day, Sangatte and more...
377, 18th October, 2002
Sari Sight - why Australia isn't such an innocent bystander in the
Bali bombing. Also - Bougainville, Ukrainian nuclear protester murdered,
Sizewell and more
376, 11th October, 2002
Docu-mental - Bush's self interested, pre-emptive National Security
Strategy comes out as anti-war activity steps up. Also - Brazilian elections;
US dock strike and more...
375, 4th October, 2002
Acres And Pain - comparing the two marches in London last week -
Stop The War and Countryside Alliance. Also - cannabis cafes, polish
road protests, Stop The War actions and more...
373/4, 27th September, 2002
Weapons Of Mass Deception - what is this war all about? Oil. Plus
special report from Palestine, Stop The War listings, Unocal in Burma,
Porton Down and more...
372, 13th September, 2002
Silent But Deadly - a critical look at the US on the anniversary
of September 11. Also - Xenotransplantation, Brighton Peace Centre,
Lappersfort, Reclaim The Future and more...
371, 6th September, 2002
Summit Rotten - report from Johannesburg Earth Summit. Plus -
the new Criminal Records Bureau, latest from Chiapas, Meanwhile Gardens
and more...
370, 30th August, 2002
Apocalypse Soon - the suits are going to Johannesburg, as the
global environment goes south. Plus - GM in Africa and Dorset, Bhopal
and Union Carbide, Countryside Alliance...
369, 23rd August, 2002
Return To Sender - Bush boycotts Earth Summit in Johannesburg,
plus Indonesian villagers sue Exxon Mobil, Strasbourg No Borders camp
arrestee Ahmed Meguini and more...
368, 16th August, 2002
Gravy Plane - Snapshot of South Africa leading up to the Earth
Summit - privatisation and structural adjustments. Plus Uruguay in trouble,
UNICEF get together with McD's and more...
367, 9th August, 2002
It's A Nuke Out - the h-bomb in Hiroshima shares its anniversary
with another disaster - 12 years of sanctions in Iraq. Plus - airport
stopped in Mexico, Commonwealth Games...
366, 2nd August, 2002
Borderline Case - report of the No Border camp held in Strasbourg
19-28 July. Plus - anniversary of Genoa, free party bust-up near Bristol,
Brighton's Earthship and more...
365, 19th July, 2002
Beach Bummer Boozy Bottleneck - Fat Boy Slim has an abomination
on Brighton Beach, while local free parties get oppressed. Plus - oil
in Nigeria, AFC Wimbledon, Paraguay and more...
364, 12th July, 2002
Last Supper - Lip service to the starving at the World Food Summit,
Rome. Also - protests against Commonwealth Games in Manchester, oil
pipeline to Caspian Sea, and more
363, 5th July, 2002
Identity Crisis - Blair wants to introduce ID cards - called
Entitlement Cards. Plus - free parties this summer, death in Argentina,
Costa Rica resists neo-liberalism, and more
361/2, 27th June, 2002
Summit Outta Nuffin - preview of the Rio+10 Earth Summit in Johannesburg.
The multinationals have taken control. Plus - EU Summit in Seville,
Esso to sue Greenpeace and more...
360, 21st June, 2002
Choker Cola - privatisation of water in indigenous lands. Plus
- G8 summit in Canada, Satpal Ram is released and Mark Barnsley will
be out soon, Gypsy community evicted and more...
359, 14th June, 2002
FB Lied/Bug Eyed - double front page about spooks. Plus - nuclear
fuels in get Mox-ed up, GM crop sabotage, pink castle, West Papua, Golden
Jubilee and more...
| Friday 29th November
2002 | Issue 383
Gone To The Dogs | TO
B2 or not TO B2 | Crap Arrest of the Week
| Positive SchNEWS
| Leed Story
| Schnews in Brief | and
This case is an attempt by the state to stop any demos
other than those organised with the co-operation of the police -
with routes, times etc. all on their terms. Anyone demonstrating
now risks arrest and a charge of conspiracy. - Sue, Shoreham
In September 2000, hunt saboteur Steve Christmas was deliberately
run-down by a Land Rover driven by Old Surrey and Burstow hunt supporter
Martin Maynard. Steve had to be airlifted to hospital with four
broken ribs, a crushed pelvis, a damaged lung and severe internal
bleeding (See SchNEWS 274). The following day whilst he was fighting
for his life, a group of nearly 60 protesters went to pay their
respects at the local hunt kennels. Upon arriving at the kennel,
the group was met by two friendly hunt supporters wielding pickaxe
handles. The two men taunted the group about Steve and a scuffle
broke out in which some windows were broken. Police, who had been
observing the whole thing, did little to prevent a confrontation
and made no arrests at the time. Instead, the powers-that-be decided
to use the corruption of our legal system to bring us their very
own version of justice.
Heres how it works - see if you can spot the bias. Martin
Maynard, the guy who ran over and nearly killed Steve Christmas,
had his charge of grievous bodily harm with intent dropped,
and instead paid a piddling £75 fine for not having any insurance
or licence when he ran Steve down. Maynard also failed to turn up
in court four times but of course was never punished for this. And
to top it all off, the violent thugs who provoked the protesters
at the kennels were never arrested.
Contrast this to the treatment received by anti-hunt protesters.
A few weeks after the incident at the kennels, 26 of them (who had
been identified from CCTV footage) had their homes raided. They
were arrested for violent disorder, but then the story
suddenly changed and 18 were charged with conspiracy to commit
violent disorder as there was no proof who did the damage.
After three trials lasting months, with costs running at £8,000
per day, five of those arrested have been found guilty and are due
to be sentenced today at Guildford Crown Court. It is expected that
they will be sent to prison for the hideous crime of breaking a
few windows, even though there is no suggestion that these five
are actually the ones that caused any of the damage! The Crown Prosecution
Service alleges that those convicted were part of a wider conspiracy.
But according to the prosecution, this so-called conspiracy happened
in the few short seconds in which the group walked up the lane to
the kennels. And the damning evidence the prosecution produced to
prove this conspiracy? The fact that most people were wearing black
hooded tops (which is what most sabs wear all the time, even down
the pub!) and that the protesters werent carrying placards
(cos thats the only way youre allowed to protest
nowadays). While the CPS were scraping the bottom of the barrel
to prove their pet conspiracy theory, they presented as evidence
a leaflet produced AFTER the incident happened and a t-shirt found
at the home of one of the protesters which had a caricature of a
fox with a shotgun saying Ill give you bloodsports pal.
This sort of pro-hunt bias is of course nothing new, hunt supporters
magically seem to have a whole set of laws to themselves. In 1991,
Mark Bycroft, who is one of the main men at the Old Surrey and Burstow
Hunt, was ordered to do community service after being found guilty
of assaulting a hunt sab. Old Surrey and Burstow later promoted
him to Huntsman. Last year, rider Joseph Wilkinson was convicted
of Criminal Damage & Causing Actual Bodily Harm to a 58 year-old
woman who hed punched to the ground, busting her lip and trashing
her camera in the process. His sentence? A slap on the wrist Conditional
Justice like this had nothing at all to do with having friends in
high places. In the Steve Christmas case, the MP for Mid-Sussex,
Nicholas lardarse Soames, who rides with another hunt, arranged
a meeting with himself and the Huntsman of the Old Surrey and Burstow
hunt to discuss matters with the then Home Secretary Jack Straw.
Shame no one ever rang up Steve to see if HE wanted to have a chat
with Straw. One of the protesters arrested over the kennel incident
told SchNEWS, Its obvious that the order to proceed
with this trial came from very high up.
The animal rights movement in this country has definitely proved
that it is a force to be reckoned with. The movement is unlike any
other with the wide range of people and tactics involved. There
is also a unity not seen in many other movements, those writing
letters are not dismissed as wet-liberals and people who take direct
action are not condemned as mindless yobs. This combination has
enabled activists to set their sights on specific targets and in
many cases win. Recent years have seen vivisection breeders such
as Hillgrove and Shamrock Farms bite the dust, a ban on the testing
of cosmetics on animals, as well as the start of serious debate
about fox hunting. This success, however, has come at the high cost
of serious harassment, grief, and bullying from the media and the
state. As surveillance expert Alan Lodge, says Large scale
news manufacturers have helped engineer an image of prevalent animal
rights terrorism, whilst constructed charges worse than the actual
crime have also ensured long prison sentences. The whole animal
rights movement has been manoeuvred into the category of potential
terrorism. This terrorism label means that animal rights activism
has its own Special Branch unit accumulating information for
the Animal Rights National Index (ARNI).
The real motivation behind the prosecutions in the kennel incident
is likely to have been the further intimidation of those involved
in the animal rights movement. Seems the State wants to send a message
out that if you support animal rights activism in any way, you are
not safe. The verdict could have serious implications for anyone
involved in any sort of protest that extends beyond banner waving
behind a police barrier. Full updates on the outcome of the trial
at or
On Saturday 14th December at 12 noon, Gloucestershire
Weapons Inspectors and Bristol Stop-the-War coalition will hold
a citizens inspection of US airforce base RAF Fairford.
This sleepy home of good old unsinkable aircraft carrier HMS Britain
hosts the largest US bomber base in Europe, refurbished earlier
this year at a cost of one hundred million poundsthe largest
single NATO expenditure since the end of the cold war. The B-2 bombers
at Fairford are thought to already be carrying the new generation
of more useable nuclear weapons designed to attack deep
bunkers and other super secret evil guy hideouts. These weapons
will be fully involved in any attack on Iraq. We want all
weapons of mass destruction to be open to inspection, says
Grace Trevett, one of the citizen inspectors. The US is tearing
up treaty after treaty and they act as if they have the right to
do whatever they like. But rights are universal and apply equally
everywhere. Iraq is prepared to allow weapons inspections, let us
see if USAF Fairford can do the same.
Fairford is on the A417, 10 miles north of Swindon & 20 miles
west of Oxford. Coaches are going from Brighton (details - brightonagainstwar@hotmail
or 01273 298 192) and Bristol (0117 9211369:
* Next Wed (4), the Easton Community Centre, Bristol & i-Contact
Video Network are showing the films Not In My Name and
Proud Arabs and Texas Oilmen followed by a debate /plan
of action to stop the city on the outbreak of war with Iraq. The
Centre is at Kilburn Street, Easton, Bristol. Kick off is at 7.30pm
and its all for free.
Arrest of the Week
For Doing A Stall!
Two people from Dorset Animal Action were doing a stall in Bournemouth
when police asked for their details. The activists had the cheek
to ask if they were being nicked or issued with a summons, which
led to their arrest for deception. After being strip-searched and
kept at the station for 8 hours, the activists were released without
charge, but not before the greedy coppers stole all the money that
had been collected by the stall.
In the seemingly gloomy soil of Argentina, something positive is
taking root. In this country, where over 6 million people now live
below the poverty line and 20 percent of children suffer from malnutrition,
people are re-taking control of their lives. Since the financial
crisis last December, when Argentineans saw most of their savings
wiped out, disillusionment with the corrupt state and greedy capitalism
has led to the creation of neighbourhood assemblies and worker-controlled
factories. Communities meet weekly in asambleas to decide
on what is vitally necessary for the community and then communicate
their needs to one of the 100 worker-controlled factories.
Grissinopoli, a bread stick factory, is one example. When it was
still under capitalist control, workers saw their weekly salary
decline from 150 to 40 pesos in under a year. Finally in June their
generous boss offered the workers 10 pesos (2 quid) and encouraged
them to get lost. Fed up, they began a battle for their jobs. They
took turns guarding the closed factory, making sure no equipment
was removed, until the city council expropriated the factory and
handed it over to the workers in October. Now the bread sticks are
rolling out again.
Grissinopoli is just one factory amongst dozens of others that
have seen workers taking control. Such factories are self-managed
by workers councils which means each worker has an equal say
in how the factory should be run. Of course its not easy work,
as many workers in such factories are working longer hours as they
balance labouring with admin tasks. But theyre in control
and because of this wages and productivity have risen in many factories.
With 17 factory expropriations in the Buenos Aires province in
the past two years, capitalist forces have put pressure on the local
government. Because of this, state repression is increasing, and
just last March riot police attempted to reclaim the
worker-run Brukman factory but were chased off by hundreds of irate
community members.
*Days of civil disobedience are planned for the 20th and 21st of
December in solidarity with the Argentinian peoples social
Late last Saturday night, 100 tooled up riot cops used a battering
ram to gain access to a building and randomly sprayed people with
CS gas. So what provoked such a heavy police response? Er, a party
in Leeds at the A-Spire squatted social centre. Once again the dance-police
have been out in force, executing a pre-planned operation against
unlicensed fun. Fortunately no one was injured in the panic, thanks
to safety procedures put in place by the organisers, but 20 people
were arrested and 4 have been charged with affray.
The A-Spire squat had been used for housing homeless people, hosting
workshops, talks, film shows, a vegan café and childrens
area. SchNEWS reckons that Leeds Council and local police didnt
like that the A-Spire crew had been providing free space, outside
the confines of consumer culture.
As SchNEWS went to press on Thursday, it became apparent just how
far Leeds Council and police will go to protect their new yuppy-friendly
image. On Thursday afternoon, police apparently stormed two squatted
buildings connected to the long-running Leeds housing co-op, Cornerstone.
When alarmed activists arrived on the scene, they found both buildings
boarded up and many of the squatters missing. It still remains unclear
exactly what happened and or how many people have been nicked, but
theres one thing for sureLeeds police are on an arsehole
in brief
- It is ten years since the battle of Twyford Down, the
beginning of the UK anti-roads movement, and theres a camp
to Remember, Rejoice, and Resist! 8-9 Dec, St. Catherines
Hill, Winchester.
- Manchester has another Radical Bookfair next Saturday
(7 Dec) Find out about radical activity in Manchester - stalls,
workshops, and veggie food, 1-5pm, Bridge 5 Mill, 22A Beswick
Street, Ancoats.
- Privacy International host a public meeting on the governments
proposal for an Entitlement (identity) Card. 11 Dec, 2-4.30pm,
Old Theatre, London School of Economics.
07960 523679
- Defy-ID is an adhoc network of groups and individuals
prepared for active resistance to increasing surveillance and
the introduction of identity or entitlement cards
in the UK
- A book about the proposed Baku-Ceyhan pipeline is now
available entitled Some Common Concerns - Imagining BPs
Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey Pipelines System. BP intends to
begin construction on its proposed pipelines system in spring
2003, a system that would run from Azerbaijan in the Caspian Sea
to the southern shores of Turkey via Georgia. Copies of the book
for £11.50 made out to The Ilisu Dam Campaign,
to: Baku-Ceyhan Campaign, c/o Ilisu Dam Campaign, Box 210, 266
Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 7DL. 01865 200 550
- Public meeting about the Baku-Ceyhan Pipeline. 5 Dec.
7.30-8.30pm, London School of Economics, St Clements building,
Room S75, Claremarket St., London. 01865-241097/200550.
- A group of party goers who were attacked by riot police at a
rave in the Cumberland Basin, Bristol, back in July are
looking to sue the police. They want witnesses of the nights
events to come forward and write a statement of what they saw.
If you can help email
The attack seems prompted by the massive rave that took place
on Steart beach over the Jubilee Weekend (SchNEWS 363). The cops
came under a lot of flack for not stopping the Steart beach party
and afterwards promised to do better next time. To see the letter
from the cops
War Briefs
- CND are taking the Labour Government to the International
Criminal Court over their plans to attack Iraq. The CND are
being represented by the law firm Matrix Chambers, who just happen
to be the firm that Cherie Blair, the Prime Ministers wife,
works for! 020 7700 2393
- Benefit gig, Tuesday 3rd to raise funds to pay for
the CND court case. With Mark Thomas, Jeremy Hardy, Ahmid
Dhjihi and Michael Moore. Bloomsbury Theatre, London W1. Call
020 7388 8822 for tickets.
- Warzone Whitehall, a nonviolent die-in against war and sanctions
on Iraq next Monday (2), 10.30am, Whitehall Place, London SW1.
Prop-making, nonviolent direct action workshop & teach-in,
the day before (1 Dec) 11am-5pm, Kingsley Hall, Powis Road, London
E3. Accommodation available Sunday night. 0845 4582564.
- Witnesses are needed for arrests in London during the Halloween
anti-war demo. People are facing ridiculous charges of Violent
Disorder for the privilege of getting shoved around by the police!
Any information contact Moss and Co. Solicitors on 020-8986-8336
- Norwich Critical Mass this Saturday (30), meet midday
outside the Forum (the new library). All non-motor wheels, pedestrians,
and saucepans needed. Stop the City, Stop the War
is the theme.
Two people on a demo in Germany got whacked on the head by police
recently. Er, not exactly major news, except the two injured people
were actually undercover cops! The two had been monitoring a rally
of 3000 people protesting against the demolition of a trailer site
in Hamburg called Bambule (an old fashioned German word
for riot!) when violence broke out. Apparently, the undercover coppers
tend to communicate their real identity to the riot police by using
a secret code word - but in the chaos, no one took notice of this
and the plainclothes ended up experiencing the blunt end of the
justice system just like everyone else! The local police say that
the incident is in no way evidence of more widespread aggression
within the police force, but the undercover police officers
are still taking legal action over their injuries. But SchNEWS reckons
that since riot police NEVER harm peaceful protesters, it only follows
that the undercover cops must have been violent anarchist thugs
who were really asking for it!
SchNEWS warns all readers if you dont believe Santa Claus
exists heres something for yer grannys stocking or that
anarchist who hasnt got everything
As a Xmas offer were
flogging from our grotto the new
SchNEWS Of The World issues 301-350 for £5!! Past
books are also goin cheap
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for each book, cheques to Justice? Honest!
SchNEWS Annuals
SchNEWS Round
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SchNEWS Annual issues 101 - 150 £4.00 inc. postage.
SchNEWS Survival Guide issues 151 - 200 and a whole lot more £4.00
inc. postage
The SchQUALL book at only £7 + £1.50 p&p. (US Postage
£4.00 for individual books, £13 for all four).
SchNEWS and SQUALLs YEARBOOK 2001. 300 pages of adventures
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You can order the book from a bookshop or your library, quote the
ISBN 09529748 4 3.
In the UK you can get 2, 3, 4 & 5 for £20 inc. postage.
SchNEWS Of The World issues 301 - 350. 300
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+ £1.50 p&p. You can order the book from a bookshop or
your library, quote the ISBN 09529748 6X
If you can help distribute the new book by taking a few boxes from
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In addition
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subverts, a yellow pages list of contacts, comedy etc.
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